Monday, January 26, 2015

Audiobook Review: Hellhole

HellholeAuthor: Gina Damico
Narrator: MacLeod Andrews
Relased: January 6th 2015
Publisher: Audible Studios
Length: 9 hrs
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Audible

A devil is a bad influence.... There was a time when geeky, squeaky-clean Max Kilgore would never lie or steal or even think about murder. Then he accidentally unearths a devil, and Max's choices are no longer his own. The big red guy has a penchant for couch surfing and junk food - and you should never underestimate evil on a sugar high. With the help of Lore, a former goth girl who knows a thing or two about the dark side, Max is racing against the clock to get rid of the houseguest from hell before time, and all the Flamin' Hot Cheetos this side of the fiery abyss, run out.
Gina Damico, author of the Croak series, once again delivers all the horror, hilarity, and high-stakes drama that any kid in high school or hell could ever handle.

Gina Damico, author of the Croak trilogy, is known first and foremost for her fabulous sense of humor. Her books are always hilarious, which more than makes up for the occasionally weak plots. On the surface, Hellhole is a pretty weak story about a boy who accidentally ends up taking care of the devil (one of 666 of them, apparently) and makes all sorts of ill-advised bargains with him along the way. But there are many other things underneath, and it’s precisely those things that make this book worth your time.

The beginning and the ending were actually Hellhole’s weakest points. The beginning seemed slightly ridiculous as there was no good reason for Max to end up with Berg. The whole digging-up-the-devil business made very little sense and I felt that Max’s whole predicament lost some weight because of how it came about. The ending on the other hand felt rushed and non-sensical and it made my head spin with how quickly everything was wrapped up. I had maybe twenty minutes left of my audiobook and nothing was resolved, which made me panic slightly, and then before I knew it, everything was set to rights.

The middle part, however, was an absolute delight, what with all the humor and the explorations of Max’s character. A boy in his situation could so easily be swayed by the forces of evil, and it was touch-and-go for a while there since he kept making so many poor choices that almost led him to the point of no redemption. That psychological aspect of the story that can be pondered and discussed if one is willing to dig just a little deeper is something I truly didn’t expect from Damico, but it made Hellhole a much better and far more worthy experience.

The romance developed slowly, gradually, from poorly hidden disdain to reluctant friendship and finally to love. I really enjoyed the fact that Max had a best friend who was never anything more, and that he managed to endear himself to Lore despite his inability to talk to girls. Word vomit is a term that certainly applies to Max and his predicament was always equal parts endearing and exasperating.

MacLeod Andrews is quickly turning out to be one of the few narrators that can be relied upon completely. He is the male version of Lorelei King – fabulously funny, extremely capable, with a voice laced with humor and a talent for voice characterization. I still maintain that his female voices need more work, but overall, his performance is always superb.

All in all, Hellhole is a standalone, it’s adorable and it will make you laugh. When you add to that MacLeod Andrews’ fabulous voice, you know you’re in for a treat.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. I like that this is funny, that really appeals to me. I also like the sound of the narrator. I might have to add this one to the list despite the more negative things you mentioned.

  2. This sounds interesting and I like that there is so much humor and that is more than makes up for the lack of everything else.
    Wonderful review Maja. I am glad you had fun with this one.

  3. I actually haven't read anything by this author or listened to this narrator before, so thanks for throwing them up on my radar, Maja! I'm always looking out for new audiobook reads and though this doesn't seem to be the strongest piece of work this author has put forth, it seems worth it if only for the humor--definitely need more of that in my life with a blizzard on its way. Gorgeous review, Maja! :)

  4. Disappointing that the ending is weak. I can deal with a week beginning. I do love the sound of the humor and this narrator. The male version of Lorelei? Nice! Might have to do this on audio!

  5. This sounds really far-fetched but also a lot of fun. And thanks for the warning re. the beginning, I've been a bit ruthless lately with quitting on books but if I give this a go, I'll try and stick with it to get to the middle!

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  6. I do like a good voice, I am picky

  7. Glad to hear that the narrator did a great job which made the book even better!
    Sometimes we need funny books even if they have their flaws!

  8. Right now I'm reading the third book in the Croak series, and I've been very curious about Gina Damico's other books. Thanks so much for sharing, I enjoyed your review. I have to check this book out asap!

    Elizabeth @ Stuffed Shelves

  9. I can see a series of comedy of errors that can potentially be funny or annoying. But since I am familiar with this author's modus operandi, I would have to say it's probably hillar. :)

  10. I like the comparison to Lorelei King. I'm so hooked on audiobooks, but the narrator can make or break it. Sounds like Andrews enhanced the "reading" experience for you. Wonderful review, Maya! :)

  11. I can't decide if the shaky beginning and rushed ending are worth the read. I still need to read her other series... maybe then I'll decide about this one.

  12. Not sure this one is for me, but I'm glad that you enjoyed most of it despite its weak beginning and ending.

  13. This sounds like a good, funny book. One that I might read or listen to as an easier read. I'm glad you ended up liking it, even though it had weak parts. Thanks for the review!

  14. I've not read anything by Damico before, but this book sounds like a lot of fun. Also the build up of the relationship sounds exactly like something I like. Great review Maja!


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