Monday, August 25, 2014

Short and Exciting: A Curse Awakened Blog Tour

A Curse Awakened (Weird Girls #0.4)Author: Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls, #0.4
Published: August 18th 2014
Publisher: Loveswept
Lenght: 94 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon

Discover Cecy Robson’s sensational Weird Girls series—or return to where the magic first began—with this eBook original prequel novella about four sisters coming to grips with their unique supernatural powers.
Celia Wird shouldn’t possess the ability to transform into a tigress. Her three sisters should never be able to burst into flames, heal wounds, or transform common objects into deadly weapons. And yet they do.
Before they were born, the Wird Sisters were cursed by a spell that was intended to destroy them, not endow them with extraordinary powers. The sisters’ magic is untamed and explosive at best, and time is running out for them to take command.
Vampires have targeted Celia’s sweet, tragically human ex-boyfriend Danny. The sisters rush to his aid, but in order to take down the vamps, first they must face their dark past and break a spell that’s screwing up their powers. Except this curse wasn’t meant to be broken . . . and the witch who cast it isn’t done toying with them yet.
A Curse Awakened is another prequel novella in Cecy Robson's Weird Girls series (one was released before the first novel). It takes place right before the girls gained their full powers, which I thought was very interesting. The curse that was placed on them by a distant relative remained more on less a mystery until now, and it was great to learn more about it. The curse, it seems, actually backfired, but while the girls didn’t die like they should have, they didn’t reach their full potential either. So when Celia’s first boyfriend Danny (fans of the series undoubtedly know and love the shy geek) comes to her for help because the vampires kidnapped his father, the girls have to find a way to deal with the curse and become stronger before they run to his rescue.

I never thought I’d say this, but it was nice to see the girls when it was just the four of them, before all the romantic drama that follows. Cecy writes her action scenes very well and in this novella the focus is firmly on that. On the other hand, I was reminded of Taran’s excessive rudeness which made me glad that she mellowed out later in the story. Celia's role as the protector of her family was even more important before their entanglement with weres and vampires. I loved being reminded of her strength.

A Curse Awakened is great for those already familiar with the series, but it can be a great introduction for someone still on the fence about reading it. It will give you a great feel of these characters and Cecy’s writing, and I have a feeling it will push you in the right direction, i.e. towards these books. After all, what’s not to like?

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. I haven't read any of the novellas by her

  2. I read the first book in this series and loved it. I like that this novellas help you learn more about the characters and their origin. I don't normally read novellas, but I'm up for reading this one because I love the sound of it.
    Lovely review, Maja!

  3. Oh I really enjoyed this one, it was a fun prequel to discover for the series. Great review!

  4. I'm strongly considering giving Cecy Robson's prequel novellas a go, because I've read great things about her Weird Girls, but of course time is always of the essence. I'm glad to learn that this can be read BEFORE the full length books because more often than not that isn't the case. Wonderful review!

  5. I loved this novella because I love Danny.. Having read Cursed bloodlibes, I love him even more. Great review :)

  6. I have heard about this series in your blog before Maja, and this novella sounds like the perfect way to start for me, checking if I'm gonna like the series and all!
    Great review!

  7. I haven't gotten to this series yet Maja, and I think this novella is giving me the perfect excuse to shove my review pile aside and finally meet Celia and her sisters. I've heard nothing but good things and can't wait to meet them all:) *runs off to Amazon*

  8. Isn't this series just fabulous? I know this is a novella but there was a lot in this little short read. I am so excited to start A Cursed Bloodline!

  9. Hmm, I am always waivering on novellas but glad you got to see that look at them before their powers

  10. I haven't read the book yet, but this novella is certainly intriguing. I always like stories (short or a full-length) where we get to see the cause and effect of their powers. They're really interesting for me, but that's probably because I grew up watching all these magical supergirl animes and it would be nice to see something like that again in fiction.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  11. I have been wanting to read this series. Maybe I need to start here!

  12. Oh I need to read this one. I have 3 others on my tbr waiting for me to get to it. I enjoy prequels like this as long as I have the first one ready to go. Nice... I do! :D

  13. I agree, I liked that this one didn't have romantic drama and I enjoyed learning more about the curse!

  14. I agree Maja I liked going back and seeing the girls before.

  15. I wouldn't mind reading this snippet if it would get me reading the rest of the series. I'm always looking to expand my reading horizon. :)

  16. Love when a novella adds to a series or can convince someone to pick up a fun series like this one. I've read the first but haven't read any others -- need to get on that!


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