Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: So Close to You (5)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagarly anticipating.

For my fifth WoW post, I've chosen a book that reminds me of one of my favorite 2012 releases, Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris.

Expected publication: July 10th 2012.
Publisher: HarperTeen
Hardcover, 310 pages

Lydia Bentley has heard stories about the Montauk Project all her life: stories about the strange things that took place at the abandoned military base near her home and the people who've disappeared over the years. Stories about people like her own great-grandfather.

When Lydia stumbles into a portal that transports her to a dangerous and strange new reality, she discovers that all the stories she's ever heard about the Montauk Project are true, and that she's in the middle of one of the most dangerous experiments in history.

Alongside a darkly mysterious boy she is wary to trust, Lydia begins to unravel the secrets surrounding the Project. But the truths behind these secrets force her to question all her choices—and if Lydia chooses wrong, she might not save her family but destroy them... and herself.

Doesn't it sound a lot like Unraveling? Hopefully it will be just as good. I loved Elizabeth Norris's debut so much and I have a feeling I might love this too. Plus, the cover is so gorgeous! It makes me want to dye my hair red again. 

What are you guys excited about? Leave me a link and I'll come visit.


  1. I haven't heard of this book before now but it sounds great! thank-you for sharing.

    My WoW,

  2. Sounds really interesting! I haven't read Unraveling yet but I love when there are crazy experiments and secrets!
    My WOW

  3. I heard about this book last time and it does look interesting! Great pick and I'm gonna look forward about this book =D
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Seeing this book around lately! Looks interesting too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. haven't heard of this but this sounds marvelous...

    My WoW

  6. One for the TBR, this sounds awesome. And I love the cover. Thanks for sharing

    My WoW

  7. This does sound so much like Unravelling! I think I need this now, I need to meet the darkly mysterious boy! And the cover is so beautiful! Great pick Maja! :)

  8. I saw this for the first time last week. It sounds pretty amazing. My WOW...

  9. This sounds super awesome I have my eye on it too. And I have to read Unraveling soon, too! I have it and I actually plan to get to it soon I'm still excited by your review! >.<

  10. I like how the cloud thing looks like a tree. :D

    ComaCalm's Corner

  11. Wow sounds kinda of heavy but really good thanks for sharing. To see what i choose click on my name.

  12. I've seen this one around the interwebs a few times but never checked it out. I think I was turned off by the clouds on the cover, but it actually sounds pretty interesting! And yeah, her hair is beautiful, I wish I could pull off red hair lol. Thanks for sharing! :) Here's my wow.


  13. YES! That cover is totally making me crave red hair. And did I tell you I got Unraveling, but still haven't made time to read it. *sighs* Why am I so full of fail? Don't answer that. LOL

  14. Interesting. I don't know if I'd like this or not...I'm kind of tired of book summaries ending with "and with a mysterious guy" or something. LOL Crazy crazy. My sister has red hair like this though. Too pretty.


  15. *squints for a second* Oh, it does! It absolutely DOES sound a bit like Unraveling!! :D And considering how much we both loved that book, I just had to add this one to my TBR pile too! The first thing I thought when I saw that cover was that it reminded me of the twister from Wizard of Oz, but I like your comparison so much better than mine LOL :')

    Amazing pick for your WOW this week, Maja! I don't think I could ever pull of being a redhead haha, but I'm sure you definitely could! :) <3

  16. I like the twister on the cover! :D And the whole transportation to a new reality and coming in the middle of a dangerous experiment really gets me interested :D So nice pick!

  17. The cover is gorgeous, and the premise sounds really, really good. :) Thanks for alerting us about this one, Maja! =)

    P.S. Judging by your GR profile picture, I can definitely see you rocking red hair. :)

  18. Interesting...Love the cover!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  19. This book sounds fantastic! Thanks for the introduction!

  20. Maja! You had red hair?!! I must see a picture of this mysterious woman with red hair!

    I love the cover on this one. It sounds like an exciting read! Great pick.:)

  21. I wish I had hair like that. ;) Great choice of book! I'm really eager to read this myself and hope it is as fantastic as it sounds.


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