Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunday Post: Birthday Edition

Happy Sunday, everyone!

So my birthday came and went, and it was pretty uneventful, just the way I like it. I had a lovely lunch with my family, ate far too much cake and went to sleep before 10 pm. A perfect day.

To celebrate with you guys, I'm planning a belated birthday giveaway sometime next week, probably on Saturday. I hope you'll stop by and enter.

Recently I reviewed: 
If I Should Die by Amy Plum
Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa
Fractured by Teri Terry
Bronze Gods by A. A. Aguirre

I also hosted the Bronze Gods blog tour and I was very happy with the response. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to read, leave a comment, enter the giveaways or participate in any way. Thank you to Ann and Andres Aguirre for trusting me to do this, and above all, thank you to Heidi@ Rainy Day Ramblings, Jenny@ Supernatural Snark, Mary@ The Book Swarm, Melissa@  Books and Things and Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer for taking this journey with me. Knowing you ladies is what I love most about blogging.

Next week on the blog:
Wait for You by J. Lynn
Parallel by Lauren Miller
Crystal Cove by Lisa Kleypas (audio)
Transparent by Nataile Whipple
Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie

Busy week, right?

And here are (some of) my new books: 

I went a little crazy on Better World Books just recently, but I never feel really guilty when I buy books from them because they donate a book for each book I buy, and it makes me feel better about my addiction. I got a lot of used books, and they all look great, not damaged at all. Here are some of them:

The Wicked and the Just by J. Anderson Coats
The 39 Deaths of Adam Strand by Gregory Galloway
Silver Borne and Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs (shiny pretty hardcovers! *cries)

The Freak Observer by Blythe Woolston (a William C. Morris winner, I wanted it for SO long! Also bought from Better World Books.)
Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher (Thanks, Orion!)

A finished copy of Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta. So pretty!
17 & Gone by Nova Ren Suma - a birthday gift from my amazing friend Flannery

For review:
Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon
If I Should Die by Amy Plum
Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
Quicksilver by RJ Anderson
The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen
Fractured by Teri Terry
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

Thank you to Hachette Children's, Sphere, Atom and Mira INK.

Lastly, I am excited to announce that Ann Aguirre's new novella, Forbidden Fruit, has been released. It's her first Shannon Cheney novella, and although it's set in the Corine Solomon universe, it can  easily function as a standalone. (It's also way hotter than the Corine books. *whistles innocently*)

Here's the blurb:
I see dead people. Okay, that’s a lie. I hear dead people—on an antique radio…
So far, that talent hasn’t brought Shannon Cheney fame or fortune. Since the world remains unaware that magick is real, being Gifted largely sucks. Her boss is an asshole, she makes minimum wage, and she’s got a serious case of forbidden lust for a sexy cop named Jesse Saldana. He’s part Mexican heat, all Texas charm, and enough of a dirty cowboy to curl her toes. Too bad he’s set on resisting her wiles.
To make matters worse, there’s this weird amnesia thing happening. She might think she’s going crazy, except Jesse’s got it too, and memory loss isn’t contagious like the flu. When Shannon pokes around, trying to put the missing pieces together, demonic retaliation is swift and potentially deadly. Jesse’s too much of a white knight to let her face danger alone, and she’s hoping he can’t resist the white-hot chemistry blazing between them…
While it's true that I adore every single one of Ann's books, Forbidden Fruit has a very special place in my heart because it's dedicated to me!! How cool is that? (Oh, fine, I'll admit it, I cried like a baby- twice!)
Here's the link to Amazon.

And that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by, guys. Leave me a link to your Sunday post and I'll be right there.


  1. First, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!

    Second, what is that on the cover of The Freak Observer?! I shuddered the second I saw it! Ugh.

    Third, you got some great books this week. I can't wait to see what you thought of Transparent!

    1. Thank you! And it's a heart, and it's kind of gross and awesome at the same time. The back cover has a brain on it.

  2. I love buying book from Better World Books as well(:

    Patricia Briggs Yeah!!

    Nice Haul

  3. The freak observer, what a freaky but interesting cover, haha. I need the Eternity cure soon <3 Happy reading!

  4. Happy Birthday, Maja! :) I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
    I love the cover of The Freak Observer! How cool is it that there's a heart on it?
    I've never heard of it before, but I'll make sure to add it to my to-read list.
    Also, you must have been so happy to have Ann Agguire dedicate a book to you Maja! That is the coolest thing ever! :)
    Hope you enjoy your lovely haul!
    I'm very curious to see what you thought of Wait for You!

  5. OOh nice haul!! Haven't read these but hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Happy belated birthday Maja! Your birthday sounds utterly perfect! There are so many pretties in this post, I don't even know where to begin! Flann is so lovely for sending you 17 & Gone, I've only read beautiful things about that book. Also yay for Quicksilver I devoured that in a few days, so I hope you end up enjoying it too. Happy reading! :)

  7. Aahh, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MAJA! I'm so glad you had a good one!(: AND you have a book dedicated to you! You completely deserve it and I'm so excited for you! :D

    Your haul this week looks fantastic! I loved The Wicked and the Just and I have a feeling you'll enjoy since you're a fan of historical fiction. Also, those finished copies of Quintana, Bone Crossed, and Silver Borne are turning me green with envy. I'm really excited to see what you think of 17&Gone though. I wasn't a fan of Imaginary Girls, but I love the synopsis of this one. I'm on the fence because of mixed reviews, but if anyone can convince me one way or the other, it's you. Once again, great haul and happy belated birthday, dearest!

  8. first, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!! :D and second, this is an awesome book haul! I am really looking forward to reading a couple of those, including 17 & Gone. Monument 14 is AWESOME! can't wait to read your review,

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you had such a great day! I still really need to get into the Revenants series. I adore those covers, but still need to pick up the first book. I've heard great things about 17 & Gone. Happy reading!
    -Natalie @Natflix&Books

  10. Belated happy birthday, Maja! Congrats again on the dedication :D and Ketchup Clouds looks really interesting in your TBR! I want to read The Secrets of Ella and Micha! Can't wait for your reviews :) Happy reading!

  11. I didn't know it was your birthday! Srećan rođendan! :) Želim ti sve najbolje! :*
    You've gotten some awesome books this time. LOL I'm afraid the day when I start buying at BWB cause no one's gonna stop me. Also Melina's latest book looks so pretty. I still haven't started that series and I promised myself that I'll this year. Great haul Maja! :)

  12. Congrats on your successful blog tour, I stopped at a few stops and really enjoyed it!
    17 and Gone was a great birthday pressie, I'm dying to get my hands on it.
    Happy birthday and happy reading :)

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

  13. Happy (be lated) Birthday to you
    Happy (be lated) Birthday to you
    Happy (be lated) Birthday to MAJAAAA
    Happy (be lated) Birthday to you!

    Great haul there, love! I got 17 & Gone for review the other day and from what heard, it's a love or hate one. :/

  14. Glad you had a good birthday! Ketchup Clouds looks interesting, and I love that cover. Hope you enjoy all your books!

  15. Happy belated birthday! :) Great haul, enjoy all the fabulous reads!

  16. Happy belated Birthday! <3 That's pretty much how I like to celebreate my birthday, too. I prefer small gatherings to big parties, aha. x

  17. You got some great books, Happy belated Birthday!!
    That is awesome that the novella was dedicated to you! I am going to check it out. ;)

  18. Happy belated birthday!! You really hauled in some fabulous books! Happy reading :)

    New bloglovin' follower.

    My Sunday Post

  19. Glad you Birthday was a good one. You got some great books too. Enjoy them.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  20. Happy Birthday Maja. You're perfect birthday is just the kind I like :) And fantastic book haul, enjoy!!

  21. Majčica use najboljše!! :) :) Glad to hear that you've enjoyed your birthday! :) :) And omg what a haul! :) I LOVED Fractured!! It was completely awesome and it has blown me away :D

  22. Happy Belated Birthday, Maja!!! Glad to hear you had a nice, relaxing day. :) I love those kind of birthdays.

    Aww... she dedicated Forbidden Fruit to you?? That's so awesome. I still have to read that series, of course. :)

    Happy Reading!

  23. Happy belated B-day Maja!!! Nice book haul. The Freak Observer made onto my wishlist...seriously that cover is awesomly feaky I am intrigued...

  24. Awesome haul and Happy Birthday. I have been teetering on whether to grab Unparallel so I look forward to your review! Have a wonderful day.

  25. Happy belated Birthday Maja!!!!! That's wonderful that you had a relaxing birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy all you new books! Eternity cure is great!!!!!!!!

    Nice! Congrats on receiving a dedication!

  26. You are always crazy busy! LOL! Great week. And I so need to get Forbidden Fruit. I'm trying to wait for next month on book buying with going to Balticon at the end of the month (need the money to get there).

    Hope you have a great week!!
    If you'd like to stop by, I have a Sunday Post up as well:

  27. Happy BIRTHDAY! I like my birthdays uneventful too. :) Glad it was still nice though. That's so cool that Anna dedicated it to you!

  28. Happy Belated Birthday, girl! Wish you all the best. That's a lot of books! And Happy Belated Mother's Day too. xoxo

  29. Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a relaxing day, those are the best birthdays in my opinion too. :-)

    And I'm SO happy to hear that Ann dedicated Forbidden Fruit to you! That is such a huge honor and so well-deserved. You've turned me onto so many of her books, ones I probably never would have picked up otherwise. Congrats!!

  30. Oh I am the same. I prefer my birthdays to be pretty quiet days, too. Always have. :) It's so cool to hear that Forbidden Fruit is dedicated to you! That must be amazing, especially as Ann Aguirre is one of your favourite authors. Also, I have never come across Better World Books before, but it sounds fantastic. I'll have to check it out. :)

  31. Okay, I'm grabbing Forbidden Fruit! Thanks for the heads up on that. And congrats on it being dedicated to you! I would have cried too. That's just amazing.

    Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a good one! It looks like you got a lot of great books as well!

  32. Happy Belated Birthday! I'm glad it was everything you wanted.

    I'm very curious about The 39 Deaths of Adam Strand- need to read it sometime soon. That and 17 & Gone. Well, gotta get copies sometime. haha

    I also really want Ketchup Clouds. Looks SO good.



    Excellent stash this week. Mercy!! Love. Quintana! Love. I promise to read Ann Aguirre soon. I love that one is dedicated to you :)


  34. I've been seeing good things about Parallel and I have a copy as well, so I hope we both like it, Maja. I must read Ann Aguirre soon! I know I say that like every time, but I really do mean it. This novella sounds right up my alley, especially if it's hot, and dedicated to you!!! How lovely! Enjoy your reads. :)

  35. Happy belated birthday, Maja! I'm a fan of low-key birthdays, too. Also wanted to say congrats on doing such a good job on the Bronze Gods blog tour!


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