Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Night Broken

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

For this week, I've (quite predictably) chosen the new installment in one of my favorite urban fantasy series, Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs.

Title: Night Broken
Series: Mercy Thompson
Release: March 4th 2014
Publisher: Ace Hardcover
Format: Hardcover, 352 pgs

#1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Briggs’s Mercy Thompson series has been hailed as “one of the best” (Fiction Vixen). Now, Mercy must deal with an unwanted guest—one that brings a threat unlike anything she’s ever known.
An unexpected phone call heralds a new challenge for Mercy. Her mate Adam’s ex-wife is in trouble, on the run from her new boyfriend. Adam isn’t the kind of man to turn away a person in need—and Mercy knows it. But with Christy holed up in Adam’s house, Mercy can’t shake the feeling that something about the situation isn’t right.
Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when she learns that Christy has the farthest thing from good intentions. She wants Adam back and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, including turning Adam’s pack against Mercy.
Mercy isn’t about to step down without a fight, but there’s a more dangerous threat circling. Christy’s ex is more than a bad man—in fact, he may not be human at all. As the bodies start piling up, Mercy must put her personal troubles aside to face a creature with the power to tear her whole world apart.

If you haven't met Mercy, you don't know what you're missing. I'm a bit anxious about Chrsty finally entering the picture; I like Mercy and Adam together so much, and I love that the pack has finally started accepting her. I would hate to see that ruined because of a jealous ex wife, but I trust Patty to give us a happy ending.

March seems so far away, though...
What are you guys excited about?


  1. I'm totally nervous about Christy entering the picture! When I saw that blurb it made my stomach turn. No one better get between Adam and Mercy! Great choice, Maja. I think I'm a couple of books behind yet. :)

  2. Ah Maja I know you should kick my but for not reading this one. I have heard so many amazing things about this series (mostly from you) but still haven't read it. The cover looks badass. Great pick, Maja :)

  3. I agree completely - I am quite anxious and I love Adam and Mercy together too much, but I'm trusting Briggs to handle this situation much better than Ilona Andrews did. March does seem very far away though... *sighs*

  4. Oh nice! Sadly I fell out of this series. It was around one maybe 2 books ago, people were saying it was only so-so, so I never read it and then I just fell off the grid. Might have to return one day!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Even without having read the series, I feel like "the return of the evil ex-wife" would mean loads of trouble!

    I'll have to give this series a try, even more since it comes so well recommended by you!

    My WoW:

  6. I must admit this is a series that's passed me by. I've heard great things about it though and one day....hope to actually pick it up!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

    Diayll @Mother/Gamer/Writer & New Follower!

  7. I agree, this series is fantastic! I am so very far behind on it though. In fact I am behind on a lot of great series. :(

  8. This is one author that I've been dying to check out for years! I really need to get some of her books :) Great pick!

    My WW!

  9. Ahhhhh! I've fallen so far behind on this series Maja! I think I read up through 5, so I still need to read 6 and 7 (this is 8 right? Clearly I'm all mixed up). I don't love that Christy is entering the picture, but it will definitely add some drama to Mercy and Adam's stable relationship which is sometimes fun when you know everything will work out for them. If she had come along earlier in the series, I'd be more worried, but this late in the game I know it's Adam and Mercy all the way. Right? RIGHT?


  11. hum might have to give this series a fair shot. I hate to admit I was not a fan of the other series, but I heard this one is way better.

  12. I'm so behind... I have book 7 to read...

  13. I love the cover of this one. It's so kick ass. :) Thanks for sharing.

    my WOW:

  14. I'm so behind on this series, but I do love Mercy! I hope Night Broken is all that you want it to be. I 'm sure Mercy can take on this double whammy of a jealous ex wife and possible dark creature. Enjoy when you get your hands on it Maja! :)

  15. Hopping through. I still haven't read Patricia Briggs. I'd like to.
    My WOW

    1. Whoops...not hopping through. WOWing through. Wrong meme. :-)

  16. Ooh sounds interesting!! I haven't read these books, but I DO want to read more urban fantasy in general.

  17. BOOM!! The one time I make it over here and we're thinking alike!! It's a take down and Mercy is on top!!! Nothing will bring Mercy and Adam down!!! (err, I hope...)

    Sorry I don't get over here as much as I used to!! I'm a homeschooling mama and I'm working so, yeah, I have my excuses :( I still suck, though! Have a great rest of your week!!

    My WoW

  18. Oh goodness, I feel I'm so far behind as I've only read book one! Hope you'll be reading this soon.

  19. Love all these covers!! I'm so behind but I can't wait for this one too! LOL

  20. Looks great :D Hope you will love it. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  21. Oh heck yes, apprantly you are in line with Kristen @ ParaHangover and I. *hands you a coffee, while we wait*

  22. I am SOOOOOO freaking excited for this one! I've always thought of Christy as this faceless, cold non-person, so it will be interesting to see what kind of drama she stirs up. I have faith that Mercy and Adam will prevail, no matter what she and her ex-boyfriend have planned. :-) Great WoW choice!

  23. I really need to continue on with this series. I stumbled after the first book. I hope you'll get to read it soon!

  24. I absolutely LOVE this series! Mercy is such an amazing character, and I can't wait to see what happens next. I picked this one for a "waiting on" post recently too -- glad to see I'm in good company!

    My Wednesday Post

  25. I haven't read the Mercy Thompson books yet but I read the spinoff series and really liked it!

  26. I keep getting this series recommended to me on Goodreads but still haven't read any. You'd recommend it then? There are quite a few books I'm excited about but one I'm looking forward to in 2014 is definitely the next in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor! Looove those books! And love the look of your blog as well - it looks amazing!

  27. I keep getting this series recommended to me on Goodreads but still haven't read any. You'd recommend it then? There are quite a few books I'm excited about but one I'm looking forward to in 2014 is definitely the next in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor! Looove those books! And love the look of your blog as well - it looks amazing!


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