Monday, August 26, 2013

Review: Anatomy of a Boyfriend (Anatomy, #1)

Anatomy of a Boyfriend (Anatomy, #1)Author: Daria Snadowsky
Series: Anatomy, #1
Release date: September 23rd 2008
Publisher: Ember
Paperback, 272 pages
Source: Author for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Before this all happened, the closest I'd ever come to getting physical with a guy was playing the board game Operation. Okay, so maybe that sounds pathetic, but it's not like there were any guys at my high school who I cared to share more than three words with, let alone my body.
Then I met Wes, a track star senior from across town. Maybe it was his soulful blue eyes, or maybe my hormones just started raging. Either way, I was hooked. And after a while, he was too. I couldn't believe how intense my feelings became, or the fact that I was seeing—and touching—parts of the body I'd only read about in my Gray's Anatomy textbook. You could say Wes and I experienced a lot of firsts together that spring. It was scary. It was fun. It was love.
And then came the fall.

When it comes to contemporary YA, Daria Snadowsky writes what is possibly the most honest, easily relatable prose I’ve ever read. There is nothing even remotely implausible about her characters or the events that transpire. It could all happen right next to you. To be fair, it could all happen TO you, and it probably has.

First love is always part sweet and part brutal, but it’s even harder for overachieving 17-year-olds. When you spend your life focused on the perfect college and your perfect career, that one special boy is bound to bring more turmoil than anything else. In Anatomy of a Boyfriend, Snadowsky offers a full portrayal of Dominique’s first love, from the awkward first meeting to the day she finally lets go.

There are so many great things I need to point out about this book, but above all, I enjoyed Dom’s relationship with her parents. They were exactly what they should be: paranoid, slightly neurotic and often out of date, but they were always attentive and very much involved in Dom’s everyday life. In short, they were everything healthy parents should be, and in turn, Dom was a very well balanced teen.

At the beginning, when I wrote about the honesty of Snadowsky’s prose, that included Dom’s sexual explorations. No detail is glossed over and the sexual progression of Dom and Wes’s relationship is treated openly and plainly, just like everything else. This is something we don’t often find in YA, but I personally consider it to be healthy and even necessary.

Through mature eyes, Wes is a often standoffish, typically selfish and a tiny bit unlikeable. I suspect, although I obviously can’t know for sure, that this was done on purpose, to demonstrate how young love often focuses on superficial things, such as good looks and the track star reputation and neglects flaws and immaturity as something that’s irrelevant and perhaps even expected.

After such a refreshingly straightforward read, I can honestly say I am very much looking forward to Anatomy of a Single Girl. Dom’s adventures and self-discovery are far from over, and I plan to be with her every step of the way.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the author for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced this review.


  1. My co-blogger has this book for review and she told me more or less the same thing you did. It sounds like the author really knows how to create a story that you can easily relate to. I hope you'll enjoy the next book as much. Great review Maja :)

  2. I've got this to review as well and I am so looking forward to reading an honest look at relationships!

    Great review, Maja :)

  3. Excellent review! I read this one as well and found her honesty really refreshing. I'm way past the teenage years, but learned a few things myself!


  4. Lovely review, Maja! I've heard of this book, but I've never been tempted to try it out because of that creepy doll on the cover. (I'm not a big fan of Ken dolls or any doll for that matter)
    It does look like a realistic portrayal into the first love of a teenager. Plus, I like how Wes wasn't the best person. It's very authentic.

    "This is something we don’t often find in YA, but I personally consider it to be healthy and even necessary."

    THIS. I completely agree with you. I find it ridiculous when people bash books where teenagers are having sex. I think it could be really educative.

    Lovely review, Maja. I'll be on the look-out for this one.

  5. I've been meaning to read this one recently as I heard so much about it, so I'm thrilled you enjoyed it, Maja. I love realistic contemporaries that aren't afraid to explore sexual or parental relationships opposed to love stories, so this seems right up my alley. I hope the sequel is just as good! Fantastic review, dear!(:

  6. LOVE the way you described this one Maja, I do so enjoy books that are a bit more straightforward and matter of fact when it comes to teens and sexual relationships, I agree with you in thinking stories like this are necessary. I love that Dom's parents play a significant role and aren't completely clueless or inattentive, that's a huge bonus for me with this book. Gorgeous review, I'm excited to give this one a try!

  7. Sounds like a very good book even to me that I'm not really into contemporaries, but I might just have to give this one a try!

  8. I haven't tried this author yet but after reading your review I really want to. The cover on this one makes me laugh every time I see it, it is some what fun and yet creepy too LOL!
    Great review Maja!

  9. Books that are easy to relate to are def plusses!

  10. I have been seeing both of these books around lately and my interest is peaked. I loved the way you described everything and I appreciate that the parents and sexual discussion are realistic. I must add this to the old TBR.

  11. Nice review! I never read this one, but I DID read the second novel and really enjoyed it. I like the way it's written as well. Things are fairly straightforward and realistic and it's definitely something nice to see in YA.

  12. AimeeKay reviewed these for me and I was happy she enjoyed it as well. It sounds fab and I like the sound of the honesty. The covers make me laugh though, but it seems appropriate. :)

  13. oooh this sounds like a great contemporary!! Her relationship her her parents sounds REALISTIC for once!! I'm looking forward for this one now.. Great review!!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  14. I've seriously been wanting to read this one for so long, since it seems awesome! This contemporary looks very realistic, and I feel like I would be able to relate to the main character because of her relationship with her parents. I have yet to experience first love so I think this one would be really a great read! Fantastic review, Maja. :)

  15. First love really is super-brutal. Poor Dom. At least he sounds like a relatively well-adjusted teen.

  16. I just got these books today actually. I'm glad you enjoyed this, I know there has been a lot of mixed opinions but for the most part people like them. I also like that there's a more realistic relationship and it's not really a romance.

  17. I've seen this one around, a good romance always works for me but the cover really puts me off :|

    Fab review, Maja! <33

  18. Maja I'm so glad that you were able to enjoy Anatomy of a Boyfriend, I have been reading so many amazing reviews for this book, I can't believe that it's been out for nearly five years and I am only just hearing about it now. Lovely review! :)

  19. I've seen this book around a lot, but I haven't really considered picking it up myself. You have me convinced now though, Maja, and seeing as though I'm suddenly (surprisingly) craving some more contemporary, I think I'll definitely have to add it to the list. Fantastic review!

  20. So glad you enjoyed this, and I had no intention of ever reading this but I must admit your review has piqued my curiosity.

  21. I have heard good things about his series! I always appreciate the honest YA contemps because I know I would have appreciated that when I was a teen.

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  22. I love contemporary and I love the sound of this one! I have seen this around a lot on GR but I thought it was just the typical YA story, but I am so glad that it is actually realistic. I love the sound of Wes and Dom and I can't wait to see how their relationship develops. I think this will be a refreshing read and I can't wait to pick it up! I'm glad to see you enjoyed this Maja! :D Fab review!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  23. This one sounds like a really well written contemporary, Maja. I love discovering older reads that I would have paid no attention to otherwise as this one's cover and title are not something I'd be drawn to. Great review!

  24. I love finding a character I would live to continue seeing grow more wise from normal experiences. Splendid review!

  25. I read this book about two years ago but I still remember how much I loved it. It was so well written and I loved every minute of it. I haven't had a chance to read the second book but now that you've reminded me about it,I'll have to get on it. Great review!


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