Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Design Celebration Giveaway

Hello, my darlings!

I am still over the moon about my new design. I'd waited so long  to do it (mostly because I wanted Rachel @ Parajunkee and no one else), and now that it's finally done, I just can't stop staring at it. So to celebrate with you, I have decided to give away two of my favorite 2012 releases to two winners.

Here are your choices:






I think I gave you plently to choose from so choose wisely, my friends. Thanks to everyone who left a comment about the new desing, and especially to my friends that never miss a post. I love you, guys. You know who you are. :)

The giveaway is, of course, international, anywhere The Book Depository ships. Good luck! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. At the moment If I lie by Corinne Jackson is my favorite 2012 read. See, its constantly changing, I just read that book last night and completely loved it. Before last night, it was Spark by Brigid Kemmerer.
    I would love to win Code Name Verity after all the raving i heard!
    I love you new design. especially the golden shade of brown, followed by the marvelous carpet pattern!!!!!
    Have a fantastic day!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. My favorite release has to be the Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa. :) It's not out yet but I still loved it so does that count? ;) Also, thanks for the chance to win!

  3. My favorite so far is Struck by Jennifer Bosworth!

    I'd like to win The Catastrophic History of You and Me. :)

    I love the new look!

  4. My favorite release, so far, has been Throne of Glass. And I would like to win Froi of the Exiles.

    Thank you and I love the new design! <3333

  5. So far, my favorite book of 2012 is Insurgent. And I'd like to win Code Name Verity :)

  6. I've had a great year I think - it feels like I've had quite a few 4 and 5 star reads already. The ones I remember right now are Ruby Oliver, A Face Like Glass, Silently and Very Fast, and Broken Harbor. I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting. Great list up there lady! I loved Froi and Raw Blue so much.

    And thanks TO YOU for never missing one of MY posts. :)

  7. I pick ALL THE BOOKS. Oh, that's not possible? Why do you have to be so difficult?! :) For sure I Hunt Killers. Also probably Raw Blue. I have the Aussie cover but not that one. Who picks two books she's already read? THIS GIRL.

    Congrats on the blog redesign!

    1. Also, my favorite reads thus far in 2012 have been Address Unknown, Holier Than Thou, Taming the Forest King, I Hunt Killers, Okay For Now, Wonder, The Case of the Baker Street Irregular, The Fault in Our Stars, and Carol Burnett's memoir.

  8. The new design is awesome :D My favorites for this year so far are Shadow and bone, Onyx and Unraveling. I would like to win either Until I die or Grave mercy. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  9. I love the new design! It's so pretty! My favorite read was before I Wake by Rachel Vincent so far.

  10. I'd like to win Endgame
    My favorite the moment is Insurgent

  11. my favorite release is if I lie and I'd like to win My life next door :)

  12. I loved the new edition of Obsidian by jennifer l armentrout and i really would like to win Grave mercy

    thank you a lot for the giveaway ( the design is really great)

  13. Maja my dear, I can't express how thrilled I am for you that you received the blog design you desired! I think I'm repeating what I've said previously, but seriously. This is one hot blog! It is so utterly gorgeous that I can't stop staring and noticing all those fine details (the lovely sidebar buttons, the glamourous, sophisticated title). And thank you so much for the generous giveaway! I would love to win Raw Blue more than anything. :)

  14. I have so many favorites already! To cute it down I will just say my favorite from your list was My Life Next Door!!! JASE!!! So sweet! If I won I would pick I Hunt Killers and Until I Die. Been dying to read those. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats again on the design! It is so pretty! :-D

  15. a favorite is everneath. i love the new layout

  16. My favourite release has been Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry and I'd love to win My Life Next Door!

    I've been so busy this week that I haven't had time to drop by but I totally ADORE the new design <3 It's very elegant, very sophisticated and very gorgeous indeed! The header is just beautiful and I love the font of the title <3 I'm so happy you have the design of your dreams - a pretty blog is always a plus :)

  17. I would like to win Grave Mercy..

    your new design looks so pretty :D i like the old timey feel :D

  18. The Raven Boys, Throne of Glass, Shadow and Bone, and Froi of the Exiles make up some of my 2012 favourites. There are many more though! I can't pick just one. ;) Thanks for the great giveaway, Maja. I would love to win Code Name Verity or My Life Next Door. :)

    Also, I see you are currently reading The Raven Boys. I know Maggie Stiefvater's books usually work for you so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you like it! :)

  19. LOVED The Fault in Our Stars and The False Prince
    Awesome design, by the way, :)
    I'd like to win Blackout by Mira Grant

  20. I so love your design!
    I absolutely loved 12.21 but I can't possibly forget Blackout either. :)
    I'd love to win Unraveling and Code Name Verity... or the Catastrophic History of You and Me. Too many good ones!
    Thanks Miss Maja!!

  21. My favorite release would have to be Storm by Brigid Kemmerer :) Its AWESOME! I would love to win Grave Mercy. Thanks!

  22. I would love to win Throne Of Glass :-)

    Cherry Mischievous

  23. I loved Shadow and Bone. *-*

    I would choose Losing Lila and Unraveling. :)

    thanks for the chance!!

  24. 'Starters' is my favorite 2012 release. I'd like to win The Catastrophic History of You and me. :)

  25. That's a lovely giveaway. I'd like to win ENDGAME and RAW BLUE. SCARLET has been one of my favorites of the year so far.

  26. MAJA! I've already told you just how much I love this new design, but I guess it won't hurt if I gush a little more??? I LOVE IT!! Aaaah it's so dark and eery and awesome and perfect for the name 'The Nocturnal Library'! Rachel is so amazingly talented. I LOVE the whole look of your blog even more than I did before, which is saying A LOT cause I loved it like mad before. <333 If I won I'd probably choose I Hunt Killers and Raw Blue.

    Thank you for such a perfectly awesome giveaway, Maja-chan! ILY forever and ever! And your new design too. <333 :')

  27. Thank you for the awesome giveaway lovely, your blog design totally rocks, each time I come here I have to stay that little while longer just to stare at it! Some of my favourites this year include, This is not a Test, Throne of Glass and From What I remember. I would love to win either Grave Mercy, I Hunt Killers or Froi! Thanks again hun! :)

  28. I'd like to win ENDGAME and my fave was The Catastrophic History of You and Me :D design :D

  29. My favorite book release this year would be Code Name Verity. :) I'd love to win Froi of the Exiles! Thanks for opportunity to win!

    PS. I already told you this but I'm going tell it again, I really love the blog design. So awesome! :D

  30. My favorite release of this year was Starters by Lissa Price:) I would love to win Raw Blue! LOVE the new design!


  31. i personally would like to win froi of exile and until i die :) my favourite 2012 release so far has been shadow and bone and fever

  32. My favorite so far has been Onyx. Would like to win Raw Blue or My Life Next Door. Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Cinder is my favorite! I would love to win Verity. I think ur new design is so imaginative and dreamy!

  34. I love the new face of the blog, K! Parajunkee is sick. :) I should go ask her to re-design mine. ;) Congrats, babe!

  35. Love your new design, it's really nice! My fav for now is I think blood before sunrise by Amanda Bonilla. And I would love to win Losing Lila. thanks for the giveaway!

  36. So far, my favorite book released this year is Pushing the Limits. I would love to win Unraveling. Love the new design! So pretty!! Header is gorgeous. Thanks :)

  37. Oh I can't decide! I love Sanctum by Sarah Fine, The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead, Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Something Like Normal by Trish Doller. :)
    I think I would love to win Losing Lila. Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. My favorite so far has been Drowning Instinct by Ilsa J. Bick. I read it in January and I still can't stop thinking about it!

    I think I would choose Gone, Gone, Gone. Love the new design, thank you for the giveaway!!!

  39. I loved Anna Dressed in Blood, so I'm really looking forward to the next book. I'd love to win Grave Mercy or Code Name Verity. Heard great things about that.

  40. The redesign is fabulous!
    I'm blanking on my favorite release so far, there are so many! I think I would choose Discount Armageddon, I love her stuff as Mira Grant!

  41. I loved Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews. And I would love to win My Life Next Door.

  42. I loved Grave Mercy, Struck, and Hemlock. I would pick I Hunt Killers or Unraveling. Love the new design!

  43. So far I've liked Daughter of Smoke and Bone the best. I'd like to win My Life Next Door.

  44. My favorite so far is Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson, followed very closely by For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund. I would like to win My Life Next Door.

  45. My favorite 2012 releases have been Code Name Verity, Holier Than Thou, and Necromancing the Stone. I'd pick Code Name Verity -- I have the US edition but I love the cover of the UK one. Love the new design, Maja and Lisa!


  46. A lot of great books will be released this year (some of them already are). I believe I can't wait for Deity and Clockwork Princess. Of those that I've read Pushing the Limits was great. PS. I'd probably pick Gone, Gone, Gone! :)
    Thanks :)

  47. Favorite 2012 releases: Shadow and Bone, Seraphina, Grave Mercy, The Golden Lily!
    I'd like Gunmetal Magic, thanks for the opportunity!

  48. My favourite release of 2012, thus far, would have to be Seraphina! The culture was incredibly rich, and I love me some romantic tension!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  49. So far, Shadow and Bone has been my favorite 2012 read. I'd love to win Grave Mercy though b/c I hear it's fantastic.

  50. Hmmm.. I don't know why, but some of your favorites are surprising to me. But I like seeing what a mixed bag of favorite you have!

    If I won, I'd choose I Hunt Killers or The Catastrophic History of You and Me.

    Thanks for this giveaway. I love your new design too!

    1. opps, forgot to mention that my favorite book so far is Ride With me by Ruthie Knox!

  51. Fabulous giveaway, Maja! I just love the new blog design! Aaaah! So many favorite 2012 releases - how do I choose one? I did love Grave Mercy! I would really love to read Gone, Gone, Gone and Unravelling! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! ;D

  52. My fav so far? Onyx :P Go figure :P :D haha, so predictable and all :)


    Um, TCHoYaM :) Or the Melina Marchetta book :) Awesome giveaway, Maja! :)

  53. Hmmmm, so many 2012 releases to choose from. I guess my more current most favorites are Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. As for a title that I'd like to win, Code Name Verity or Unraveling.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Your blog design is very pretty.

    The Book Hookup: Eat. Breathe. Read!

  54. I think one of my favorite releases so far has been Code Name Verity although it runs a close second to Gunmetal Magic.

    Congrats on your new design. It's beautiful.

  55. I loved Shadow and Bone! I would love to win Unraveling!


  56. So far, The Fault in Our Stars is my absolute favorite this year! But I recently read Cinder and LOVED it too! Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the new design :D

  57. I adored Insurgent. I also really enjoyed Cinder. Thanks or the giveaway and I love the new design :)

  58. I have so many favorites already: Slammed, Storyteller, Onyx, Clockwork Prince...I would LOVE to win Raw Blue. *.*
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  59. I would LOVE to win Code Name Verity.

    My absolute favorite ever book which I discovered this year, a few months back is On The Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. I've never had a favorite, a real favorite that I could instantly say that was the best thing I had ever read. Until now. Not my absoluet favorite, but my 2012 read of the year which made it into my favorites is Something Like Normal by Trish Doller. LOVE.

    Also, woops, sorry, I follow your blog via Networked Blogs under the name Rebecca De Aguiar but accidently only wrote Rebecca. Just wanted to let you know :)

  60. I loved Crush by Nicole Williams!! It was amazing ^^
    I'd choose My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick!

    The new design is beautiful!! Congrats :)

  61. My favorite release to date has been Cinder & Throne of Glass. I would like to win Froi of the Exiles, or Code Name Verity.

    Love the new design! and Thanks for the chance to win!! =)

  62. can I just say that Im fracking loving your design? its soooooo beautiful! I loved loved loved it! Hope you keep this one Maja. :) xoxoxox congrats on this and goodluck to everyone! xx0x0x

  63. My favorite release would be Shine by Jeri Smith Ready. The perfect conclusion to a perect serie.
    Also, any o this book woul make me happy(except Grave mercy since I alreary brought this one earlier thie year) but I think my choice would have to be Losing Lila. I alreay had the intention to buy hunting Lila since I've heard so many great things about it so owning the sequel would be amazing.

    And thanks for this giveaway!

  64. Great blog design! I'm loving the background colors and antique-looking feel :)
    My favorite release is probably Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. I got a signed ARC, and then a signed hardcover copy from her. It's sucha great book. Historical fiction with a bit of romance? Definitely my type of book :)
    From the list I'd choose My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

    My favourite 2012 releases are Jennifer L. Armentrout's books: Pure and Onyx and I cannot wait for Deity :)

    I'd like to win My life next door.

  66. I think I'd choose My life next door :) So far my favorite is Something strange& deadly :D

  67. My fave 2012 release so far would have to be Onyx by Jennifer Armentrout! And if I won I'd pick My Life Next Door :)

  68. I loved The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa this year! I'd love My Life Next Door or Raw Blue.

  69. My fave 2012 releases so far are The Fault in Our Stars and Insurgent! Can't pick just one, sorry! :D

    If ever I win, I'd pick Grave Mercy.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  70. My fave would be City of Lost Soul by Cassandra Clare.
    Would really love to win Until I Die :D
    Thanks for the chance :)


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