Saturday, October 18, 2014

Something Wicked Strikes: Jenn Bennett, Roaring Twenties + INT Giveaway

Hello, nocturnal readers!

I believe you all know by now that I'm a huge urban fantasy fan. There are many series I follow and many authors I adore, but Jenn Bennett's Arcadia Bell has a very special place in my heart. Jenn's new historical paranormal romance series, Roaring Twenties, is also a huge success. I was over the moon when Jenn accepted my invitation to participate in this event.

I'll leave you to Jenn and her choice of Halloween movies! Don't forget to enter the giveaway below.

Essential "Fun" Halloween Movies
by Jenn Bennett

October is one of my favorite months. The temperatures are cooling down, the leaves are turning, and, most importantly, my favorite holiday is just around the corner: Halloween. Though the holiday's custom of dressing up in costume to trick-or-treat isn't celebrated around the world, here in the States and Canada, it's part of every kid's childhood. As an adult, I now spend my Halloween on the other side of the door, handing out candy to the costumed trick-or-treaters—something that's almost as fun. But the best part about the spooky holiday is the lead-up to it, when my husband breaks out horror movies. We watch them all month long, and though the rotation of titles changes, a few have become compulsory. An October tradition. Some are scary, some are classics, and some are just plain fun. Those "fun" ones are some of my favorites, more "treat" than "trick," so I thought I'd share some them with you. Here are my Top Five fun horror movies to watch in October:

5. Shaun of the Dead (2004): Both an homage to zombie movies and a celebration of pop culture, this British movie remains funny and wildly entertaining after multiple viewings.

4. Young Frankenstein (1974): A Mel Brooks classic that fans of my Arcadia Bell series might remember referenced on the door to Jupe's room. As a parody of classic horror flicks, and not a horror movie itself, it is both charming and hilarious. 

3. Trick r' Treat (2007): This is an newer horror anthology movie—a group of connected stories—that has sneaked into our Halloween routine. Though it occasionally surprises with a few chills and thrills, even its scarier moments are delivered with a low-key, dark humor. Plus: Anna Paquin as a...well, I won't spoil it for you.

2. Zombieland (2009). A badass Woody Harrelson, quick wit, zippy thrills, a sweet boy-meets-girl apocalyptic romance, and the always brilliant Bill Murray. What more do you want?

1. Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). If you can't see a midnight showing of this campy cult classic in your town, pop some popcorn and enjoy it at home. The music is terrific, the mood is delicious, and no one can resist falling in love with Magenta, Columbia, and Dr. Frank N. Furter all over again.

About Jenn:
JENN BENNETT is the author of: the Roaring Twenties series (Berkley Sensation) and the Arcadia Bell UF series (Pocket Books). Her first YA contemporary romance will be released in 2015 (Macmillan). She lives near Atlanta with one husband and two evil pugs. Visit her at

Want to be notified when her next book is coming out? Join her mailing list:

Thank you, Jenn, and a huge thank you to Feri from Le Non Design for the wonderful banner above. Please visit her at

Enter to win a book of your choice by Jenn Bennett. This giveaway is international, anywhere The Book Depository ships. Just fill out the Rafflecopter below, and as usual, keep your fingers crossed. 
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Christina R. in the rafflecopter

    LOVE her writing! She's so awesome :)

    Awesome movie recs!!

    thank you so very much :)

  2. i haven't seen any of those film so i willtry to check teh funny one^^ ( yes i don't like horror^^;;)

    thank you for the giveaway open to international

  3. I love watching horror movies and reading horror books.
    GREAT post!
    Thanks for the giveaway

  4. Thanks so much! I have Bitter Spirits on my shelves! Hopefully I'll get to it soon, it sounds fantastic! :D

  5. what a great giveaway...thx u for hosting ..^^

  6. Oh I have heard amazing things about this book and I really want to read it now :) Also I love the guest post. I usually avoid horror movies, but these might be interesting for me. Great post :)

  7. Trick r treat, Zombieland and Rocky Horror picture show are on my list as well, I havent seen the other two yet. I am a big fan of Cady, Lon and Jupe :)

    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  8. i love jenn but i still haven't read this series!! it's on my list!

  9. I have her Roaring Twenties series and really need to start it because I just know I am going to love it!

    I wish I wasn't such a wuss and would be able to watch more horror movies because I really do love them, I I just hate being freaked out for the next month because of them. :P

  10. Thanks for the Top Horor Movies and great post and giveaway :)

  11. I've been following Jenn's nightly movie tweets this month for spooky rec's.

    I just found out that our small local movie theater is having a showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show (with zombie make up artists painting faces first). I've never seen it before so that sounded fun.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  12. I need to find a good Halloween movie for Halloween :)

  13. I'm a big ole chicken so I usually go more for the Zombieland/Shaun of the Dead movies over something like Annabelle, that creepy-assed doll movie. It's been forever since I've seen RHPS!

  14. Since I'm not one for horror movies--even movies that have to do with horror, actually--I haven't seen any of these. Looove Jenn Bennett though so thanks for sharing, Maja!(:

  15. Thanks for the awesome chance to win :D

  16. Ghost stories are the kind of story I like to read around Halloween.

  17. Mary DeBorde
    Looks like we share similar taste in movies lol -
    the Roaring Twenties always sounded so fun & exciting, thanks for
    the chance to win <3

  18. I LOVE Jenn's Arcadia Bell series, I have been with her from the beginning.

  19. A paranormal set in the 20s definitely sounds unique and interesting!

  20. I like how it's set in the Roaring Twenties.

  21. Oh gosh I use to watch Rocky Horror like all the time around Halloween lol. The music was kind of addicted.

    Love this authors writing! So fun :)

  22. Rocky Horror!! Damnit, Janet!! Love musicals. Have you seen Repo: The Genetic Opera? Anthony Stewart Head sings in it (Giles singing!) Another I enjoy, although definitely not a musical, is Rubber. A killer tire. Yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds. I like the silly side of scary a lot. Will look up the other movies on your list that I haven't seen, because if Rocky Horror's on there, I'm bound to like your taste :)

  23. I've seen all of those movies except for Trick r Treat. Will have to check that one out.

  24. Thank you for the international giveaway! :)


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