Sunday, March 17, 2013

Review: Frost (Mist, #2)

Frost (Mist, #2)Author: Kathryn James
Series: Mist, #2
Release date: January 1st 2013
Publisher: Hodder Children's
Paperback, 323 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

I honestly never thought I’d say this, but Frost is even better than Mist. The stakes are higher, the romance is more intense (although still appropriate for MG readers), and the action is far more exciting.

After spending two months far north, trying to open the iron camps and release their elders, Evan had to return to help the other Elven children, but he is not the lighthearted boy he once was. Watching his parents and hundreds of other Elven waste away in the iron camps changed him, made him mistrustful of all humans, including Nell. During those two months, Nell tried to go back to her usual, everyday life, but a part of her remained with the Elven and especially with Evan. When Star comes to her for help, terrified and panicky, Nell is ready to do anything to save Evan’s world.

She saw shadows start to move on his face, like last time when he’d told her about his family in the iron camp. This time, as he’d told her how cold they’d become, and how they’d walked for days, hardly sleeping, snow formed on his eyelashes and frost on his face.

The harps that are keeping the Elven world alive are slowly going quiet. Without them, there will be no more forest behind the mist, no place the Elven kids can call their own. They would be forced to come to the human world, where they would surely be hunted down by the Watchers and forced into iron camps. There are no adults they can turn to, only Nell and Evan.

This time, the sweetest almost-couple had more than just prejudice and fear to fight – they had to join forces against the cold-hearted ice Elven. A brother and a sister, Loki and Laki, showed up in Nell’s little town and turned Nell’s older sister and her friends into mindless servants. While immune to their powers, Nell was still desperate to protect her sister Gwen.

In Frost, the world around Evan and Nell expanded even more and Kathryn James was really able to let her imagination run wild. When she combined that with her beautiful writing, what resulted was a book that was rich and magical, gentle and more satisfying than any fairy tale.

Nell was even more fierce and daring in this book, and rightfully so. She did achieve the impossible last time after all. Evan, while wounded and traumatized, still kept showing his sweet side, especially around Nell.

All the loose ends were tied in Frost so I don’t think there’ll be another book, but I can hope, right? For someone who doesn’t even read Middle Grade, I’m enjoying this series more than I can put into words.


  1. This doesn't sound familiar to me at all, I'm wondering if I've heard of book one. I do like that it's an MG series that has a good sequel (it's nice to hear that seeing as so many sequels flop!)

  2. Wow, this sounds really great! I like the premise and it sounds like Evan grew a bunch in this book, especially with his failure to release the Elders. I don't read a ton of MG anymore but sometimes it just works so perfectly!

  3. I remember your review of the first book, and I've been curious about this series ever since. I'm glad to hear that the sequel impressed you even more than Mist! I guess I'll have to meet Nell and Evan sooner rather than later. :) Fantastic review as always, Maja!

  4. I haven't heard of this series before but I am so glad you are enjoying it!
    I may have to look it up on Goodreads. :)

  5. I don't really read middle grade all that often but this series sounds good. Love that the second book is even better.

  6. This is a middle grade series? I had no idea! I'm glad you enjoyed this Maja, it sounds like a fun series! I will definitely have to keep this series in mind when I'm looking for something different to pick up! :)

  7. This sounds lots of fun, I haven't heard of it until now, but even though it's MG I'll definitely be adding it to my wishlist!

    It sounds exciting and Nell sounds like a very strong character.

    Fab review, Maja.

  8. I've never heard of this series but it sounds really good. I'm not a middle grade reader either, but I do sometimes enjoy it. I'm guessing this is about fairies because of the Iron factor? I'll have to go read the description. Wonderful review Maja. :)

    1. Okay, I went back and checked and now I remember this from your first review. I definitely want to check it out now. :)

  9. I don't read middle grade myself either Maja, but it's great that you're enjoying this one so much. I hope there's a third book on the way for you :) And I love this cover, really pretty.

  10. I normally don't read a lot of middle grade either, but lately so many MG stories sound appealing to me. I don't know if it's because my tastes are expanding or if MG writers are writing up, but I'm not complaining. :-) This sounds like exactly my kind of story, and Nell seems like a wonderful character. I'm definitely buying Mist & Frost if they ever become available over here. Lovely review! :-)

  11. I don't often read middle grade, but this one sounds interesting. I like to hear sequels tying up all the lose ends, though it's always said to have a series end if you like it a lot

  12. The covers in this series are so pretty. I still need to check out the first book for myself, and if I end up liking it as much as you did, I'll be recommending it to my younger cousin and brother.

  13. I don't think I have heard of this series (though if there's a different cover I might not be making the connection). It sounds AMAZING though! I love fantasy and middle grade so I'm all over it!

  14. Huh. I'm pretty sure I haven't heard of this series. I've been trying to go the other way on the age spectrum, but this does sound interesting. Great review!

  15. These covers for the series are just so whimsical and pretty. I'm keeping my eye out for these, especially since you're enjoying them so much!


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