Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Inhuman

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.

For this week, I've chosen a Scholastic Fall release that sounds absolutely thrilling and has a pretty fabulous cover.

Title: Inhuman
Series: Fetch, #1
Author: Kat Falls
Release date: September 24th 2013
Publisher: Scholastic
Pre-order: The Book Depository

In a world ravaged by mutation, a teenage girl must travel into the forbidden Savage Zone to recover lost artifacts or her father’s life is forfeit.
America has been ravaged by a war that has left the eastern half of the country riddled with mutation. Many of the people there exhibit varying degrees of animal traits. Even the plantlife has gone feral.
Crossing from west to east is supposed to be forbidden, but sometimes it’s necessary. Some enter the Savage Zone to provide humanitarian relief. Sixteen-year-old Lane’s father goes there to retrieve lost artifacts—he is a Fetch. It’s a dangerous life, but rewarding—until he’s caught.
Desperate to save her father, Lane agrees to complete his latest job. That means leaving behind her life of comfort and risking life and limb—and her very DNA—in the Savage Zone. But she’s not alone. In order to complete her objective, Lane strikes a deal with handsome, roguish Rafe. In exchange for his help as a guide, Lane is supposed to sneak him back west. But though Rafe doesn’t exhibit any signs of “manimal” mutation, he’s hardly civilized . . . and he may not be trustworthy.

What are you guys excited about this week? Leave me a link and I'll be right there.


  1. Nice! Think I saw this one at an earlier WoW! Already overwhelmed with so many new to me picks though!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Ooooh, damn. This sounds great! I'm pretty sure I've seen it around before, but I've paid little attention to it. However this "manimal" mutation sounds exciting and the mystery of whether we can trust Rafe.

    Fab pick, Maja! :)

  3. I haven't seen many dystopians that have cough my eye as much as this one lately. I'll be sure to add this to the TBR.

    Lovely choice this week, Maja! <33

  4. Looks very that cover too. I'm such a sucker for a nice cover. Great pick!

    My Friends Are Fiction's WoW

  5. I feel like I've read a plot similar to this but I still love a good post-apocalyptic!

  6. I have seen this cover around and this book sounds like a nice action :) I can't wait to see what you think of it :)

  7. This looks really good!
    Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  8. Good one! This sounds so good, I'd not heard of it before but I will definitely be adding it to my TBR list. Love the name Rafe, too!

    My WoW!

  9. This is the first time I've seen this. That cover is definitely eye catching! Sounds super thrilling too. Thanks for sharing!

    Toni @ My Book Addiction

  10. Yes to handsome, roguish boys who may or may not be trustworthy Maja! I love characters like that, and I'm pretty sure I'll be madly in love with Rafe in no time after meeting him. Definitely excited for this one, I hope it ends up being as fantastic as its blurb and cover make it out to be!

  11. I agree, how can anyone resist the men? :P

    I haven't seen this one yet, I really do like the premises and that cover is pretty eye catching!

  12. Ooh interesting! I haven't heard of this one. It sounds pretty different from what I normally read, yet I'm still curious. Might be something I need to check out. It has a fairly unique premise in some ways and that's great.

  13. Oooh I love the sound of this one and love the cover as well! Hadn't heard of this one before, thanks of sharing! :)

  14. I haven't heard about this one before, but it sounds good - I'm going to have to check it out!

    Check out my WoW here and don't forget to enter my second blogaversary giveaway!

  15. An untrustwrothy partner! Now I am intrigued! Fantastic choice Maja, sounds like an exciting adventure story. I love that cover, the coloring is amazing and the plane is really detailed, the whole scene is.

  16. This cover looks strangely a lot like the Divergent covers.. *strokes chin* but this one sounds like another really awesome dystopian/post apocalyptic story! Thanks for getting it on my radar, Maja!

  17. Oh nice dystopian! I really need this one as well! Stop eet! You are making me want so many. :)

  18. Well now this sounds interesting and you know how I love dystopains. The cover reminds me of Insurgent.

  19. Never heard of this, but so glad you brought it to my attention! This sounds so interesting and you're right, the cover is amazing!

    My WoW

  20. I was really excited for this last year and then all the doubts about dystopians trickled in and now I'm just scared. I love the premise of this, but I'll probably let you read this first before I do since I'm so wary these days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this lives up to our expectations!

  21. Hmm, this is new. I'm a bit curious now. Hope you get and share it with us.

  22. haven't read it but it's definitely been on my list


  23. Inhuman sounds wonderful Maja! And have you noticed how all the hot guys are either names Rafe or Rafa? I'm really looking forward to meeting Rafe now ;)

  24. Yes! I really like the sound of this! I'm hoping it manages to stand out though, as the premise isn't completely original for me. But I'm definitely looking forward to giving it a try. :)

    Great pick, Maja! I need to start taking part in this again! It's one of my favourite memes, but I haven't put up a post in ages. Will need to change that soon. ;)

  25. Oh Maja, this sounds really good. Thank you for sharing as I hadn't heard of this one before. And September is not too far away :)

  26. I have this one on my wishlist too. It sounds like it's going to be an interesting read.

  27. Ooh this sounds like it could be a good one! Love the cover too. I'm interested to see how this "manimal" mutation manifests itself. Thanks for sharing! :-)


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