Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Review: Something Like Normal

Something Like Normal
Author: Trish Doller
Published: June 19th 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Hardcover, 214 pages
Buy: The Book Depository

Before I start praising Something Like Normal, I need to point out a little thing that’s really bothering me: the cover is doing this book a great disservice. This is not a romance. There is a guy and there is a girl, and they do get together eventually, but the guy is suffering from PTSD and the girl is his lifeline, and all they’re both trying to do is chase away the nightmares. This is, above all, a book about survival, loss and guilt. The couple on the cover seems somehow less than appropriate, or at least misleading.

After spending seven months in Afghanistan, Travis Stephenson has returned home for a 30-day leave. He is supposed to spend some time with his family and relax, but home isn’t home anymore, and Trav is having a hard time functioning among normal people. His family was never exactly warm; in fact, his overbearing father was the main reason Travis enlisted in the Marines. While he was away, his girlfriend started a relationship with his younger brother, his father started cheating on his mom, and he doesn’t feel that he belongs anywhere except in the muddy pits of Afghanistan, where he spent the most intense days of his life and lost his best friend Charlie. Spending time with Harper, a girl he knew back in high school, helps, but PTSD isn’t something that just goes away when you fall in love.

Trish Doller did her research, and she did it well. Writing about young soldiers in a war that’s so fresh was risky and brave, and I was more than a little worried. I was afraid she’d either idealize those boys, or completely fail to dig under the surface, but her raw honesty stunned me. Nobody is idealized in this story, not even Afghan children, and the truth is told – the good and the bad parts.
Travis is a very complex character. Severely damaged, afraid of every sudden move and loud sound, he still longs for the adrenaline rush he gets from patroling the streets of Afghanistan. He feels completely detached from anything that’s even close to normal. He can’t even get mad at his brother for appropriating his life while he was away. His actions aren’t always easily acceptable, but they make sense in light of his condition.

Doller’s story is very emotionally demanding. It is never melodramatic; in fact, she approaches true pain and horror very matter-of-factly, which forces the reader to accept them in the same way. On her GoodReads page, Doller listed Cath Crowley, Kirsty Eagar and Melina Marchetta as her influences. It’s something I could have guessed on my own after reading her debut. Maybe she lacks Crowley’s magical touch, Eagar’s exceptional rawness or Marchetta’s finesse, but she is a force to be reckoned with. Give her a couple more books, and she’ll be standing with the very best.


  1. I just skimmed your review since I'm currently reading the book, but I'll come back and read it right after I'm done writing my review. From the little I've read, I gather you really did enjoy the book, so I'm pretty excited to read it ! It's great that the book isn't an overly romantic book as can be interpreted from the cover.
    I'm very glad you enjoyed the book, Maja ! :)

  2. Wow, I love what you have to say about this one Maja. I was afraid that it would be a little bit too...light and romancey for me but you've made me very interested again. I might have to get this after all! Wonderful review!

  3. Fantastic review Maja, this book has been on my wishlist forever! So I'm glad to know you enjoyed it, also from seeing the cover I would have thought that the romance aspect would have been a central theme, so it's good to know there's so many other issues the book deals with. I'm even more excited about reading this after your lovely review! :)

  4. This book has been on my radar for a while now. You're right, I fiigured there was more romance in this based on the cover. The story sounds amazing even with the romance being on the light side. With your comparisons to MM and Crowley how can I resist? Wonderful review Maja. :)

  5. This sounds INCREDIBLE and yes, it sounds like the cover does not do this book justice at all!!! It looks like just another romance book... not the intense book that deals with so many issues, especially PTSD... I love that the plot of this book definitely stands out from others in the genre and that romance is not the main thing here! Thanks for the wonderful review, Maja. I NEED to read this one!

  6. Buying this book immediately after leaving this comment. Love the props you gave the author. And I appreciate that the author really took the time to research the topic and not romanticize it in any way to lessen the blow. It's a shame that the cover is a bit misleading, but if it gets people to read this book because they are expecting an epic romance, then it seems worth it because they get a little of that and so much more.

  7. One of the best reviews I've seen in a while. I seriously culled my blog list a while back - yours definitely remained because your reviews are always great to read, whether they are negative or positive - thanks for your thoroughness. You just added this one to my TBR.

  8. I've chosen not to read this book but you are doing a very good job of convincing me to change my mind. Cath Crowley and Melina Marchetta? I've never heard this before but it is definitely making me want to try Trish Doller's writing myself. A lovely and articulate review, Maja!

  9. Huh, I don't know why I am surprised that you read this. This is the first review I've read that actually talked at length about the war aspect of the novel rather than the romantic aspects of it. Well, concentrated on would be a more apt way to put it. I've had this for a little bit but I've been nervous to try it in case it was just a standard contemporary YA romance but you've motivated me. It's all on you, Maja. (juuust kidding, no pressure)

  10. Your review is incredibly amazing, Maja, and I always have review envy every time I read it LOL! (silly I know) I think I'm going to love this book. <3 It has all the elements I love: broken characters, nightmarish past, raw writing, and hopeful ending (I hope) to end it!

    Okay, I'm off to run to the nearest bookstore now! x) Hopefully I'm going to love this as much as you! <3

  11. I agree with the cover being misleading. I haven't read it yet but all the reviews have said the romance isn't heavy. It is more about Travis trying to fit back into a life that he left. That he doesn't feel right in. I imagine being away for years in a war would make coming home very difficult. Sounds really emotional! Great review!

  12. That cover IS misleading -- I never would've guessed that this was a complex post-war book just from looking at it, and I have to say that your review makes me a million times more intrigued than before! This just sounds so... HEARTBREAKING. Raw. Amazing. A lot of authors can try to write a book about war survival with a touch of romance, but only a few authors can get it RIGHT. Trish Doller sounds like one of them! :)

    Absolutely beautiful review, Maja! <3 I'm still re-stunned at how amazing you can write, even though I should probably be used to it by now :')

  13. GREAT review! I've been dying to read this one forever. It sounds so good, and I'm glad that it isn't really a romance. Need to get this one ASAP!

  14. Awesome review. I've been hearing great things about this and it's great that you agree. I really want to check this out sometime. I think it would be an emotional read though since my brother and his friend are both in the army (the friend is brother is not yet but it can always come of course) but I think it would be worth it.

    I don't like the cover either. Another review I read commented on how it pushes guys away from reading it because it looks like a romance, and it sounds like something that a lot of guys really WOULD enjoy reading on various levels. Maybe they will give it a new cover.


  15. Excellent review, Maja! One of the reasons why I enjoyed reading this is because it's different from other contemporary YA novels out there since it focuses on a Marine. I agree with you, I felt that Trish did her research well. I'm looking forward to reading her next novel.

  16. OOO! I actually thought that this book focuses on romance since the cover is like that but thank you for telling us that the cover does not quite match the story! I've been hearing great things about Something Like Normal and hopefully I can get the chance to read it soon!

    Awesome review, Maja! ♥ Glad you enjoyed it! :)

  17. I also thought this one focuses more in romance because of the cover. But I'm glad that you enjoyed it. This sounds so touching and emotional and the author seems to really have a lot of potential. Great review, Maja. :)

  18. OMG i knew this is going to be a good book, I cant wait to read it Maja, im so glad you liked it. Such an incredible review. <3
    P.s, I hope to read this very soonnnnnnnnnnnnn.


  19. Your intro about the cover instantly made me think of Kirsty Eagar and Raw Blue, in the way that it too includes a guy and a girl but it's not a typical romantic plot line, so I'm not surprised that Trish listed her as an influence.

    This is a great review, Maja, I was a bit worried I wouldn't get this as I'm not American and we don't have Marines but I realise now that it's a story about the guy and not his job and I really need to read this now!

  20. I agree, the cover makes this novel appear like a light, fluffy romance when in truth, this book is much deeper and more complex than that. Brilliant review, Maja, you always write so eloquently! I noticed that YA contemp isn't your usual cup of tea, but I'm so glad you enjoyed this. :)

  21. i liked the cover but i wish it was more neutral
    i can frexin wait to read this book
    gr8 review

  22. This sounds great. I like books that are a little contemporary but have more going on.

    Thanks for the review!

  23. I feel like I really need to read those influence authors, since I loved this. I can't believe I've never even heard of Eager! *goes to shame corner for failing at book knowledge*


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