Monday, June 2, 2014

Review: Push (The Game, #2)

Push (The Game, #2)Author: Eve Silver
Series: The Game, #2
Published: June 10th 2014
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Format: Hardcover, 352 pgs
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

It’s either break the rules or die.
Miki Jones lives her life by her own strict set of rules, to keep control, to keep the gray fog of grief at bay. Then she’s pulled into the Game, where she—and her team—will die unless she follows a new set of rules: those set by the mysterious Committee.
But rules don’t mean answers, and without answers, it’s hard to trust. People are dying. The rules are unraveling. And Miki knows she’s being watched, uncertain if it’s the Drau or someone—something—else. Forced to make impossible choices and battling to save those she loves, Miki begins to see the Committee in a glaring new light.
And then the Game crosses a new boundary, pushes harder into Miki’s and her friends’ lives, and there’s nothing in the rules that can save them now.
Push is the sequel Rush fans will be screaming for.
Just like its predecessor, Rush, Push is very appropriately titled. In this sequel, which is perhaps a bit slower compared to the previous book, our heroine Miki Jones learns how to push through her anxiety and be the fighter she needs to be in order to survive.

Miki’s father still drinks to cope with her mother’s death and she’s still having a hard time finding the balance between her old life and her new, secret one. Her problems haven’t magically disappeared overnight; if anything, they’ve increased. But Miki is learning that, while she can’t change or control the world, she can change how she approaches it, and the progress she’s made in Push makes me so very proud of her.

Miki is devastated after all the losses she’s suffered, and the final battle in Rush cost her far more than she can stand. But there is some hope still, and she’s not one to wallow in despair. She is a true fighter, our Miki, whether she fights the Drau or the Committee itself.

I lunge, thrust, making up moves as I go because this sure as hell isn’t anything I learned in kendo. This is a miserable, wretched slaughterhouse where I hack at limbs and chests and heads, stab at torsos – anything to hold them off.

In Push, Miki finally gets some much needed downtime, which allows for a sweet and believable development of romance, but which also gives her a chance to work on herself and the issues she has with her loved ones. Through it all, the good and the bad alike, Miki is almost impossible not to like, the strength of her character and her determination making her completely unforgettable.

The worldbuilding is intentionally vague and we’re limited to knowing only what Miki knows, which isn’t much at all. Their reality is constructed of false information and wrong assumptions, and we as readers sense and share their frustration while they try to untangle the truth from all the lies. Going along with everything the mysterious Committee instructs is no longer an option for Miki’s team, but knowing the truth might be even more difficult than lining with the lies.

While I resent yet another cliffhanger, my love for this series could make me forget far greater sins. Waiting a whole year to reunite with Miki and her team will be hard, but I’m sure Silver will give us a spectacular finale when the time comes.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review pusposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. I never took much notice of Rush, and despite this sounding a bit slow, I'm intrigued. I also like the sound of the romance that slowly develops :)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  2. It's great that the series is so good that you don't really mind the cliffy. I haven't read the series but it sounds good! I love that when we have a believable romance! Thanks for the review!

  3. Waiting is always brutal, sigh

  4. I'm not a fan of intentionally vague world-building or cliffhangers, so I think I'll be waiting for this series to finish before giving it a try. It definitely seems to be different from the typical YA, though, which I really like. Wonderful review, Maja!

  5. Yay! I loved this one and am so excited for the third book Maja! Wonderful review!

  6. Aw, snap. Another cliffie? *sigh* And I really wish there was more worldbuilding. I understand the desire for vagueness because the characters don't really know what's going or but...I want to know!

  7. I've been wanting to check out Rush since it released but have never gotten the chance. Miki sounds like an a awesome character. Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  8. I hated that last cliffie and I'm not too happy about this one, but I'm so curious! Now to decide if I want to read it now or wait for the third book...

  9. I've not yet had the chance to read Rush, but love the sounds of the series (despite the cliffie) and actually have read her adult (Otherkin) paranormal romances and loved them. Wonderful review, Maja. Hopefully I can get to book one soon - before the series is done. :)

  10. It must be a strong book if you can get past a cliffhanger and intentionally vague world building. I really need to try this series.

  11. I wasn't a huge fan of the first book but reading your review has definitely made me curious. My biggest issue arose from the romance and I basically despised the love interest but the fact that you said that the romance was believable in this one is making me reconsider whether I should give this a shot or not.

    Lovely review, Maja!!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  12. The sweet and believeable progression of the romance sounds great.

  13. This series sounds great! I need more reading time in my days. lol. Thank you!

  14. Ooh I think I'm going to have to wait until the next book comes out to tackle this one. I already suffered after book one's cliffie, and I don't know if my goodwill can weather another one. Best to do it all at once. :-) Still I appreciate your lovely review and am glad you enjoyed it! More to look forward to!

  15. I'm glad that you liked this one. I have seen such good things about this series. And, if you can get over your hate for cliffhangers and still want to read this series, then it must be a good one!

  16. I still haven't started this series but would like to maybe once all the books are out because the author is a Canadian. Also, it sounds like an interesting series and I really like that it features a very likeable MC who develops over the course of the series.

  17. Hmm, you have me curious about this series now Maja. I was a little hesitant to pick up Rush, but your thoughts on Push have me adding them again. I hope you are well. :)

  18. I have read a couple of reviews for the first book and some people said it was too fast as too many things happened and well I'm really glad that the main character gets some time off in the sequel. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one and great review, Maja :)

  19. I have yet to read the first book in the series despite it sitting on my bookshelf for a while now, and I seriously need to remedy that asap. I love the sound of Miki! She sounds strong, and three dimensional - my kind of main character. I can't wait to meet her and see how she grows as a character. Plus, I also love that we as readers only know what Miki knows about the world and all the mysteries in it. It makes for an interesting read, IMO. I'm glad you enjoyed this, Maja! Fabulous review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  20. I'm glad that this one didn't disappoint you! I am not a huge fan of this series, TBH, but I've always really liked the concept.

    Brilliant review, Maja! <33

  21. I wasn't a big fan of the first book, I have to admit, but it's good to hear that the sequel is a strong one. I really dislike cliffhangers at the moments though! I look forward to seeing what you think of the third book, Maja. I hope it lives up to your expectations! :)

  22. I love the sounds of these. I've not started yet, but would like to try them one day. Glad you enjoyed it.

  23. 4 stars? I really need to read the first. pity about cliffhanger.

  24. Miki looks like a heroine I could root for, which I like for my protagonists. I haven't really heard about this series yet, but since it seems you like it so much, I'm going to give it a try. Great review, Maja! :)


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