Thursday, December 19, 2013

Guest Post & Giveaway with Christina Bauer, Author of Angelbound

Hi, everyone!
Do you remember my review of Angelbound by Christina Bauer from last Sunday? I really hope you do, it's a book worth remembering. Angelbound was a tremendous surprise, what with the quality of Christina's writing, the deviation from usual YA PNR tropes or the fantastic (and hilarious) heroine, Myla.

I don't often invite authors to write for my blog, unless it's for an event I'm organizing, but I wanted another chance to try to convince you that Angelbound is a book worth your time, and this seemed like the best way. Plus, Christina turned out to be this lovely, instantly likeable peson so I was glad for this chance to get to know her better. Here's what she shared with us today:

5 Reasons Why My Dog Is A Writer, Just Like Me
by Christina Bauer

I write books—most recently the paranormal romance Angelbound—and I seriously suspect that my dog Ruby could also pen a novel, if given half a chance and opposable thumbs. You may scoff, but here are some examples of Ruby’s more writer-ly mannerisms:

1. Ruby loves Starbucks, writers love Starbucks.
In fact, I wrote most of the sequel to Angelbound in one of these ubiquitous coffee shops. But the uncanny parallels don’t end there: Ruby barks outside Starbucks; I’m toting about ten pounds of ass-jiggle that’s directly attributable to toffee-nut mochas. The similarities are almost spooky.

Ruby, about to go nuts outside a Starbucks.

2. Ruby loves food, writers love food.
Snacking is a key coping skill for virtually every writer, but it’s certainly a big one for yours truly. In general, writers aren’t the kind of breed to leave that last French fry sitting all lonely at the bottom of the take-out bag. And Ruby sees things the same way. See the trend here? So do I.

Ruby + french fries = happiness.

3. Writers, especially those of us who write paranormal fantasy stuff, must be comfortable with their inner geek. Guess what? Ruby’s already there.
For example, in the picture below, Ruby shows very protective instincts for her Chewbacca chew-toy. Case closed.

Ruby and her chewy-Chewie.

4. Writing requires a readiness put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and Ruby is a mistress of many disguises.
Like this random pirate costume we made her wear. She owns this seafaring look like a boss. Come on now, how awesome is this?

The hat-parrot is especially sublime. Arrrgh!

5. And finally, writers like to nap. Ruby likes to nap.
Writing is hard work. Napping? Not so much. So why not catch some cozy shut-eye whenever you can? Ruby and I are of one mind on this particular point.

Ruby about to snooze.

So there you have it. The cold, hard facts and photographs that all lead to one inescapable conclusion: my dog is a frustrated author. At this point, you may wonder if perhaps Ruby is ghost-writing my novels. No comment, except to say this…Like Super Man and Clark Kent, you never do see both of us at the same place at the same time. Now ponder.

About the author:
Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in Television, Radio and Film Production and English. Her day job is in marketing for companies like Microsoft, Cisco, and Brainshark, as well as founding her own software start-up, Mindful Technologies. Christina believes that, upon close examination of Tolkien’s text, it’s entirely possible that the Balrog was wearing fuzzy bunny slippers. Angelbound her first book with Ink Monster LLC.

Twitter: @CB_Bauer

Christina has generously offered to send out signed copies of Angelbound to TWO lucky winners. This part is understandably US only. But since it's Christmas time and I'd hate to have my international readers feel neglected and sad, there are also two ebooks from Amazon or iTunes. So feel free to enter the Rafflecopter regardless of where you are.
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awww her dog is so adorable! Angelbound sounds like a really cool book, fingers crossed for the giveaway! <3

  2. LOL! Well he seems to be an awesome writer too, good doggie

  3. Awwww, these pictures are adorable! Thanks for sharing, Maja!

  4. Ok, Ruby is beyond adorable!! Puppy pictures are the best! Thanks for sharing Maja! I requested Angelbound on NetGalley and just started it last night and I had to wrench myself from it to return to the review book I should've been reading!

  5. OMG. Best. Post. Ever. That dog is AWESOME!! Love the face-in-the-McDonalds-bag pic. Hilarious!

  6. I am seeing a lot of eerie similarities here....I hope one day Ruby embraces her inner writer and tells us all what's what in a book of her own:) She's quite possibly the most adorable dog ever, I can't get over her with her entire face in the McDonald's bag. Those fries are damn good Ruby, I don't blame you at all. My dogs (and me too) would be the same way! My boys would never let me put a pirate costume on them though (WTH?), they would freak out. Gatsby doesn't like anything on his person and Griffin would just try to eat it. O.o

  7. Christina seems hilarious and Ruby is just adorable. The picture of Ruby dressed up in a pirate costume is so cute!

  8. Aww Ruby is adorable! I loved this guest post!

  9. I went back and read your review. Oh this sounds like a great book. Plus, you know you had me when the writer talks about her dog. Darn it! You know me too well! Such a cutie dog and I'm now handing over lots of virtual doggie treats to Ruby. Btw, my dog wants to make sure that the take out bag is empty. You know... so Ruby doesn't have to deal with old fries. :D

  10. Thanks for the giggles and snorts this was cute and hilarious!

  11. oh it's a wonderful dog and the pictures are really cute!

  12. Oh this is a wonderful post! Her personality is great and has me more curious and anxious to read the book! And her dog is adorable! And I was in need of some giggles. ;) Thanks for the giveaway too!

  13. such a sweet post, cannot get over the cute little doggy pictures everywhere! overload.

  14. Oh my gosh, this post is hilarious. You convinced me with your review Maja, but I can see clearly now that I'll love Christina's sense of humour. I'm definitely knocking it up my to-read list now. Also, those pictures of Ruby? SO CUTE.


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