Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Audiobook review: City of Heavenly Fire (Mortal Instruments, #6)

City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, #6)Author: Cassandra Clare
Narrators: Jason Dohring, Sophie Turner
Series: Mortal Instruments, #6
Published: May 27th 2014
Publisher: S&S Audio
Lenght: 20 hrs and 38 mins
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Audible

Sophie Turner of Game of Thrones and Jason Dohring of Veronica Marsread the long-awaited conclusion to the Mortal Instruments series!
Darkness has descended on the Shadowhunter world. Chaos and destruction overwhelm the Nephilim as Clary, Jace, Simon, and their friends band together to fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell. Nothing in this world can defeat Sebastian—but if they journey to the realm of demons, they just might have a chance…
Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world will change. Who will survive the explosive sixth and final installment of the Mortal Instruments series?
I guess everything in this world can be fixed if you wait long enough. I am not known for my patience, I’m afraid, which means I’d given up on this series somewhere around City of Fallen Angels, but Clare has come a long way since then, and it would seem that so have I. City of Heavenly Fire is a worthy finale to such a long and well-beloved series.

Clare’s novels are always emotional roller coasters, even more so when it’s the last installment. If there’s one thing the woman knows how to do extremely well, it’s writing these long, emotionally draining endings. The Clockwork Princess nearly killed me, and I fared no better with City of Heavenly Fire. I didn’t cry as much, but boy, did it hurt at times.

There were so many loose ends to tie, so many impending disasters, so much to fear and even more to root for. Clare handled it all seemingly with ease, the good moments and the bad, the joy and the loss. None of it, not even the extended epilogue, seemed like fan service, and yet I was completely satisfied with how we left Clary, Jace and the gang.

The romance, at least the main one, takes a back seat in this one since these two pretty much know where they stand. Other things are more important, as well it should be, but we get plenty of time to enjoy Clary and Jace as a couple. It’s nice to see them working together, understanding each other perfectly and trusting one another implicitly.

There were plenty of broken hearts to fix in this final installment, though, and it just wasn’t possible for everyone. Some couples found their way, some were left with nothing but loss and pain, but there was a great balance to it all which I couldn’t help but admire.

There’s something to be said about a great villain, and Sebastian Morgenstern is one of the best. His cruelty is chilling, his actions completely unpredictable, and his heart, no matter who his family may be, is well beyond redemption.

Of the two narrators, I much preferred Sophie Turner’s parts. Jason Dohring’s narration seemed a bit unnatural and his inflection was oftentimes odd. I also didn’t understand the purpose of Turner’s British accent since most of this series takes place in New York, but then again, who in their right mind complains about a British accent? From where I stand, it’s always a win. Overall, more than 20 hours of audio seemed pretty short with these two and I wouldn’t hesitate to buy something narrated by either of them.

I realize I was pretty vague in this review, but honestly, I see no way to review this more directly without spoiling things for someone, which is something I’d hate to do. I had my ups and downs with the Mortal Instruments series, but in the end, I’m more than happy with the journey in its entirety.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinion expressed in this review.


  1. I completely agree! I had some downs with some of the books, but this final book made the whole series worth it! I didn't cry as much as with Clockwork Princess either, for some reason I was much more invested with Will, Tessa and Jem... but boy did I tear up with the final chapters... and proper weeping with the extra epilogue...
    Fantastic and spoiler free review, Maja!

  2. I have to admit that I didn't make it past the fourth book in this series, but I love that people say it began to progress in the final installments, and that really intrigues me. I'm always up for a challenge, and this sounds like a fantastic finish! Great review, Maja :)

  3. I wish I could agree but this was such a chore for me to read. I didn't think there was enough material for the second trilogy. Glad you enjoyed it though!

  4. Book 6 already? Did not know that

  5. I kind of gave up after book 5 too and at this point, I am not sure I can even muster the energy to want to read this one. .-.

    I am so glad that you were able to and that you ended up enjoying this one and felt that it was a worthy finale! :)

    Lovely review, Maja!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  6. I gave up on this series after the third book, because I honestly didn't see the point in having yet another book, but everyone has been raving about this finale, so I think I'm going to finish up the series. It sounds like Clare handled everything really well since the book managed to get a very emotional response out of you. She does have the knack for writing an entertaining story.
    I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja! :) Lovely review!

  7. I actually like an epilogue, especially after a long series like this. Yeah, it's pandering to the fans but I want to know that they did get their HEA, in the end. I haven't read but two (I think) books in this series but it's on my radar!

  8. "If there’s one thing the woman knows how to do extremely well, it’s writing these long, emotionally draining endings."

    I'm not emotionally equipped to handle her books anymore Maja! I loved the early books in this series, and then they just got to be too painful when combined with the Infernal Devices books. My poor heart can't take them. I'm glad Clary and Jace are on solid footing in this book though, it makes me happy to know things work out for them!

  9. I never made it past book three with this series (when I thought it was only a trilogy) and see now that I really need to pick up the last three books and just read them. It sounds like I am missing out!
    I love that you loved this ending so much Maja, you definitely have me changing my mind about not continuing it.

  10. I stopped after book 4 (I liked the ending out 3 and have been pretending it's a trilogy for years). But I will probably read the last 2 now that they are out.

  11. I have read just the first book in this series and while I though about giving up mostly people told me what you did here. To be patient with this one. I'm really willing to read it and I'll be patient with it, but I won't be patient with whoever took the second book from the library and is not bringing it back. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja :)

  12. I swore off Clare after CP2 didn't work for me--at ALL--but I'm glad to see this installment wound up working for you, Maja. I know readers weren't huge fans of the middle installments between City of Glass and this conclusion, but this finale seems to be a universal hit. Lovely review, as always.

  13. I don't know why but I just can't seem to summon the excitement and energy to read this. I think I need to do it on audiobook, that seems like a good way to force myself into it (though Jason Dohring and Sophie Turner are definitely strange choices - Logan and Sansa? Ok I'll try it :D). I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it (and a bit relieved to hear you didn't cry as much as CP2). Lovely review Maja!

  14. Whew, not sure I could handle another Clockwork Princess ending. I did kind of give up around City of Fallen Angels but I might pick them back up again. I'm glad that the main romance has finally found its place, I was getting a little tired of the books dragging that relationship out. Great review :)

  15. I'm glad this was a good conclusion. I have the previous book to read and then I can pick this one up with very little time between them to forget things. I'm anxious to see how things end!

  16. Ah. I stopped at City of Fallen Angels as well. But good to hear it comes together again. I'll have to get the rest of the books then. :)

  17. I had stopped at City of Fallen Angels as well because of my frustration with the series, I am hoping to finish them up and get my own reviews on them up as well. I also wanted to say I love your blog and the design of it! It is truly beautiful! How did you do it?

    xx Kat xx


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