Monday, May 13, 2013

Review: Wait for You (Wait for You, #1)

Wait for YouAuthor: J. Lynn
Series: Wait for You, #1
Release date: September 3rd 2013
Publisher: William Morrow & Co.
Paperback, 336 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Some things are worth waiting for…
Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago—an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn’t need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she’s building for herself.
Some things are worth experiencing…
Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that’s just so… so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.
Some things should never be kept quiet…
But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she’s has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?

Once again Jennifer Armentrout managed to take a fairly simple, run-of-the-mill plot and turn it into something entirely her own. Armentrout’s greatest strength is not originality of the plot, or even her characters, but rather the dialogues that flow very naturally. She is familiar with current slang and she uses it strategically, which gives her characters and extra layer of believability. Nothing they say ever seems forced, they are realistic and easily relatable.

Yes, Armentrout relies upon familiar tropes, but she turns them into a quick, enjoyable, very hot read, and sometimes, that’s really all I’m looking for. Desperate to run away from her deeply traumatic past, Avery chose a college thousands of miles away from home. She is extremely lonely, wary and mistrustful. When she (literally) runs into Cameron on her first day of class, she is determined not to let him anywhere near her. But Cam is gorgeous, sweet and above all determined. No matter how many times Avery tries to push him away, he just keeps coming back.

I honestly don’t know how someone with Avery’s past would actually behave, but the way Armentrout wrote it didn’t strike me as something out of a textbook, or worse yet, a self-help manual (Katie McGarry, I’m looking at you here!). She didn’t, perhaps, use Avery’s past to its full potential, but what she did seemed genuine to me.

All secondary characters were very well done, with the exception of Avery’s mother. Given how responsible she was for Avery’s state of mind, I would have liked to see her more nuanced, more tangible. She was no more than a constant negative presence in Avery’s life, when she could have easily been much more. With just a little more work on these details, Armentrout could have turned this enjoyable, compelling read into something even more wonderful and, more importantly, memorable.

I’m not sure which couple the sequel focuses on, but I have my hopes and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I’m right. Whoever it may be, Cam and Avery will surely be around and I will enjoy seeing them through someone else’s eyes.


  1. I have a copy of this too, I was a little unsure of giving it go, thinking it would follow down a typical route, but I'm glad that you were happy with the way the book turned out. I'm quite curious about what Avery ran away from in the first place and the fact there are well fleshed out secondary characters makes me eager to give this a go sooner. Fab review Maja! :)

  2. I must say that I'm really surprised with your rating. I mean I don't see a lot of reviews for contemporary books here so I assumed that you're not really into them. Anyhow I totally agree with your review. It's not about uniqueness of this story it's that Jennifer always makes it real. Amazing review Maja :)

  3. Yeah, okay, I need to pick up a Armentrout book this instant before I spaz out. I haven't read any of her books and only own one. :( Hopefuoly I can squeeze in some time to read them, your review has me completely convinced! :D
    Another fabulous review, Maja! <3

  4. Ohhh, Maja! You read a new adult book! *claps* I'm so glad you enjoyed your first read of a new adult book. I better read this since you made that sort of comparison. ;) Wait. Did you love Cam? Because. Everyone I knew who read this seemed to love Cam a lot. And his cookies!

  5. This sounds like a sweet love story! Jennifer's really got a way with words and developing great characters.

  6. Jennifer writes some of my favorite books and series. I agree that it isn't the plot that steals the show with her writing but the dialogue and with comments that are usually throughout her stories.
    I haven't had a chance to read this one yet but I am not surprised you loved you. :)

    Great review!

  7. You know, Maja, if you liked this book, I'm 100 % sure you'll love Easy by Tammara Webber.
    For me this book wasn't exactly exceptional or anything because like you said, the author just uses other people's ideas, which I find endlessly frustrating. I do agree that she is very good at write good dialogues.
    Anyways, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed this! Lovely review! :)

  8. Ooh did we both have problems with Pushing the Limits? I thought I was alone on that one.

    I want to read this one really bad, but I won't be for a long time. Maybe I should just jump on it and read it early... My problem with Armentrouts other books is that the angst gets to me, the constant back and forth with the characters and feeling like it never really goes anywhere. I think a book of hers that actually has the sexy times will be a good match for me. Great review!

  9. I loved the secondary characters as well and can't wait to see their stories.
    This was a quick read and I connected with Avery!

  10. "Yes, Armentrout relies upon familiar tropes, but she turns them into a quick, enjoyable, very hot read, and sometimes, that’s really all I’m looking for."

    SAME MAJA! I don't always need an infinitely complex, mind-blowingly unique read. Sometimes, I just want to be entertained by really fun and interesting characters, and Jennifer always delivers for me on that front. I can't wait to get my hands on this one and meet Cam and Avery! Gorgeous review my friend:)

  11. Sounds great! Genuineness trumps textbook anyday :D

  12. She really does have a talent for making the overdone tropes and setups fun and sexy and addictive. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this, and that you're looking forward to the second book! I have this burning a hole in my e-reader, and I need to get back to it. *sigh* It will be a reward for catching up on my TBR schedule. Wonderful review Maja :-)

  13. I completely agree with your review, Maja. I didn't find this to be particularly memorable or unpredictable either, but, like you said, sometimes all we want is a quick and entertaining read. Jennifer L. Armentrout is definitely the author for that. I'm glad you liked it, too! :)

  14. Eeep, this is in my TBR pile and I love and totally agree with the way you described JLA. When characters are fleshed out, raw and real and I believe what they say or how they act..i just slip into the story and escape! wonderful review Maja!

  15. Oh I have this one and need to get to it. I love the way she creates her characters and am so glad that she turns this book with the same tropes into her own! I agree, she does that so well! Ah! You have made me want to get to it so much quicker!

  16. You know, Maja, I just wake up every morning with a set idea, a set plan in mind and then you tear it down with incredible reviews like this one. I had pretty much sworn off of J. Lynn after the second book in her Gamble Brothers trilogy - all highly entertaining, but SO forgettable afterwards, not to mention unoriginal - and now you have me itching to return to her writing. It's so addictive and pleasing in that temporary sort of way. This might be just what I need. As always, I have you to thank for my growing TBR, but I'm not complaining. Great review, dear!

  17. Eeep I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, because I did as well! This was my first Armentrout novel, and I definitely loved the dialogue she created for her characters as well! And the secondary characters were a good plus, too. I'm excited and curious to see where the sequel goes, lovely review!

  18. Okay, I'm really glad you enjoyed this one because I have been a little unsure whether I want to read it. You convinced me though!

  19. I really need to read something by this author! I swear, I'm so behind! I love books that have great dialogue, so that's awesome.

    Thanks for your thoughts. :)

  20. I have review copy of Wait For You and I was a little bit apprehensive about starting it since I got burned a couple of times lately on na contemporary romance novels, but your review made me looking forward to reading 'Wait For You' again. Great review (as always) Maja. :)

  21. You are so correct, Maja, JLA takes a well used troupe and makes it her own with witty and snarky dialogue. Cam was the star of this book to me. So glad you enjoyed this! Lovely review. :)

  22. I LOVED this book! So glad you enjoyed it as well :) Great review!

  23. Such a great assessment of JLA. She DOES use familiar plot themes, but still makes her books addicting. Her Covenant series is a blatant ripoff of the Vampire Academy series, but it's still unique and addicting! I like what you said about her dialogue, very true. She gets how teens and college students speak. I enjoyed this one as well, though I tend not to review my escapist books. I'm pretty sure that book two is about Cam's sister and Jase (I think that's his name). And is there going to be a Wait for You written in Cam's pov? Did I make that up? A lot of authors are doing those these days.

  24. I totally agree about Jennifer being up to date with current slang. I'm reading her Covenant series at the moment and I was surprised and delighted by it. I'll have to make my way to this one too. Great review Maja :)

  25. I love Armentrout's Covenant series but gave up on her Lux series. I may give this one a try when I'm bored but am in no hurry to pick it up. The plot of New Adult novels generally seem to follow the same pattern with very little variation.

  26. Sounds great. I still haven't read jennifer's books. I often like books that rely on the overused tropes - they work when they're done well. Impressed that she was able to skillfully use slang.

  27. I definitely liked this one, although I think I was expecting more from Jennifer's writing... it was good on a fluffy enjoyment scale, but it didn't really stand out for me in the genre/category, which is what I was hoping for.


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