Monday, August 19, 2013

Review: All Our Yesterdays

All Our YesterdaysAuthor: Cristin Terrill
Series: All Our Yesterdays, #1
Release date: August 1st 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury Pub Plc
Paperback, 384 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

A brilliantly brain-warping thriller and a love story that leaps back and forth in time - All Our Yesterdays is an amazing first novel, perfect for fans of The Hunger Games.
Em is locked in a bare, cold cell with no comforts. Finn is in the cell next door. The Doctor is keeping them there until they tell him what he wants to know. Trouble is, what he wants to know hasn't happened yet.

Em and Finn have a shared past, but no future unless they can find a way out. The present is torture - being kept apart, overhearing each other's anguish as the Doctor relentlessly seeks answers. There's no way back from here, to what they used to be, the world they used to know. Then Em finds a note in her cell which changes everything. It's from her future self and contains some simple but very clear instructions. Em must travel back in time to avert a tragedy that's about to unfold. Worse, she has to pursue and kill the boy she loves to change the future.

All Our Yesterdays starts with one of the most impressive opening scenes I’ve come across in a very long time, possibly since Shatter Me. A drain in the floor seems like a very simple thing, but one that can become absolutely terrifying in the eyes of a prisoner. According to Cristin Terrill, it was this detail that prompted her to write the book in the first place, and it seems to have been an excellent place to start.

With that infamous drain in the very first sentence, getting pulled into Em’s and Marina’s respective stories proved to be almost effortless. Chapter after chapter, All Our Yesterdays is chock-full of action and tense moments. In addition, the two points of view from two-but-not-two narrators make this one of the most challenging and fascinating YA reads, narration-wise. If there’s one thing that needs to be said about Cristin Terrill, it’s that she used her excellent ideas to their full potential.

When it comes to time travel, I’m not ashamed to admit that I always struggle with the concept. All Our Yesterdays presented somewhat of a challenge in that regard, as I found it difficult to wrap my head around all those timelines, but I did enjoy trying. The psychological aspects of the story were equally interesting. Terrill explored the past and the present, the changes people go through and what they can and cannot influence. I don’t think there’s a person in this world who didn’t, at one point, wish to go back in time and shake some sense into their old self... or someone else, for that matter.

However, even with all the excitement and action (or precisely because of it), All Our Yesterdays failed to reach me emotionally. My feelings were those of admiration, enthusiasm and, more than once, outright fear, but to say that I was fully invested in the fate of these characters would be giving my relationship with the book far too much credit. When I remember how intensely I felt things when I was reading Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris, which is in many ways a similar book, All Our Yesterdays simply pales in comparison.

All grumpiness aside, please let me make this abundantly clear: All Our Yesterdays is a book you’ll definitely want to read. Terrill managed to bring something new to the table, and I don’t know about you, but thrill rides and romances are just about the only things that can hold my attention in this awful heat, and All Our Yesterday has more than enough of both.

This book is part of a duology, and although we still don’t have a release date for the second book, I’m excited about it already. The first book wraps up nicely, but since that clearly isn't the end of things, I can't wait to see what is.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced this review.


  1. Great review! I actually really loved this one and have my review coming up soon for it as well. I had no idea when I finished it that it was going to have a sequel, which kind of surprises me, I think it ended nicely and I can't even imagine what will be in store for the second book but I am sure it will be great no matter what (at least I hope so!).

  2. I couldn't agree more. This series has an amazing plot and I really like the idea but emotions were problem for me too. I couldn't feel anything which is a shame considering everything the characters did for each other. Great review Maja :)

  3. I think the only reason I got my head around the timelines was because of Doctor Who, lol! But I have to say now that you mention the beginning with the drain, I never quite of it being such a simple element that has huge significance! I'm definitely looking forward to what she has to come next! Great review Maja!

    1. Not even the good Doctor can explain that one to me, Emma. I'm kind of hopeless. But I enjoyed this nevertheless.
      Thank you!

  4. I have a hard time with time travel books too, but I requested this one because everyone seems to be raving on and on about this book. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it as well, Maja, despite some of the issues.
    I'm actually glad I came across your review because it's the only one I read that mentioned the difficulties you had connecting on an emotional level to the book.
    I also didn't know this was a little similar to Unraveling.
    Still, I'm really looking forward to reading it!
    Lovely review, Maja! :)

    1. They are kind of similar in that they're both sci-fi and non-stp action. Plus, the writing styles are pretty similar, which I liked a lot.

  5. I know what you mean about time travel. It's sometimes so hard to really understand it, but I'm happy that you liked it. It always fascinates me to read about it :) I like that this is going to be a duology and I can't wait! It sounds good. Great review.


  6. ERMAHGERD THIS BOOK. This novel was certainly mind-boggling at times but the characters were close to perfect.

    Awesome review, Maja! <33

  7. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja! It really was so thought-provoking, though, you are correct - I didn't have as strong a connection with the characters as I'd have liked. It was there, so I'm hoping I feel it more with the sequel. Lovely review, dear!(:

  8. I NEED TO READ THIS NOW. Books that grip me from the beginning are like... so awesome! I love the sound of this :D

  9. I really loved AOY, felt that is was very well done. I loved that opening too. Sucked me right in! I think I was so blown away with everything else about the book it didn't bother me, or I didn't notice, not connecting to the characters. great review!

    My Friends Are Fiction

  10. I am a huge fan of the Shatter Me series and you have me so curious about that opening scene and the tale itself and despite not connecting to the characters it sounds like its worth the time!

  11. Aw, sorry you didn't emotionally connect to this one Maja, I absolutely loved every second of it, but I am glad you enjoyed it overall. I agree that opening scene was fantastic and sucked me right into this story. Time travel usually makes me head hurt when I think about it too much, and while the ending did have me scrambling a bit to keep track of everything, I liked how it was handled in this story. It definitely wasn't as complex as some other books I've read and I was able to keep up:) And I had no idea it was a duology! WIN!

  12. Great review, Maja!

    I haven't read Unraveling, so I can't compare both books, but I absolutely loved the book and was quite invested on Em and Finn myself.

    I asked Cristing Terrill on twitter yesterday about book 2, and she said it is scheduled for Fall 2014 if there are no delays!

  13. Aw, sorry that the emotions didn't connect with you, but glad to hear that you enjoyed otherwise

  14. A drain... it is creepy when you stop and think about it. I was terrified as a kid of alligators and snakes in the sewers coming up through the drains....I love two book series and I have been eyeing this one. I need an adrenaline fueled read. Must get this!

  15. I been hearing great things about AOYs so far. Glad to hear you enjoyed it even if you were not throughly connected to the story. The drain intro sounds amazing. Wonderful review.

  16. I thought the book wrapped up nicely too, but I'm also really looking forward to the sequel. I don't think I can predict what might happen next though! Although you weren't emotionally swept off your feet, I'm glad you still appreciated this book, Maja. It wasn't perfect for me either, but I couldn't help but love it despite that. Great review as always! :)

  17. This sounds so interesting and I like that it is a duology. This sounds like it is right up my alley and I don't know why I haven't heard of it before. Oh I am adding this one to my wishlist. I need a good thriller. I don't mind the time travel thing as I just turn off my brain and enjoy. LOL

  18. I've been really curious about this one. It has a really intriguing concept, and now that I think about it, I actually don't have any experience with time traveling, at least when it comes to books (I saw The Time Traveller's Wife lol ;p). But, I have to say even though it was hard to wrap your head around I am very interested to see how Terrill incorporated that aspect. I do love the sound of all the action, and romance though and I am very much looking forward to it. Too bad about the emotional investment, but at least you still enjoyed this book! I can't wait to pick this one up soon! Great review, Maja! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  19. I wasn't sure about this book, though I was pretty excited about it. And, overall, I quite enjoyed it, even though I'm not usually a time travel fan. I didn't realize it was a duology, though. Huh!

  20. I wasn't planning on reading this and gave away my BEA copy but then I got home and another copy was waiting for me. That paired will all the +ve reviews have made me reconsider. This does sound like a good read and it's interesting that it's a 2-book series, we don't see many of them anymore!

  21. Sounds like a pretty exciting read! I'm glad that it's only a two-book series too, since series are so difficult for me to keep up with. I do like feeling more for the characters, but if the book keeps me hooked with actions, etc. it can be alright.

  22. I have to agree with you about this one, Maja. I found it entertaining and full of action - this one would make a good movie - but I was never fully invested in finding out what would happen to the characters.

  23. I guess I never really knew what this one was about! I love time travel but it's too bad you weren't more invested in the characters. I do want to read Unraveling, so I'll probably work on that first. But I will keep this one in mind for sure!

  24. I'm so excited to read this one! I love a good starter to grab the reader's attention. It sounds so action-packed as well! Although I'm a little sad to hear that All Our Yesterdays fails to deliver in the emotional department. Wonderful review though, Maja!

  25. I was surprised by how much I liked this book, but I wouldn't say I loved it. I loved how Terrill did some things and was ambivalent about others. That said, it was a solid, enjoyable read. To be honest, I kind of hate that there's going to be a sequel even though I expected it because I thought it ended perfectly. Great review, Maja!


  26. I know what you mean by that - that sometimes there is just too much action going on that it leaves you no room to get emotionally attached. I'm looking forward to reading it tho =)

  27. The more I hear about this one, the more excited it makes me! I mean, okay it's not perfect. But I'm with you - these kind of action heavy, thrilling books are great for summer!! And I love time travel! Sure, I struggle with it sometimes too if it's exceedingly complicated, but I almost always love stories revolving around that concept. So I definitely plan on checking this one out sometime! Thanks for this review, Maja - it definitely excited me all the more!

  28. I love the idea of duologies! I wonder if the second one will follow the same characters? Anyway, I've heard only glowing things about this one, and I'm happy to see your perspective as well. I love time travel books, and I'm particularly excited about the psychological aspects of this one. I'm hoping that I'm able to connect into these characters more than you were, but I appreciate your honesty about that.

  29. I've heard amazing hinge about this book. Sad that you couldn't relate to the characters and the timelines were hard to follow . I didn't know this was a duology

  30. I have heard nothing but good things about this book! I can't wait to read it. Great review!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  31. You had me at the fact that this is a planned duology. All kidding aside, however, I think this sounds really interesting. You're not alone out there in struggling with time travel. It is weird and abstract for the most part, and I for one just don't deal well with abstractions. Still, though, I am willing to give this a try. I've heard great things about it. Although it also sounds like I should apparently look into Norris' Unraveling as well now. :)

  32. I just skimmed your review as I have this book lined up to read. Time travel always make me nervous because I can never understand it and it's very hard to pull it off. Still I'm really curious about the action and the characters.


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