Friday, June 24, 2016

Review: The Curse of Tenth Grave

The Curse of Tenth Grave (Charley Davidson, #10)
Author: Darynda Jones
Series: Charley Davidson, #10
Released: June 28th 2016
Publisher: St.Martin's 
Length: 352 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon

As a Part-time PI and fulltime grim reaper, Charley Davidson has asked a lot of questions throughout her life: Why can I see dead people? Who is the hot supernatural entity following me? How do I get gum out of my sister’s hair before she wakes up? But, “How do I trap not one malevolent god, but three?” was never among them. Until now. And since those gods are on earth to kill her daughter, she has little choice but to track them down, trap them, and cast them from this dimension.
There’s just one problem. One of the three stole her heart a very long time ago. Can the Razer, a god of absolute death and destruction, change his omniscient spots, or will his allegiances lie with his brothers?
Those are just a few of the questions Charley must answer, and quick. Add to that a homeless girl running for her life, an innocent man who’s been charged with murder, and a pendant made from god glass that has the entire supernatural world in an uproar, and Charley has her hands full. If she can manage to take care of the whole world-destroying-gods thing, we’re saved. If not, well… 

It’s always so good to be back with our Charley. Even after ten books, she’s still such a breath of fresh air and she always makes us laugh. There’s been a lot of heartbreak in her life lately, but she always manages to stay upbeat and spread sarcasm wherever she turns. It could be the ADD, or maybe she’s just certifiably insane. Either way, it works for her, and it definitely works for us.

Charley is working on one of those cases only she could possibly solve. Emery Adams is dead, her fiancé accused of murder in what appears to be a slam dunk case. However, Charley is less than convinced, and so are Emery’s friends and family. The mystery takes some time to unravel, especially for an investigator with ADD, but as usual, it’s a good one. In addition, Charley stumbles upon a young homeless girl with a curse. If she is to save the girl’s life, she has to dig out the truth about a group home called Harbor House. Cookie is there to help, of course, but even then it’s a race against time.

The worlds of Charley Davidson (and there are now many) are becoming complicated. The number of her enemies and allies both is constantly growing. Now that some of her allies are guarding Beep, though, new people are showing up to fill in for them. I can never get enough of Darynda’s secondary characters, starting with Cookie and ending with Pari the tattoo artist. Fortunately, both of them get plenty of page time in this book.

I’m afraid I also have to address a pet peeve of mine, which takes up a lot of this book. For such a strong, practically destined couple, Charley and Reyes spend very little time actually talking to each other. In fact, most of their marriage is a series of ridiculous misunderstandings, made that much more difficult by Charley’s tendency to hide things and investigate behind Reyes’ back. She is the queen of wrong conclusions, and his avoidance techniques certainly don’t help. Fortunately for them, a wicked game of Twister can solve a lot, and the rest kind of takes care of itself.
Without another word, he stepped forward, and while still holding a plate in each hand, he bent down and put his mouth on mine. I raised half-closed fists to his chest and melted into him. Most of me did, anyway. Some of me melted into my panties.
I’m not sure how many more books we’ll be getting about Charley, but a spin-off is definitely in the works. All the signs are there, and while I’m sure no one could ever replace our Charley, her daughter at least deserves a chance to try.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. I would love a spin off with Beep! I think it would be fun, especially since we know who she is destined to be with. ;)

  2. For some reason, the first book in this series wasn't one that drew me in. I abandoned it pretty quickly but seeing how fans have yet to be disappointed, even as far as Book 10, makes me want to give this series another shot. Wonderful review, Maja--I hope your much-wanted spin-off arrives soon! Sometimes ten is a few books too many with the same character.

  3. You are right, I did not think about that, but the times they talk together in a day..ha!

  4. YASSSS! I so want to see Beep's story and man, I wish they would stop calling her that because she's going to grow with a complex. Lol.

  5. I laugh a lot while reading this series, but Charley frustrates me so much, too! This right here is why I'm hesitant to pick this up "most of their marriage is a series of ridiculous misunderstandings, made that much more difficult by Charley’s tendency to hide things and investigate behind Reyes’ back. She is the queen of wrong conclusions, and his avoidance techniques certainly don’t help."

    It's the reason I didn't request a review copy. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed this one in spite of all that. Wonderful review, Maja! :)

  6. Thanks for the review. I've got this series on my TBR. One of these day's I'll start it. ^_^

  7. I'm simultaneously happy and mortified at the thought of a spin off. And while sometimes it does get a bit old, I never found their misunderstandings too horrible or annoying. I would have liked more communication however. :) Cannot wait for this book!

  8. Yep, I adore Charley and loved this book. But I totally agree with you about their lack of communication. Some I understand, while some is so unnecessary.

  9. I wouldn't mind a spin off series about Beep for sure!! =D
    And I cannot wait till this one gets to my Kindle Monday at midnight! Even if the lack of communication between those two makes me want to bang their heads together sometimes too!

  10. My goodness, 10 volumes in and reader's passion for the series runs just as hot as ever! That is impressive! And it tells me beyond any shadow of a doubt that I'm missing out by not making time to try it... :/ Fantastic review, Maja! :)

  11. I had a great time with this one as well! Prefered this one to the previous one in fact


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