Friday, March 15, 2013

Review: Apollyon (Covenant, #4)

Apollyon (Covenant, #4)Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Series: Covenant, #4
Release date: April 9th 2013
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Paperback, 360 pages
Buy: The Book Depository

By now, it’s pretty clear that Jennifer L. Armentrout knows what she’s doing. Little by little, she’s converted even the strongest non-believers, including me. I still maintain that Half-Blood is a result of blatant plagiarism, but I have changed my mind about the series as a whole, and I’m not one to keep quiet in such an occasion. Ever since Pure, I’ve been enjoying this series more and more with each new installment, and now, with just one book left, I can even call myself a fan.

Deity ended with Alex in a serious disaster. I won’t say much more lest I spoil it for some poor, unsuspecting soul, but it was a vicious cliffhanger – I ranted about it HERE. Elixir, the subsequent novella in Aiden’s POV softened the blow just a little bit, but still, Apollyon couldn’t come soon enough. And again, there were no disappointments coming from the JLA camp. Apollyon is just as exciting, just as romantic, just as heartbreaking as the previous installments, if not more.

Our favorite Sentinels are in the middle of a war. Now that they’re facing a powerful and invisible enemy, Alex’s past problems seem funny in comparison, even to her. The only thing that really keeps her together is the fact that she’s not alone. Although she’s lost so much, she’s still surrounded by her loved ones, both her real family and her replacement family, and she’s willing to do anything to protect them. Now that she’s the Apollyon, she might actually stand a chance, if only she could somehow separate herself from the First.

It is almost impossible to predict the outcome in the battle of wills between Alex and Seth. Both are strong, driven, determined to do anything to achieve their goals. But the prophecy says Alex is there to give her power to the First, not the other way around, so defying that prophecy is her only choice.

Let’s not kid ourselves: we read these books for their plots, and their worldbuilding, and their humor, but above all, we read them for the romance. Let me assure you, the romance in Apollyon is exquisite. Keep those smelling salts within reach, ladies, our favorite couple will make you swoon.

Yes, some of Armentrout’s popularity comes from the fact that she doesn’t hesitate to write numerous scenes that are pure fan service, but I’m a fan, and I like to be given exactly what I want. I suppose we could rant about artistic integrity, but honestly, some books you read for their artistic value, and some just to have fun. And guess what? I’m all about fun. So bring it on, JLA! I’ll buy it, I’ll read it, and I’ll thank you for it.

A huge thank you to Sam @ Realm of Fiction for lending me her copy.


  1. I haven't been able to get past the plagiarism thing since I found out about it, but the fact that SO many people like this author's book has me interested. What do I doooo?! ;)

  2. I agree, totally read for the romance and then the world building, characters and action are just huge bonuses :)
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  3. While I love the covers, I have to admit, I've never read any of these, despite much love from readers. The characters sound really intriguing, though. I do appreciate a book that's just in it for the fun, nothing earth-shattering, just a fun story.

  4. Blatant plagiarism? Yikes. Well, I'm glad you've come to enjoy the series more now. I have yet to read them myself, but if I ever did, it would totally be for the fun factor. Because does this ever sound entertaining!

  5. Ohh I just started this one and am in love already!! Although those first couple of chapters were tough!

    I love Aiden. The boy just gets better and better!

    Great review!!

  6. When I read Half-Blood I had the same reaction. I was trying to be generous and call it fan fiction, but it was still glaringly unoriginal, verging on plagiarism. But I still got completely sucked in! I'm completely addicted to the romance, the action, the sass. This series really is getting better and better. "Keep those smelling salts within reach, ladies, our favorite couple will make you swoon." LOVE this :-) Fabulous review!

  7. Your final paragraph is brilliant! It's precisely the reason why Jennifer L. Armentrout's books nearly always work for me. That and her wonderful romances. ;) Great review, Maja! I'm thrilled that you've really started to enjoy this series now, especially after the rocky start. Let's hope the next instalment will wrap things up well. :)

  8. YEAH MAJA!!!! I just finished this last week and I couldn't agree with you more. I loved everything about this book, but I loved most of all the relationship between Alex and Aiden. It's been such a struggle for them throughout, and I just loved seeing them out and together with the forbidden aspect of their relationship no longer in the way. Bring on Sentinel. I'm ready for the showdown!!!

  9. I am probably one of the last remaining who haven't started this series yet. And I've had Half Blood sitting on my shelf for so long. I really hope to find the time to start this and the Lux series soon . Until then, I avoid all reviews for these series :)

  10. I WANT TO READ THIS ONE! I'm so sadly behind. I haven't read Deity and need to, and now that this one is out, I can read it. :) Heard about the cliffie and stayed away even though I do love the pure fun that her books bring me as well!

  11. Yes, some books are just read for fun...and the romance. I haven't read this series, though. :-( Sound like I just might have to.

  12. Really jelly that you read this book already :D I'm dying to know what will happen after the huge cliffhanger in Deity. Thanks for the cool review, Maja.


  13. I haven't read this series yet but the cover is gorgeous and this review makes me very, very interested. I don't mind when authors write scenes that are for the fans. It just means I'll get a little extra of what I want. Great review!

  14. I didn't want to read any reviews before I read the book but my eyes didn't listen. Anyway I'm so happy to see that're now also a fan of this series :) I love this from the first book but well Aiden is well Aiden :) Great review Maja :)

  15. Ah, I guess you can still count me as one of those few non-believers. ;) J.L. Armentrout's books for adult were okay reads for me, but I guess the real gem is her YA books! I keep reading more and more stunning reviews of this series, and I can't be even more curious now. I hope that with this sky high expectation, this series wouldn't let me down. <3 Fabulous review as always, hun! :)

  16. I've yet to pick up the books in this series ever since I read the first one. To be honest, Alex was too sporadic for my taste. There's just something about JLA's characters that either drive me to the wall for good and bad reasons. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe in time, when it's all over but the crying, I'll get back on the horse and read this series again.

    You certainly did a fantastic job oF ALMOST convincing me, though. Great review, Maja. I'll have to hike up my girly pants to foray back into this.

  17. "Keep those smelling salts within reach, ladies, our favorite couple will make you swoon." Aah! So excited for this one's release! April 9 can't get here fast enough!

  18. Oh wow. How did I miss the fourth coming out? Aaah, had to look at the date again. I didn't. :) Thank you! I have the first 3 on my Nook, and so need to get to them. :) Thank you.


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