Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Release Day Review: Indigo

IndigoAuthor: Gina Linko
Series: Standalone
Released: October 22nd 2013
Publisher: Random House Children's
Hardcover, 304 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

A gift?
A curse?
A moment that changes everything. . . .
Caught in an unexpected spring squall, Corrine's first instinct is to protect her little sister Sophie after a nasty fall. But when Corrine reaches out to comfort her sister, the exact opposite occurs. Her touch--charged with an otherworldly force and bursting with blinding indigo color--surges violently from Corrine to her sister. In an instant, Sophie is dead. From that moment on, Corrine convinces herself that everyone would be better off if she simply withdrew from life.
When her family abruptly moves to New Orleans, Corrine's withdrawal is made all the easier. No friends. No connections. No chance of hurting anyone. But strange things continue to happen around her in this haunting, mystical city. And she realizes that her power cannot be ignored, especially when Rennick, a talented local artist with a bad-boy past, suggests another possibility: Corrine might have the touch. An ability to heal those around her. But knowing what happened to her sister, can Corrine trust her gift?
A year ago, Gina Linko’s very strong debut, Flutter, left me convinced that I’ve discovered an author worthy of attention. Today, after finishing Gina’s sophomore Young Adult novel, I’m thrilled to report that I wasn’t wrong in the least. Ms. Linko is a force to be reckoned with, an author you can rely on for excellent stories and quality prose.

Her writing has a certain easy elegance that’s very difficult to describe, but extremely easy to enjoy. Her sentences are clean and neat, but distinctive nevertheless. Not many authors have this skill, but Linko developed it to absolute perfection. It’s something I admire both as a reader and as a linguist.

Aside from the superb writing, Linko can always be counted on for excellent characterization. Indigo focuses on Corrine, a girl convinced that she killed her little sister with her touch. She remembers touching Sophie when she fell, she remembers an odd feeling and a strong Indigo light, and the next thing she remembers is waking up and finding her sister dead, clearly by Corrine’s hand. Corrine’s life is burdened with such terrible guilt and misery that it’s impossible not to like her right from the start. Not many could survive what she did, and her refusal to touch other people and the loneliness that stemmed from it brought tears to my eyes on several occasions.

When Rennick enters her life, he knows more about her than she’s willing to accept, but he doesn’t magically cure all her problems overnight. It is a long and painful battle, both for Corrine’s sanity and their romance, but Rennick is relentless. I love these quiet, gentle romances that aren’t flashy or overly dramatic, but that somehow make sense right from the start.

Through Corrine, Linko explored the moral questions that follow an unusual power. Being able to heal people brings with it a series of impossible questions, with no right or wrong answers. Who to save? How to choose? How to live with the guilt for all those you couldn’t save? I loved that no definitive answers were given.

Although Flutter remains my favorite, I recognize that Indigo is a superior novel in many ways. But whichever of these books you decide to read, I promise you won’t regret it. Linko is an author that deserves a chance.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. I liked book 2 and did wanna read more. I am glad to hear it's good :)

  2. I hadn't heard of this author before, but she sounds great. I will keep an eye out for her books.

  3. I almost mistook the author for a different one who wrote Rogue--it was Gina something. Anyway, the writing sounds brilliant--sometimes writing gets so great and sophisticated I fail to read on -.-

    Fantastic review, Maja! <33

  4. Great writing and characterizations are the things I cannot resist. I have heard of this author and I think I remember your review for her debut novel. I wanted to read it then but I think I'll have to read it now. Great review Maja :)

  5. Phew! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja! I can't wait to read it and am so thrilled that these quiet romances continue with this novel, not to mention the moral questions and beautiful writing. Lovely review, dear!

  6. This is the first time I've heard of this author and her work. But your reviews are usually a good sell so I'm picking this one up on my next jaunt, Maja. :)

  7. OK, that's it! I'm going to the library this weekend to find any book by Gina Linko. It sounds like her writing is just gorgeous and I always love an author who develops her characters well. Also, I'm like you in that I like quiet and gentle romances that are not right in your face.
    Lovely review, Maja and thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Did I read Flutter? Holy cow, that's terrible. But it's also what I get for gorging myself on books like a little piglet. Yay for a good sophomore novel, too. Those are incredibly difficult, especially after a good first novel.

  9. Wonderful review Maja, I received a copy of this in the mail, and was curious but now after reading your review I am excited. I love well developed characters and it sounds like the author has a unique voice.

  10. Wonderful review, you convinced me to give this author a try!

  11. Glad this sophomore novel worked for you, Maja! Those are really hard to pull off for so many writers. I haven't read anything by Linko and I'm glad that both books stand alone. I think I might start with this one. Thanks for sharing!

  12. "I love these quiet, gentle romances that aren’t flashy or overly dramatic, but that somehow make sense right from the start."

    YES MAJA! Those are the best kind I think:) Don't get me wrong, I love my over-the-top growly alphas and their equally strong women, but there's just something about the more quiet relationships, the ones that make you work a little bit for them, that just make me happy. I never read Flutter, but I'm thinking I should go back and do that! Adding this one to the list as well:)

  13. Lovely review! I haven't read this author before, but I'm glad you're finding yourself a big fan. I like romances that are slow-burners too. Seems more realistic.

  14. lovely review! I have been looking at this one :) its very nice to hear that the author has amazing writing skills. This book sounds wonderful! going to have to check it out.

  15. Not only am I adding this book to my wishlist, but I'm putting the author's books on the top of my wishlist. You have me wanting to read her. I love the way you describe her writing. I also like the sound of the romance here. Everything sounds like a total WIN.

  16. I'm glad that you liked this one, Maja! It sounds like the characters were done well, and that the romance was great. Fabulous review!

  17. I love when an author can wow me with his/her writing and the sentences aren't flashy, but spare and perfect. Corrinne sounds like a relatable heroine I would immediately root for, and the relationship with Rennick sounds amazing. I have never read anything of Gina's and this sounds like the perfect book to start with. Lovely review!

  18. I definitely haven't heard much about this one but it sounds like a fascinating plot anyway. I'm really curious about this power of hers. How horrible to be burdened with that guilt. I'll have to watch for this one!

  19. Cool, I love hearing about new authors that people love. The way you describe her writing is pretty ideal! I'm also impressed that this fairly weighty subject matter was handled so well. I would think it would be hard to recreate the character's feelings in such a situation and the author would have to be quite talented indeed! Alright, off to add her books to my tbr! Really excellent review.


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