Thursday, May 9, 2013

Boy Nobody Promo Post

Author: Allen Zadoff
Release date: May 23rd 2013
Publisher: Orchard
Paperback, 368 pages
Boy Nobody is the perennial new kid in school, the one few notice and nobody thinks much about. He shows up in a new high school, in a new town, under a new name, makes few friends and doesn't stay long. Just long enough for someone in his new friend's family to die -- of "natural causes." Mission accomplished, Boy Nobody disappears, and moves on to the next target. 
When his own parents died of not-so-natural causes at the age of eleven, Boy Nobody found himself under the control of The Program, a shadowy government organization that uses brainwashed kids as counter-espionage operatives. But somewhere, deep inside Boy Nobody, is somebody: the boy he once was, the boy who wants normal things (like a real home, his parents back), a boy who wants out. And he just might want those things badly enough to sabotage The Program's next mission.



I am not really a fan of book trailers, but this one is so exciting! I've been looking forward to this book for months, and now it's finally time to read and discuss with you guys.


  1. Boy Nobody sounds downright creepy to me. First the title and then the trailer. Yet still, I am loving the sound of this! Thanks for sharing the excerpt Maja, it has gotten me hooked >.<

  2. I'm not a huge fan of books trailers either Maja, but this one looks great. And this extract! How could you just end it on that part? I need to know what's going on and why he would do that in the first place! Thanks for sharing a great extract and trailer with us! :)

  3. I'm telling you, this one has been on my radar for a while. I'm really intrigued (what is it with teen assassins? I love 'em!) and can't wait to read this one! Yay for excerpts to tease and tempt.

  4. I am so impressed with the trailer for this darn book! It's so well done and I can't wait to see how the story all ties together. I have this one coming up next in my TBR so here is me crossing my fingers that it's as good as the trailer. Thanks for sharing Maja!

  5. How have I not heard of this one until now?
    I do like that trailer, It draws you in and makes you want to pick up the book and delve in!

  6. This actually sounds really good and right up my alley! :) I will definitely add this to my tbr! Thanks for the post :D

    Janina @ Synchonized Reading

  7. This sounds similar in premise to Jennifer Lynn Barnes's Nobody, and I found that one to be really interesting. I'm hoping I connect more to Boy Nobody than I did the characters in Jennifer's book though, but I can safely say I'm already rooting for him to get his life back (or make a new one) :) Thanks so much for sharing Maja!

  8. That is a pretty fantastic book trailer, I'm definitely intrigued! Will have to keep my eye out for this one. Hope you enjoy it!

  9. Okay I am definitely intrigued now! I like Jack's character so far, and after the way things ended here, I guess I don't really have much choice but to come back for more! I wonder if we ever find out Boy Nobody's name. Really looking forward to your thoughts on this one, Maja. :)

  10. I liked the book trailer and excerpt! I seldom download chapter preview onto my kindle but I think I'll have to make an exception this time - I need to find out more after reading your excerpt. Thanks for sharing, Maja!

  11. I, like you, am not fan of book trailers either. They're mostly all similar but this one is really good. I haven't heard of this book and I can't wait to see what you think of it as I see you're reading it right now! :) Thanks for sharing Maja :)

  12. Definitely intrigued! Boy Nothing's situation gives me the chills! :O

  13. Ok, the synopsis gave me chills and yeah sometimes book trailers are flat out corny..but this is well done! Looking forward to this one:)

  14. Oh this one sounds interesting. I have been leery of the books that have spy kids in them, but have been enjoying the ones I do pick up. I think this one looks like another one I would enjoy. Oh I do have to really check this one out! Thanks for the excerpt!

  15. OH, I agree, this book trailer IS good. I typically avoid them, although I did love the trailer for TRB, so I can't wait to see what this book is like! Thanks for sharing, Maja! :)

  16. Oooo! Color me intrigued! Thanks so much for sharing, Maja!

  17. I enjoyed the trailer too! I love how it was like a movie and very similar to James bond. Definately intrigued to read Boy Nobody now!

  18. That sounds really good! Assassins are just so addicting...why do we always go for the assassins? :/

  19. I don't care for book trailers either, I didn't even look at this one until I saw what you said. Then I thought, well if you like this one then I should actually watch it. And you're right, this one is I like! The synopsis didn't really grab me (but the cover is so interesting!), so I didn't have high expectations when I first started to read the excerpt. It's pretty good. I'll put it on my TBR.

  20. I usually skip the trailer unless someone specifically makes a comment about it. So I watched this one and wow, I went from not caring about this book much at all to dying to read it! It sounds fantastic!

  21. How have I not heard of this one? sounds cool. When are you reading it? You better review it for me. Hey I see you are reading Fuse. I am still wavering whether to read it or not....

  22. I think I've seen the cover of this one around but never really found out what it's about. But man, it sounds good!

  23. Ooh love the trailer, especially the end! This excerpt definitely has me wanting to read more. I love an antihero you can't help but feel sympathy for. I have an ARC for this and was going to read it later in the month, but I may have to cheat and move it up. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  24. That is an exciting trailer! I didn't really give this book much thought, but I just might have to pick it up now. Thanks for sharing, Maja. :)

  25. If anything, the trailer is one of the best I've seen. I like that it's people and not just images/video with voice over or words on a screen. It reminds me of a movie trailer which is fantastic!


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