Monday, November 11, 2013

Review: Sentinel (Covenant, #5)

Sentinel (Covenant, #5)Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Series: Covenant, #5
Released: November 2nd 2013
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Paperback, 360 pages
Buy: The Book Depository

It's a beautiful day for a war.
As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.
And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.
In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.
Five books filled with mythology and action; countless painful, almost heartbreaking moments; hundreds and hundreds of pages of deliciously hot romance… and now, we have finally reached the conclusion. The time has come to say goodbye to Alex, Aiden, Seth, Marcus and everyone else. Was this finale everything I’d hoped for? Well, no. But in the end, it made me feel peaceful and calm, happy with how we left the characters we’ve grown so attached to.

And make no mistake, my feelings for the characters are exactly what kept me reading through all the rough patches, plagiarism, occasional inconsistencies and the intolerable love triangle in those first few books. There were some horrible moments, yes, but if Armentrout knows anything, it’s how to keep her readers happy. Fan service is always at the very top of her list, and there was never any chance of her repeating the Veronica Roth fiasco.

In Sentinel, all of her qualities are even more enhanced. There are a lot of great moments fans will appreciate greatly, a lot of quality time spent with the characters, some truly magnificent action scenes (though not as many as one would expect), and of course, the romance is as swoon-worthy as ever, if not more.

Once you remove the emotional factor, however, and look at Sentinel objectively, all the flaws become painfully obvious. For a final installment, Sentinel was pretty uneventful around the middle. In fact, not much happened until that very last part, and while I admit that those last few pages made me reach for my tissues, the emotional impact wasn’t as strong as it could have been.

Armentrout’s writing is nothing to write home about, it never was, but in Sentinel, she made quite a few errors, more so than usual. I resent sloppiness – call it a personal flaw, if you will – and sloppiness towards language is the absolute worst in my eyes. When a Titan who’s been asleep and imprisoned for millennia wakes up and starts talking in modern colloquialisms, I consider it to be the result of sloppiness on the author’s side. How he managed to learn expressions like ‘all the rage’ while sleeping in the Underworld is beyond me, but he certainly started uttering them the second he opened his eyes. That is the kind of thing that can ruin a book in a heartbeat, an author not caring enough or not having enough skill to ensure appropriate language for his or her characters.

Looking back, there are so many things I could say about this series, and I did, in fact, express them all in my reviews. I don’t know that I’d go out of my way to recommend Covenant to someone since there are so many other series out there that for which I don’t have to make excuses, but I still had a lot of fun reading these five books. It is a fact that cannot, and should not, be ignored.


  1. I have heard about the plagiarism--not sure if I really do want to read this series but I think I may try sometime soon. But it worries me that there's a love triangle and boring middle patches--not my cup of tea.

    Lovely review, Maja! <33

  2. I'll be reading this one soon and I totally agree with you. When you remove the emotional part of this book and characters this book is full of flaws. But I'm a person who follows heard not mind so I can overlook them and I simply love Alex and Aiden. I easily connect with them. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one as much, Maja.

  3. I'm glad that despite some of the rough patches along the way, the characters made you still want to continue with this series until the end. I have some series which have ended up not being very memorable for me by the end, but fun nonetheless. I think I still will end up giving this series a try one day. Great review!

  4. I am not sure when I'll get around to read this. I was never a huge fan of the series but it is kind of addicting. It's the only reason I read on despite being a huge VA fan (and feeling somewhat offended). I actually found it weird that the gods spoke in such casual language so I am not sure how the titan thing will go over with me.

    Great review Maja! :)

  5. I feel the same way about Armentrout's books - faulty, but fun. Which actually leaves me oddly dissatisfied by the end, which is why I won't be picking up anything else from her. I'm glad you managed to even finish this series, though, Maja - I won't be finishing Lux! A very thoughtful review, my friend.

  6. I guess I never really looked at her books objectively, since I have never really found flaws within. I still need to read this one and many reviews have commented on Veronica Roth and her ending too. And I've been hearing how I still need tissues for this one! Which makes me nervous.

    Sorry to hear that it wasn't a stellar read for you, but good review still! Hope your next read is more to your liking!

  7. I agree.... I expect the Titan to act more ancient and gallant. Also, Seth was not given the background details, it's like he was left out. Though... Alex matured well in this last book. Great review, Maja.


  8. Great review Maja!
    I really enjoyed this one but for some reason after finishing I wasn't all that satisfied. Odd feeling but a happy ending for a series that I actually really enjoyed despite their flaws!

  9. She writes so damn fast and has been seriously cranking those books out these past couple years, I wondered about the quality. I tried to read one of those series but I can't remember which for the life of me. The MC/love interest was an asshole guy who I couldn't stand...and I DNFed it. I haven't picked up another since. But...I've been curious.

  10. I think your review nailed this whole series. It isn't fabulous and it has lots of flaws yet the characters are amazing and even with all the issues the story still seems to be able to draw you in.

    I am so nervous about reading this! I plan on getting to it this month. I read the first chapter and...I don't know how I feel about it yet. I am hoping I enjoy and am happy with the ending if nothing else.

  11. Yeah I wonder how he learnt to talk like that..Would bug me

  12. I have book one to this series. It's always difficult I think when the series ends but it's always more..sadder I guess when it doesn't end on a higher note. Great review anyway! I will be giving this series a shot ;)

  13. I'm a big fan of this series Maja, so I'm glad that despite this final book not being everything you had hoped, you still walked away having enjoyed reading it. I would definitely not expect an ancient Titan to be current with his word choices, but I'm excited to know that the end at least left you happy and calm even after the flaws. That's always what I look for in a final book! Anything else just causes me too much stress:(

  14. I liked more than you but glad that you enjoyed overall

  15. I didn't know it was the last book. I have only read a book by her, an adult pnr story a really long tome ago but not her new series. I'm sorry that you had some not that good points, maybe I'll pass this one and try another of her series if I come back to her.

  16. Most of the times, if I really enjoy the book and I'm satisfied in the end, it gets a pretty good rating from me. I can ignore a lot of the small foibles as long as it isn't enhanced by something or repetition. So, I do think I would enjoy this one. I'm very behind yet on the series. Oh and since I never read VA, I didn't see plagiarism... but if it is just a similar idea, no biggie since I read a lot of books that all seem to germinate from what seems like similar ideas.

  17. I am so far behind in this series, but I am delighted that the series ended well, and will make the fans happy. I so agree that even though there are some issues within the tales, that JLA draws you in with her characters.

  18. I gave this half a star more, but I do essentially agree with most of your review. Yes, this wasn't a technically perfect book, but there is something very satisfying about the conclusion nevertheless. It wasn't my favourite book in the series, but I was overall pretty happy when I put it down, so I'm not too bothered by that fact either. Lovely review, Maja! I'm glad that you had fun reading this series despite the issues along the way.

  19. I've only read the first book in the series and I wasn't completely in love with it or anything. I think because she has so many fans that are so devout and will go crazy for her, I always feel like I need to try to continue her series. I'm not sure if I will this one but I will with the Obsidian books (which I'm behind 2).

  20. Candace pretty much summed up my feelings. I've read the first Obsidian book, and I can see why people love her books, but they aren't completely my thing. I keep meaning to try other of her series, but there are just so many other books I want to read!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  21. I told myself I wasn't going to read your review because I haven't started Sentinel yet, but then I got sucked into it anyway. :-) I completely agree with you about having fun with this series and the characters in spite of some major flaws (some of which I feel I need to mention to people when I recommend the books—especially the blatant VA fan fiction/plagiarism). That worldwise Titan is kind of hilarious and not really all that surprising. It's a shame the ending didn't blow you away, but I'm still looking forward to reading it oddly. I guess that's my MO with this series, knowing it's got serious issues, but still strangely craving more regardless. Thank you for your lovely, balanced review Maja!

  22. Our thoughts on this novel are pretty similar. Unfortunately, the more of JLA books I read, the more similar they sound to me, especially her MCs. I like that she's a little bit indulgent in this story with what she gives us, though I will admit to being a little worried near the end there. I completely agree that for a final in the series, this one didn't seem quite as epic as it should have. A lot of talking and meetings and personal struggles. Also, YES to your thoughts on the Titan. I felt the same way! If he's been asleep for that long, why is he using slang right away? And he has no trouble going right into Las Vegas, but later she throws in some confusion about modern technology? It didn't add up. Great review.

  23. Oh no, only three stars for the finale? :( It's too bad you found the middle uneventful. I hope I'm not disappointed when I get around to reading this one because I loved all the previous books.

    Do you think it would have been better if the fourth and fifth books had been combined, Maja?


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