Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Review: If I Should Die (Revenants, #3)

If I Should Die (Revenants, #3)Author: Amy Plum
Series: Revenants, #3
Release date: May 1st 2013
Publisher: Atom
Paperback, 408 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

An enthralling and unique paranormal romance, Amy Plum's DIE FOR ME series introduces a new version of the undead with revenants, beings who are fated to sacrifice themselves over and over again to save others' lives.

I will not lose another person I love. I will not let history repeat itself.
Vincent waited lifetimes to find me, but in an instant our future together was shattered. He was betrayed by someone we both called a friend, and I lost him. Now our enemy is determined to rule over France s immortals, and willing to wage a war to get what they want.
It shouldn t be possible, none of it should be, but this is my reality. I know Vincent is somewhere out there, I know he s not completely gone, and I will do anything to save him.
After what we ve already fought to achieve, a life without Vincent is unimaginable. He once swore to avoid dying - to go against his nature and forsake sacrificing himself for others - so that we could be together. How can I not risk everything to bring my love back to me?

As someone who’s been a pretty big fan of this series from the day Die for Me came out, I had very mixed feelings about this final installment. I’ve spent a lot of time wondering about Kate and Vincent’s fate, and even after a whole year of living with that awful cliffhanger in mind, a part of me was reluctant to have it resolved and let them go – not because I doubted their happily ever after, but because they are so very dear to me.

Although things turned out exactly as I thought they would in the end, there were a few surprises along the way. The story took some pretty unexpected twists and turns and several secondary characters like Kate’s Papy Mercier were given a more important role in the central part of the story. The middle is almost always my least favorite part of a story, but Plum used her excellent sense of pacing and a very interesting ancient ritual to make this middle part riveting.

My only disappointment was the entire situation with Jules. When the intensity of his feelings was brought to light in Die for Her, a Harper Impulse novella, I assumed it would somehow become essential to the story. I can’t say I was looking forward to it since the whole thing promised a world of angst, but I didn’t want it to be neatly swept under the rug either, which is exactly what happened in the end. I dislike storylines that lead absolutely nowhere, and I felt that this one accomplished nothing at all.

Aside from that little setback, If I Should Die gave me everything I’d hoped for. The focus wasn’t on Kate and Vincent alone, but on all the revenants, and as Amy carefully announced on her Facebook page, not everyone got their happily ever after. Some stories ended gloriously, and some brought me to tears.

The final battle of good and evil went down in a very Harry Potter-like fashion, with the Champion (who shall not be named) and the leader of the numa (who shall not be named) fighting surrounded by both their armies. After all the troubles the numa have caused, seeing the bardia united in their effort to conquer evil brought tears to my eyes. It was a very intense scene with a lot of things happening at once – I was shocked when I realized it all happened in no more than 15 pages.

There aren’t many trilogies of the paranormal romance-ish variety I really enjoy, but my whole heart was invested in this one from start to finish, and a huge part of me hates that it’s over, but I am happy with how it all turned out.


  1. I remember reading your review of Book 2 in this trilogy and thinking that I really needed to read this, so I'm glad the conclusion was satisfactory despite a few qualms you had with it. I haven't had much luck with series conclusions this year, so I'm looking forward to reading a trilogy I might actually end satisfied.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed this final book in the series Maja. I'm looking forward to it even though I didn't really enjoy the second one, but with that cliffhanger, I need to find out what happens. Lovely review hun :)

  3. I am glad you got an ending you were satisfied with and happy with. It seems lately that doesn't always happen and it makes me nervous to read last books in series now. I have Dead Ever After to read still and so many people have hated the ending that I am afraid to start it!

  4. I still need to read Die For Her Maja! I was hoping his novella would mean a larger role or at least a little more acknowledgement of his feelings in this final book, so I'm a little bummed it's all swept under the rug. BUT, everything else sounds fantastic, and although I'm dreading this book just because it means letting go of Kate and Vincent like you said, I'm excited to see how everything ends. Beautiful review as always Maja!

  5. I have the book one of the series, nabbed it the other month and really am excited about starting it once I make a little more time. Great review, I am glad the ending at least turned out how you thought it would. I hate it when a series comes to a close myself, maybe thats why I stall on the last few books :(

  6. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book (it just didn't capture me) so I haven't read the next installment but it's good to hear you enjoyed the finale! I do enjoy when all those ends are tied up nicely and the MCs get their HEA.

  7. This paranormal series weirded me out. The whole dying thing and then being reanimated was a little too much for me to handle. Despite loving the setting, I couldn't get past the creepiness of it to continue the series. Guess it wasn't for me. Glad this one ended on a good note for you.

  8. I've seen this series around but still haven't read it. Honestly I've seen some not so good reviews and decided not to read it. maybe I'll read it now when all the books are out. I'm glad that you have liked this series. Great review Maja :)

  9. I've only read that first book, but I did enjoy it a lot. I just got behind. Looks like I need to pick up the other 2. So glad I waited tho... cliffies and me don't mix. Now I don't have to worry about that. Sorry that the novella didn't work as well as hoped into the series. Hate when that happens, but still love that it was a satisfying ending. Must get to work on getting those other 2! :D

  10. Now that all the books are out, I think I'll find time to tackle the whole series. I'm glad that you like the final installment - I'm now curious about the ancient ritual that you mentioned in your review. Thanks for sharing :)

  11. I only skimmed your review because been wanting to read this series for a long time. I'm glad you liked this one though because I was a tad worried this was just another YA paranormal romance story and I'm thinking you wouldn't like it that much if it was. Hopefully I can read the first one soon!

  12. I have the first two books, so I only really skimmed this review. I haven't read any of them yet -- but I plan to. I've heard really good things about it. It seems like, for the most part, you've enjoyed it. Even if you could predict how it would end.

  13. Glad this panned out because I impulse bought the ebook when it was on sale for a preorder,at Amazon for 1.99 couldn't resist even if I haven't started the series, yeah can you say cover whore?

  14. I'm behind on this series, but I remember loving Die For Me. I'm glad to hear that the ending was satisfying for you, despite the fact that the Jules short story arc was unceremoniously swept under the rug. I think I liked Jules the best (if he's the funny Revenant), so it will suck to see him get the shaft. Still, I'm very excited to catch up, and happy that there's a Hogwarts style final battle to look forward to. Hopefully I'll be able to get to this soon! Lovely review Maja :-)

  15. Huh, I remember reading some pretty lacklustre reviews for the first book when it first came out and so I removed the series from my tbr and from my thoughts, but now you have me rethinking things. I'm not a big paranormal romance fan, but it does sound like the author is a talented storyteller. I think I'll ret=introduce this one to my tbr now, thanks!

    1. Wow, not sure how I was able to include a "t" and an equals sign into the word reintroduce. Apologies!

  16. I don't seem to be as much of a fan of this series as most people! I read the first book, and I suppose I liked it well enough, but I have never felt motivated enough to pick up the sequel. I'm glad to hear that the final book wrapped up this series well for you though. :) Fantastic review as always!

  17. Glad it gave you what you hoped for! I totally need to catch up on this series, because I liked the 1st a lot.

  18. I finished this book today and loved it. I know what you're saying about Jules. Did you guess the direction of this book? I did pretty quickly but loved it all the more for it. I'm devastated to leave Kate and Vincent.

  19. I'm currently listening to the audio of the 2nd book and then I'm going to read this one. I'll come back to read your review and compare notes after. :)

  20. Wow. I can't believe the third book is out already. Geez. I still need to get the first one yet. Thanks for the review! :)

  21. I didn't actually love the first book in this series, and didn't continue it. But I would like to go back and read them all together now that they're complete, and see if I felt differently about them. I'm sorry this wasn't as good an end as you'd hoped, but it sounds like it wasn't a huge disappointment either.

  22. I loved this book! I love the whole trilogy! I highly recommend it to every teenage girl out there. Enjoy every second, cause you will be finished soon ;)
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