Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Review:Fragments (Partials Sequence,#2)

Fragments (Partials, #2)Author: Dan Wells
Series: Partials Sequence, #2
Release date: March 28th 2013
Publisher: HarperCollins UK
Paperback, 482 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Consistently mediocre is not a bad thing for a series to be, not when there are so many bad ones constantly being sold (and praised). Fragments is a story neither better nor worse than Partials, but it is just a bit more ambitious, as it splits into two plotlines that will most assuredly come together in the end.

In Fragments, the narrative is split between Marcus and Kira, and I was very surprised to find myself enjoying Marcus’ point of view more. Far more interesting things were happening on his end, while Kira’s journey seemed endless and monotone after a while. While Marcus was trying to stay alive in the middle of a war and form treaties and alliances at the same time, Kira, Samm and Heron embarked on a journey across the country, through hundreds of miles of toxic wasteland in hopes of finding the cure for both the RM, and the Partials’ expiration date.

I freely admit that I don’t remember much of the first book, but I distinctly remember not liking Marcus much, and yet he was my favorite in Fragments. He was funny and resourceful and ready to take action when action was required. Samm, on the other hand, lost some of his appeal, not because he did something wrong, but because he was mostly passive throughout the book. He just silently followed Kira, and although his reasons were good, it wasn’t very impressive. I respected Heron more for having a a firm opinion and not hesitating to express it loudly, even though she opposed Kira every step of the way.

In Fragments, Dan Wells raised some interesting questions that are easily applicable today, and then did his best to answer them through Kira and Samm, and possibly even Marcus. There were no easy answers for any of them, and making some of the decisions they were forced to make, meant stepping out of morally gray area into complete darkness. Mostly it was Kira who had to make these impossible choices, and I’m still not sure she made the right ones. Neither is she, for that matter, probably because right choices simply didn’t exist.

How easy would it be for a civilization so amazing to reach just a little too far? To do something it shouldn’t? to make one sacrifice or one compromise or one rationalization too many? If you can build a city so great, what’s to stop you from building a person? If you can control a lake, what’s to stop you from controlling a population? If you can subjugate nature itself, why should a sickness ever get out of hand?

Despite all the action and excitement, at least on one end, Fragments was still about 200 pages too long. I’m not one to shy away from long books, but 560 pages (US edition) is far too long, at least when so little is actually going on. What made it even worse was the vicious cliffhanger we were left with. I wish I’d have known about it in advance, I probably would have decided to wait a while.


  1. Oh dear, your review started with the phrase "consistently mediocre" and I was on my guard. I haven't really paid much attention to this series, and after your reading your review, I think it's still probably not for me. Thanks!

  2. I am kind of sad you didn't like this one more. It seems like this one just might be suffering from the dreaded second book syndrome that so many second books in series suffer from.

    Hopefully the next book picks up.

    Great honest review!

  3. I've heard this one's a bit too long (it IS a very large book) -- it probably could have used some good pruning shears and it might have been a 4- or 5-star book. I haven't read it yet, even though it's on my shelf, just because I don't want to be disappointed!

  4. I only skimmed your review because I have yet to read Partials but I am sad to see that this series is only mediocre at best for you. I had been hesitant to read it for a while now and I guess I have good reason. With all of the great books out there who has time to spend with the mediocre ones by choice!

  5. Your reviews are always refreshingly honest, Maja, and I'm sorry that this book falls into mediocre read for you. But wonderfully balanced review like usual! I think you make your points clear, and it's interesting that the authors raised some important questions in the book. I haven't given this series much thought before, but I think I might pick this book someday thanks to your review. :)

    Thank you for the amazing review, hun! <3

  6. 560 pages? Wow, that is definitely an ambitious story. I haven't read either book in this series but I am curious about them because I like the premise, though it doesn't seem as though either book blew you away. I'm in kind of a funk at the moment and I need a book that will just knock me off my feet. I'm curious about Marcus though, I love when I'm not a fan of a character in one book and then they make me change my mind in later books:)

  7. I'm intrigued by the quote that you shared, but 560 pages + a vicious cliffhanger?? Hmm... I think I'll wait. Thank you for offering us your honest opinion. I enjoyed reading your review :)

  8. Though I think I'm enjoying this series a bit more than you, I completely agree that this book could easily have lost 200 or more pages. Some of the the traveling scenes could have been axed for sure (it seemed like there was no point at all to the Chicago stop, and that was at least 50 pages of unnecessary travel). I also didn't really like Marcus in book one, so I was surprised to end up really loving him this time! He finally has a personality, and isn't just a sad, jealous puppy type. I differ with you on my love for Samm, which is still intact (especially after his poetic musings on the end of the world), but I agree with your Heron respect wholeheartedly. She might be my favorite character of all. Hopefully book three raises the bar a little higher! Amazing review :-)

  9. Oh Now I'm glad I haven't started this series. I HATE CLIFFHANGERS.
    Great review Maja.

  10. Oh geez. That is a lot of pages, esp to leave you with a cliffie.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  11. Hm... cliffie. UGH! I hate those things....even more so than the boring parts of books. And 200 pages too long? Eep! That really is too long. I dont' shy away from books that big either, but it should be a surprise that you read that much, not trudged through it. Mediocre. Hm... not thinking I'd enjoy this one that much.

  12. Aw man, I hate cliffhangers! I also have a bit of a dislike to books over 400 pages, lol, unless it's Harry Potter or Game of Thrones!

    I haven't read Fragments, I started it but didn't get more than a chapter or 2 - can't remember why though.

    Thanks for a fab review! :)

  13. I think books should come with a cliffhanger warning. ;) 560 pages is almost The-Diviners-long, though maybe a few pages shorter. Still pretty daunting for me, though! I remember the first one looked quite chunky, too (I still haven't read it). It's a shame this was only mediocre in the end, but I'm glad you liked parts well enough. It's also interesting that you had a change of heart about Marcus's character, too. :) Lovely review, Maja!

  14. I loved the first book I think a bit more than you so if you enjoyed this one as much I'm excited! I don't remember if the first one had 2POVs though, is that new to the sequel? I guess I don't remember much either huh? lol. I'm terrible at remembering from one book to the sequel especially when read as ARCs. I" curious to see what Dan does with the plot in the sequel, though 560 dos sound pretty freaking long and it doesn't sound like anything very monumental happens either. I'll be reading is soon-ish hopefully so we'll see what it's all about. Great review, Maja darling!

  15. I was so excited for this book. It sounded great, action and interesting, plus the cover is lovely. But I really don't like it when books are too long. It can get hard to finish it. Thanks for the review, I think I'll still have to check this out sometime in the future.

  16. I am so surprised about Marcus being interesting and funny because he was neither of those things in Partials (I'm holding off on posting my review because it's ALL negative!)

    I have no interest in reading this, but I guess it's good that the sequel didn't get any worse! And I completely agree re. length, Partials could have been cut in half, and I believe you when you say this could have done with some cutting down, too.

  17. I'm excited to read this one. I can't believe Marcus comes off as more entertaining. He fell flat for me in the first book. I'm also sad to hear the length is a bag thing. When my copy came in the mail I was shocked at how long it was. Still, I love Dan Wells writing so I look forward to it.

  18. I haven't started this series yet, but if I do I think I may wait so I can read them all closer together. I'm realizing that I enjoy books much more when I can actually remember the previous one. I'm not sure if I will read this or not though, there are so many GREAT books out there I don't know if I want to give one that might be mediocre a shot.

  19. I'm reading Partials at the moment and I don't particularly like Marcus, so I'm glad to hear he gets better.

    As for length, I have to agree that Partials is fairly lengthy and this one is even more daunting.

    Still glad you could enjoy it for mediocre. Lovely review, Maja! :)

  20. I felt the same about the first being too long...I don't mind long books if there's a reason for it, but he really could stand to cut so much out and have a tighter story. Consistently mediocre is why I don't think I'm going to pick this one up. I enjoyed the first just fine, but that's all it was to me--fine. It sort of seems that the second is along the same route, so meh!

  21. Hmm, I have Partials here to read with the kid one day. Sounds like a decent series. And like you said, there are so many bad ones out there... *sigh*

  22. Length does not scare me as long as its good, not happy about the cliffhanger but still excited! I have this was to read this weekend, at least i know going in it has some issues.

  23. I haven't started this series but it sounds only okay and not something I think I'll fall in love with. And the length requires you to devote quite a lot of time to the novel. I'll probably continue holding off on reading it. Thanks for the review, Maja.


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