Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Something Wicked Strikes: Kristen Painter, Sin City Collectors

Hello, nocturnal librarians!

Today I'm proud to welcome author Kristen Painter to The Nocturnal Library. A month or so ago, Kristen's new urban fantasy series, Crescent City, completely blew me away. I gave House of the Rising Sun 5 stars, which I don't do often. Now Kristen has a new series, co-written with another urban fantasy author, Amanda Stevens, and the fourth novella, Dead Man's Hand, was published today.

Enjoy Kristen's post and don't forget to enter the giveaway below.

The Reaper/Vampire Hybrid Hero 
by Kristen Painter

When I set out to write Dead Man’s Hand, I already knew who my hero was because I’d set him up in Queen of Hearts, my first Sin City Collectors novella. But I didn’t really get to know Ares until he took center stage. Sure, I know what he was – a wraith, which is a half reaper, half vampire hybrid—but who was he? What made him tick? Did he like being a wraith?

As the story unfolded, I found out. Because his touch kills, he keeps to himself by choice, never wanting to accidentally take the life of an innocent. What I didn’t suspect was how lonely that choice made him. It also caused him to build a wall around himself. If he didn’t let anyone in, he couldn’t hurt them and couldn’t get hurt by them. Although as you’ll find out in the story, there was a time when he took down that wall for someone. It didn’t end well, which only adds to his gruff exterior.

For more about Ares, the wraith, here are a few quick questions and answers I’ve been asked:

Q. Does he like being a wraith?

A. I’d have to say not a hundred percent of the time. By the end of the story, he’s much more okay with it.

Q. Was he born a wraith?

A. Yep. He doesn’t know his parents. In my background for him (which didn’t make it into the book), he was abandoned to an orphanage for supernatural children.

Q. Are wraiths rare?

A. Somewhat. He’s not the only one of his kind, but there isn’t exactly a convention every year either. He’s fairly special.

About Kristen:
Kristen Painter likes to balance her obsessions with shoes and cats by making the lives of her characters miserable and surprising her readers with interesting twists. She currently writes award-winning urban fantasy for Orbit Books. The former college English teacher can often be found on twitter @Kristen_Painter, Facebook at www.facebook.com/KristenPainterAuthor where she loves to interact with readers and her blog: http://kristenpainter.com/blog/

Thank you, Kristen, and a huge thank you to Feri from Le Non Design for the banner above. Please visit her at http://www.le-non.com.

Two winners will receive e-copies of Kristen's Sin City Collectors novellas, Queen of Hearts and Dead Man's Hand. The contest is international, just fill the Rafflecopter below. Good luck, everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I remember seeing your 5 star review Maja, I definitely need to check this series (both really) out and read them for myself.

    I love watching and learning about how characters really come to life for authors. So much fun and so interesting how they really do take on a life of their own.

  2. Happy book birthday to Kristen Painter's, Dead Man's Hand! I haven't started this series yet, but seeing how they are novellas, I fully expect to burn through them in no time. I am SO looking forward to the next Crescent City installment. Is it December yet? ;) Thanks for the international giveaway!

  3. I've never read a book with a wraith in it! How interesting! I love the idea of half reaper, half vamp. I will have to check this series out!

  4. I didn't know Kristen had a new series! I looove her House of Comarré books! Thanks so much for making me aware of this - Ares sounds really interesting. If the world building is even half as good as the one in the Comarré books, I'm in for a treat :)

  5. I do remember reading your fabulous review of Kristen's new series which I'm very excited to read. I've heard great things about her writing and wanted to try a series of hers.

  6. I have her first book, but I still haven't read it. I really want to though! These other books sound great as well!

  7. Did you say hybrids! You said hybrids and I'm in! I love reads with them in it and reaper/vampire combination is something I want to see. I must say that wraiths aren't common in my reads, so it's a reason more to get excited. Thank you for the guest post and this amazing giveaway :)

  8. I have read the two City Sin Collector novella's by Amanda Carlson so far, but haven't gotten around to reading the other novella's yet. Great post! It was fun to learn more about Kristen Painter and her books, makes me curious about her Sin City Collector novella's.

  9. Oh that got me more curious about the wraith lore in this book. So need both books!

  10. Ooooo. I've read the ones by Amanda Carlson in this world and sooooooo neeeed Kristen's novella's here. :) Thank you! And soo looking forward to them!

  11. The series sounds excellent. I've entered to win, and will feature your books on The Write Game Friday Oct. 17 in my Hat's Off Corner. See you there!

  12. p.s. Thanks for the very reasonable Rafflecopter.

  13. I haven't heard of this author before, but these books are going on my TBR for sure!

  14. Hadn't heard of these. I feel bad for Ares based on the description here. Having to isolate yourself to protect others, while noble, would be very lonely. And there aren't many others like him. I'm kind of thinking that the story will have a bit of lack of empathy shown to him from others.


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