Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Post: Early December Edition

The Sunday Post
I've become very responsible about posting these regularly! I'm very proud of myself here! (Oh, okay, so what if I'm basking in my own awesomeness just a bit.)

It's been yet another eventful week here at The Nocturnal Library. Here are the reviews posted in the last week.

A Cursed Moon by Cecy Robson
Blog tour review: Shadows of Asphodel by Karen Kincy
Drawn by Cecilia Gray
The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead

You can still enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card in the tour-wide giveaway.

For next week, I reviewed:
Magic and Loss by Nancy A. Collins
These Broken Stars by A. Kaufman and M. Spooner
Angelfire by Courtney Moulton
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

As for my new books, here's what arrived this week.

I'm very much looking forward to both. I kind of prefer this cover of Impostor by Susanne Winnacker, although they're really not so different. The colors are much stronger on the US cover.

Oh, and my finished copy of Horde finally arrived! I felt like hugging it! (I actually did hug it, but please don't tell anyone. :D) 
And would you look at that?! I found myself in the acknowledgments, and in some pretty stellar company, no less! 

Click to enlarge 
There are times when being one of Ann Aguirre's beta readers still feels like a dream! It is a great honor and a privilege.

These are my new e-books:

I really should learn to stay away from Edelweiss! To quote my dear friend Heidi, I need more arcs about as much as I need a hole in my head. But those darn HarperCollins covers are always so gorgeous, and I adore all three authors I downloaded.
Steve Brezenoff's Brooklyn, Burning is one of my all-time favorite books (if you haven't read it yet, shame on you). His prose is breathtakingly gorgeous so I expect to adore Guy in Real Life.


I finished this one already, and while I liked it, I have to say it wasn't nearly as good as the first one. Review will be posted in January.

What did you all get this week? Please leave me a link and I'll be right there to check.


  1. Congrats on all of your new reads, I grabbed some of them as well. :)

    That is awesome about the acknowlegments, that is always so fun to see!!

  2. Pretty good book, I'd say!
    Beta reading and being in the acknowledgements is super cool, congrats Maja!!
    I can't wait to read your review of These Broken Stars, and can't wait to finally get my own copy!!

    Btw, I do hug books too, no shame! ;)

  3. Oh wow!! Acknowledgements that's awesome!! I always thought it to be cool to be quoted, but acknowledgements is definitely a huge step up! Congrats!

    Enjoy all your fab new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Awwww the Sarah Morgan book sounds cute :D

  5. After the End sounds really cool, but I'm still not sure about it. Curious to see what you think!

  6. Congrats on being in the acknowledgements! That's awesome! I also hugged the book I was in (so you're not alone!!!)

    I went a little crazy with Harper Collins on Edelweiss myself. I also have Don't You Forget About Me and After the End can't wait to read them. I almost clicked on Guy in Real life but I have to stop myself . I agree those covers are rather pretty :)

    Hope you have a great week!

    Because reading is better than real life

  7. Oh wow, that is amazing that you were in the acknowledgements! What a thrill that must have been!

  8. I downloaded Don't You Forget About Me as well - I loved the authors debut and am so excited to read it. I've heard a lot about Amy Plum and plan to download her book soon, but I seriously have so many ARCs it's killing me. Anyhow, great haul, Maja! :)

  9. I was actually really tempted to download Guy in Real Life, but I thought I had enough review books as it is, but after you described Steve's prose as gorgeous how can I resist now? And that is an amazing seeing your name in the acknowledgments section of one of your favourite authors! I hope you enjoy all your reads hun! :)

  10. *bounces* You got Sleigh Bells in the Snow, oh I hope you <3 it as much as I did. I hug and sniff my books, so no worries. Enjoy your week!!!

  11. Book hugging is completely normal, but there may be support groups if you feel you need one. Not that I know anything about those. *cough*

    Congrats on the acknowledgement! And great book haul!

  12. Great haul! I really want to read Secret by Brigid Kemmerer. Hope you enjoy the books :)
    My STS

  13. I'm curious to read your review about Magic and Loss, I still need to read it. I had outpost yesterday and I really need to read it. I also have The Outside but in book, I really need more time lol. happy reading!

  14. Congrats on your name in a book :D! That's awesome. Impost and your eARC's look good, happy reading!

  15. Congrats on being mentioned :) that's pretty exciting! great accomplishment and well deserved! I hope you enjoy your new reads!

  16. I need to get my copy of Horde yet. At this point I have to wait till after the holidays. :( But they are close to here. :)

    Hope you have a great week!

    I too have a Sunday Post up this week, abide a bit late. ;)

  17. I've wondered about the Sky on Fire books, and After the End looks good and seems to be popping up everywhere. The cover to Guy in Real Life looks like a Rainbow Rowell cover to me. :) Same designer maybe...

    Have a good week.

  18. After the end looks good, hope you enjoy!

  19. That's so awesome seeing your name in the acknowledgments!
    I also snagged Don't You Forget About Me and was tempted by After the End but I think I'm going to hold out and see what people think first. :) Enjoy your new reads!

  20. Nice haul! I bet the audio book of The Outside will be great! Enjoy

  21. It's so awesome that you're Ann's beta...she rocks!!

  22. *pets Horde* I love the covers for that series and how they all look together.

    I'm sorry you didn't love The Outside as much as the first. I really enjoyed it but I have to say - I liked the first book more as well.

  23. Haha, glad I'm not the only one who can't resist the siren call of edelweiss. :-) I had no idea you were in the acknowledgments of my copy of Horde, SO COOL! I love that series so much, and Horde was the best of the series. Can't wait to hear what you think of Imposter and These Broken Stars.

  24. I haven't been to Edelweiss or NG in awhile and usually only go when a publisher requests a review.
    I saw you mentioned in Horde and even showed my SIL!
    It looks like you got some fantastic books!


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