Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Something Wicked Strikes Blog Hop!

It's finally October, my darlings, which means it's time for yet another Something Wicked blogging event. Those of you who have been with us the previous two times we'd embarked on this adventure know that there's a wonderful month ahead of us. Heidi, Candace, Ali and I really went all out this time and we have some wonderful posts in store for you.

You can check the full schedule on the Something Wicked Strikes page, and there's still time to sign up to participate if you so wish. We love it when you guys join us, be it with a post, a comment, or a simple visit to read one of our posts. 

Since this is our third year doing this, things should (hopefully) go smoothly. We do this because it's fun and I'm sure we'll have a blast this time as well. 

To those of you who have chosen to participate in this hop, my sincerest thanks. And to those of you who are here to enter the giveaways, good luck!

A huge thank you to Feri from Le Non Design and Veronica @  Mostly Reviews for helping us with buttons and banners. Thanks also to Heidi, Ali and Candace. You ladies are awesome.

Below you can enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift card. This giveaway is, of course, international. 

Good luck to all, and let's have a wonderful month, shall we?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is my first time here, I haven't been doing this long, but I am so excited because this is my fave month of the year. I wish it were Hallowe'en everyday!

  2. I didn't sign up for anything since I'm gonna be spending a good part of the month on vacation on the US, so my internet access won't be ideal, but I'll checking as much as I can!

  3. LOVE this event so much Maja!!! Can't wait to read all the posts you guys have in store this month:) Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway!

  4. I love seeing all these posts today and look how many have already entered the giveaway, it is awesome!!

  5. I'm excited to be a part of the event. Next year I need to be a part of the hop too! :)

  6. Thank so much, Maja, to you and the other three co-hosts, for the entire hop, as well as this giveaway!! You all do a GREAT job!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! : )

  7. Wow I can't believe that its been three years since you've been running this event ladies, I always enjoy the different posts that you have to offer, can't wait to see what you have in store this year! :)

  8. Thanks for another year of this great hop. And the giveaway opportunity.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  9. Thanks for participating. Hops are so much fun with great titles to read.
    leighannecrisp at yahoo dot com


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