Thursday, March 14, 2013

Impostor (Slide, #2) Blog Tour: A Day In the Writing Life of Jill Hathaway

Hello and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Impostor by Jill Hathaway. I enjoyed Slide a lot and I'm thrilled to be able to share with you a very funny (and I suspect very truthful) post by Jill.

A Day In the Writing Life

6:12 a.m. Open one eye. Close it again.

6:37 a.m. Toddler jumps on head.

6:42 a.m. Make everyone a healthy breakfast of toaster waffles and chocolate milk.

6:55 a.m. Surf Pinterest while eating.

7:38 a.m. Watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with the kids. Think about plot where Minnie walks into the clubhouse to find Donald and Mickey lying in pieces on the floor. Decide you’ll probably never write for children’s television.

9:24 a.m. Surf Pinterest some more while waiting for husband to wake up. Realize there are nearly 1,000 pins on Fashion Inspiration board and only about 6 on Writing Craft board.

11:14 a.m. Husband finally wakes up and takes shower. Now it’s time to go somewhere I can write without children grinding banana bits into my keyboard.

11:56 a.m. Panera is pretty crowded with people actually eating, not working. Decide to get a red velvet cookie and surf Pinterest until the place clears out.

2:31 p.m. Panera has cleared out enough that I find a seat next to a power outlet. Plug in computer. Pinterest has drained my laptop of almost all juice. Open Word document. Pop in headphones.

2:34 p.m. Check Pinterest while working through plot problem.

4:27 p.m. Crap. It’s almost dinnertime. I should call the hubs to see if I need to bring anything home for dinner.

5:17 p.m. Swing by pizza place to grab a double deckeroni before heading home.

5:49 p.m. Children pounce on me when I walk in the door. Well, let’s face it. They pounce on the pizza. Hubs asks how the writing went. I vent about my plot problem. He comes up with a solution in about two seconds.

6:15 p.m. Cuddle kiddos on sofa while watching Dora. Daydream about scenario where Dora and Boots switch bodies. Fantasize about writing for children's television…

Check out Jill's new release, IMPOSTOR (SLIDE #2), to be released on 3/26/13! You can't miss the pretty pink cover!

Title: Impostor
Series: Slide, #2
Release date: March 26th 2013
Publisher: Balzer & Bray

What if a killer took control of you?

Vee Bell’s gift (or curse) of “sliding”—slipping into the mind of another person and experiencing life, briefly, through his or her eyes—has been somewhat under control since she unwillingly witnessed the horrific deaths of her classmates six months ago.

But just as things are getting back to normal, Vee has a very bizarre experience: she loses consciousness and finds herself in a deserted area, at the edge of a cliff, with the broken body of the boy who took advantage of her on the rocks below.

As Vee finds herself in stranger and stranger situations with no memory of getting there, she begins to suspect that someone she knows has the ability to slide—and that this “slider” is using Vee to exact revenge on his or her enemies.

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)


  1. I remember commenting on your review for Slide and I have to say, it sounds brilliant! You definitely right about the pretty pink cover! I couldn't stop laughing at the guest post, that is fantastic, best one I've seen to date! For me that sounds a bliss, I would love to work like that! Great Post Maja! I hope you enjoy Impostor! :)

  2. Great guest post. It seems a common theme among writers that 90% of writing time is spent procrastinating. Not that I'm criticizing. I do the same thing myself when I write. Reading posts like this makes me feel more normal.

  3. LOL for pins!! :D Hhaha this is a really funny guest post! I sounds like me when I have to study or something. Just I don't check Pinterest but GoodReads or Blog or Twitter or email like something magical will appear. Great post! :)

  4. LOL! At least, that's what most people think writers do (and it does happen some...many days!). I have a serious Pinterest addiction, too. It's a horrible waste of time but I just can't stop!

  5. hahaha that was hilarious. I have never been able to get into Pinterest, I dunno, for me it's Twitter that I can get lost on for hours. I can't wait to read this one! I loved Slide!!!

  6. What a fun guest post! I admit, I am not a Pinterest girl but I have thought about it since I see so many cute things posted or created from there all the time!

    I still need to read the first book in this series. I am so behind!

  7. LOVE THIS POST! Jill has such a great sense of humor, and though I can't relate to having a toddler jump on my head, I can relate to cracking one eye open, deciding it's too early, and snapping it shut again. Win.

    I've been avoiding Pinterest because I fear an addiction. Based on this post, I'd say that fear is valid ;-)

  8. Hahaha! This is like me when I need to get anything done. I really enjoyed Slide and look forward to Imposter. Love the post!

  9. I had to laugh at this point. Seems Pinterest is an addiction, one I don't have nor do I have time for, so I'll stay away. And poor Disney characters, there demise is fantasized about too much!

    Fun post! :)

  10. Haha, this is fantastic! I love how Jill's husband can solve her plot problem within two seconds. And I also love her Pinterest addiction. I don't have a Pinterest myself (I'm more of a tumblr gal), but I might have to give it a try... Thanks for sharing this fun and funny post, Maja! :)

  11. Hilarious guest post!! I do love pinterest. Tumblr as well. That can really take up some time when you're finding hilarious posts. I'm also a bit obsessed with a british soap opera. LOL

    I haven't read Slide, but the sequel sounds amazing. I need to get on it!

  12. You know... I think a lot of parents would love that 7:38am plot. Especially when they have seen the same thing for upteen times. LOL Love the post! Love the humor!!

  13. This is great! I hardly ever go on pinterest but when I do it sucks me in (that's why I stay away). I have this book on my TBR pile and crap, it comes out soon so I must read it very soon!

  14. Ha ha! Love it. I have the first book in the series on my kindle. Must get to it, I've been eyeing it forever.

  15. This is hilarious! I'm feeling so much better about my own Pinterest addiction now. :-)

    Can't wait to read Imposter, I really enjoyed Slide. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hahaha, Pinterest. This is why I've been resisting with all my might. I wonder how most 21st-century writers' days compared to 19th- or even 20th-century writers' days...?

  17. Hah I love this post Jill, I am so easily distracted too, that if I ever went on Pinterest I don't think I would ever get anything done! I also love how someone else can come up with a solution to your plot problem in like two seconds whereas you've been stressing about it all day! Thanks for sharing this post with us Maja! :)

  18. Someone clearly has a Pinterest addiction. ;) It sounds a little like my Goodreads addiction! I'm nearly always on that site when I should be working. ;) Great guest post!

    This reminds me that I'll have to remember to get a copy of Impostor. I really enjoyed Slide, too. :)


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