Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Review: Made for You

Made for YouAuthor: Melissa Marr
Series: Standalone
Released: September 16th 2014
Publisher: HarperCollins
Lenght: 368 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon

Bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely books Melissa Marr’s first contemporary YA novel is a twisted southern gothic tale of obsession, romance, and murder. A killer is obsessed with Eva Tilling. Can she stop him, or will he claim her?
When Eva Tilling wakes up in the hospital, she’s confused—who in her sleepy little North Carolina town could have hit her with their car? And why? But before she can consider the question, she finds that she’s awoken with a strange new skill: the ability to foresee people’s deaths when they touch her. While she is recovering from the hit-and-run, Nate, an old flame, reappears, and the two must traverse their rocky past as they figure out how to use Eva’s power to keep her friends—and themselves—alive. But while Eva and Nate grow closer, the killer grows increasingly frantic in his attempt to get to Eva.
For the first time, New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr has applied her extraordinary talent to contemporary realism. Chilling twists, unrequited obsession, and high-stakes romance drive this Gothic, racy thriller—a story of small-town oppression and salvation. Melissa’s fans, and every YA reader, will find its wild ride enthralling.

There is nothing even remotely new or original about this book, but that’s not a reasonable expectation within the (paranormal) mystery genre. The important thing is to find a perfect balance between suspense, character development and a well-built mystery, and Marr achieved this to absolute perfection.

Marr is excellent at building tension slowly but steadily. The constant promise of senseless violence combined with Eva’s horrifying visions keeps us wide-eyed and at the edge of our seats, fully convinced that the killer is coming for everyone, Eva included, and that they stand very little chance of actually stopping him. As expected, there were a few red herrings along the way, and they were pretty easy to recognize as such, but the identity of the killer remained a mystery to me until it was casually, brilliantly revealed at just the right time.

Eva approaches the world with refreshing honesty and directness. The willingness to say exactly what’s on her mind at any given time is her most admirable quality by far. With one understandable exception, she expresses her thought and feelings with candor we all wish we could achieve, but aren’t brave enough to actually try. In a town where status is everything, she is the uncrowned princess, daughter of the richest, most powerful family in the tight little Southern community. But Eva, while well-aware and respectful of her position, approaches it with a healthy dose of self-irony and makes it impossible for us not to admire her for it.

The romance also worked well, even though the timing could have been better. I liked the idea of two childhood best friends finally coming together, and I liked Eva’s behavior toward Nate tremendously. For his part, Nate took his time in finally admitting his feelings, but when he did, there was no doubting his honesty and devotion.

In the end, while the well-built mystery certainly helps, for me it all comes down to Eva herself. The story is told from multiple perspectives, but Eva rules this book like she does her small community – gracefully, convincingly and by making smart decisions the entire time.

Brava, Ms. Marr. I am thoroughly impressed.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review puposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. YES!! I'm so happy to hear you loved this one so much and that you were caught up in the mystery and it had you guessing till the moment the killer was revealed! I always love being surprised!

    Thank you for a fantastic review, Maja! Now I know I must get this one right away!

  2. Yay! You are so right, this was not anything new or even unique but it was a really great read nonetheless. So glad you like it too!!

  3. I always did want to read more by her :)

  4. oh that's nice! It's perfect when the workd and the romance work like that! I'm really curious about this new novel as I heard great things about it and I liked the books I read by the author. Plus the cover is really pretty! thanks for the review!

  5. Wow! i have only read two books of Melissa Marr's from the Wicked Lovely series and they were awesome
    This looks like it is just as great
    great review, Maja!

  6. I haven't read anything by this author before, but I'm planning to change that soon with this book Made for you sounds indeed like a book made for me. I love the sound from the slowly crafted world-building and horrifying visions.

  7. I'm really looking forward to this book now. I really love Marr's writing style and I'm glad to hear that Made For You is so good. I'm totally in the mood for a creepy/suspenseful book and I'm excited to read Eva's story :)

  8. I'm so happy that you like that book. I've read a few book from the author and really liked them, so I probably will also read this books ;)

  9. Melissa Marr's books have always held an elusive brilliance for me; I see the greatness in the horizon but not quite reachable. I'm really hopeful that I'll fare better with this one as much as you have.

  10. Love that cover and then you describe Eva. I love characters like her. Oh that sold me and I'm putting this one on my wishlist.

  11. Oh glad to know this one is good. :) The last two books that I read from Marr have been sub par and really disappointing. It's great to hear that the mystery is strong and the characters are well written.

  12. YAY!!!! I was so hoping you would love this one Maja, I finished it a couple weeks ago and thought it was fabulous:) Like you, I was a huge fan of Eva and the way she handled herself and everything around her, she was a highlight to be sure. I hope Melissa writes more in this genre, she's got a fan in me!

  13. I wished there was a little more development between Nate and Eva regarding the transition of their relationship but I otherwise I loved this book. I'm rarely creeped out by books or movies but I had nightmares for a few nights after reading this book.

    She did do an excellent job balancing all the different aspects of the story.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  14. I have this sitting on my bedside table waiting for me to read it. I'm so happy to see you enjoyed it! I've been sort of hesitating on reading it but now I'm much more excited! Great review.

  15. Woah, that's a huge compliment coming from you, Maja! I read Wicked Lovely and loved it but had the ending of the series ruined for me and haven't picked up another Marr novel. I wasn't sure if this would be for me but it seems to be right up my alley so I'll definitely have to add it to my TBR. Fantastic review, dear! :)

  16. I devoured Marr's Wicked Lovely series and I enjoyed Graveminder, but for some reason I haven't read any of her other books. Clearly that needs to be remedied! I agree that PNR can be a tricky genre since so much has already been done with it, but personally I think a good writer with some excellent plot twists up her sleeve can breathe new life into the genre. I'm happy that Made For You has such likeable characters because I'll be reading it soon myself!

  17. I do adore Melissa Marr. I'm not saying all her reads have been four or five star ones for me but she hasn't disappointed me yet. That being said, I read this one a while back and, for the life of me, can't remember it. *headdesk* I'm getting old.

  18. I'm super excited for this one and have been for so long but believe me i'm even more excited now! I love the fact that this one just worked for you and that you were swept away in it! Great review :)

  19. I have yet to pick up a Melissa Marr book, but I think there is definite promise with this one by the sounds of things. You definitely have it spot on when you say character development and suspense building are the important factors of books these days when you cannot get the originality!

  20. I have a copy of this and now I'm even more excited to read this. Mystery and suspense was my first love reading, and I find I'm going back to it more and more. Eve sounds like a likeable character, and I'm happy to hear the romance mostly works out. I'll have to move this up in my TBR. Excellent review, Maya!

  21. I am so excited to read this, Marr is a great writer and when I read the blurb and saw the cover, I was ecstatic. Gothic tales with killers on the loose are just what I love and the romance between childhood friends is one of my favorites so I am sure I will love it. Great review, I cant wait to meet Eva :)

  22. Alright I guess I totally need to read my copy that arrived then unexpectedly (especially since I haven't read this author yet!)


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