Friday, July 12, 2013

Review: Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5)

Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5)Author: Darynda Jones
Series: Charley Davidson, #5
Release date: July 11th 2013
Publisher: Piatkus
Paperback, 304 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

The fifth in this fun and sexy New York Times bestselling paranormal series...
Charley Davidson may not look like your everyday, run-of-the-mill grim reaper, but she has vowed to reap grimness wherever she goes despite this unfortunate fact. Sadly, she gets sidetracked when the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, moves in next door. As he is the main suspect in her arson case, she has vowed to stay away from him until she can find out the truth.
However, when dead women start appearing in her apartment—lost, confused and terrified beyond reason—Charley has no choice but to ask for Reyes' help, especially when it becomes apparent that her own sister, Gemma, is the serial killer's next target. With his ability to observe incorporeally, surely he can find out who's responsible. And even if he can't, he is the one man alive who could protect Gemma no matter who orwhat came at her. But he wants something in return: Charley. All of her—body and soul. And to keep her sister safe, it is a price she might be willing to pay...
Reyes Alexander Farrow, the prodigal son of Satan and self-appointed protector of the grim reaper, one Ms. Charlotte Jean Davidson, has been seen laughing in public and showing all signs of an actual sense of humor. This unexpected display of real human emotions has caused an uproar in all of New Mexico. Female residents of Albuquerque have stopped all their activities and rushed to witness this miracle. Traffic has yet to return to normal.

Darlings, if you liked Reyes before now, by the time you finish Fifth Grave Past the Light, you are going to be hopelessly in love, but don’t worry your pretty little heads over it. You won’t be alone in your misery. I always thought Reyes was too otherworldly and untouchable to serve as a proper book boyfriend, but in Fifth Grave, Darynda really took him a step further. She took him well past his usual glowering and threatening and added humor and just a touch of vulnerability. The end result is a more human, approachable Reyes, finally Charley’s match not just in otherworldly matters (and, ummm, in bed), but in day to day things as well.

He quirked a brow. “How would you like your eggs?”I tried. I really did. But I glanced at his crotch and it came out anyway. “Fertlized?”

I dare say that Fifth Grave represents a turning point for this series, and I’m very hopeful Darynda will keep threading the road she took. We are finally offered some real answers about the nature of Charley’s powers, a progress has been made between her and Reyes, and things are coming together exactly as they should. That’s not to say life with Charley is about to become boring, though. She is still a huge magnet for trouble, and she still handles things in her usual hilarious manner, but under slightly different circumstances.

The old gang is still in full swing, but some new characters are introduced as well, two of them very promising and I hope we’ll see more of them in future installments. I’m not a fan of love triangles, but I love the situation that is slowly forming between Cookie, Garrett and Uncle Bob. Cookie deserves all the male attention she can get.

Darynda and Charley have warmed my heart and forced me to laugh myself into stitches more times than I can count. Both of them deserve their extremely loyal fanbase, of which I am a proud member. Wherever we go from here, I have no doubt it will be endlessly entertaining.


  1. Oh My Goodness, I would read this series just because of the blurb from JR Ward on the cover! But this sounds like a series I would love to give a try. Great review :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  2. YAY for awesome drooling with Reyes!! I have started the book, but with work and everything I haven't had time to get past chapter 1, I'm so gonna be devouring it this weekend!

  3. I have heard a lot of tales about Darynda Jones and yes I'll get to read her book(s) sooner or later. Reyes sounds like an amazing character and I'd love to meet him. Great review Maja :)

  4. OMG! Haha! That quote about eggs! I'm dying here!
    I read the first 3 books of this series and completely adored it! I need to get to the 4th book already. Both you and Heidi loved this one, so I'm so excited. I'm happy that there's progress when it comes to Charley's powers and Reyes' character growth. Anyways, fabulous review, Maja!

  5. I can't believe I don't like this series! It seems like so much fun but it didn't work out for me when I tried it. Still, I'm thrilled you're still enjoying these books so much and I'm sure you'll forgive me for not liking these since I'm an Aguirre fan at any rate! ;)

  6. I am so behind on this series, I really need to catch up because I think I need a good dose of Reyes (who doesn't'?)!

    I am so glad this series is still going strong and that Charley and Reyes are better than ever!

  7. Yay! So glad you loved this. I also gave it 4.5 stars. :) I'm really loving the advancement in the storyline and the avenue Darynda seems to be guiding future installments towards... very exciting and I love seeing it progress and grow rather than becoming tedious and dull. I hope this series lasts for a long time and I rarely say that. :) Great review!

  8. OMG..cupcake I love your first paragraph and let me tell ya it is happening in the states too..LOL I think this was my favorite of the series so far, we see growth, get answers and oh-la-la we see the many sides of Reyes. My review won't post till August..but I giggled because I used that quote is one of my favorites. Awesome, awesome review Maja!

  9. You are making me a sad panda! I'm so behind on this series I wanna cry. Now you go and tell me that Reyes is vulnerable???? WHY do that to me?! Darn you Maja! You have me wanting this book NOW! Oh and that quote... ROFL!! :D

  10. Wow! Great review!! I soooo look forward to reading this one. But alas, the downside to preordering books is having to wait forrrrrrrreeeeeevvvvvvverrrrrrrr for them to arrive in the mail. I seriously wonder what am I thinking? during the wait! Why did I preorder it?! Why not just go out and buy it?! To save money, a tiny voice says. But it should be waiting for me when I get home later! So yay!!

    Again, great review! So can't wait to dive into this one and begin the wait for Sixth Grave on the Edge!

  11. I have only read the first book, but I loved it! I wasn't real sure about Reyes being a love interest though, so I'm glad that it's finally starting to click and really work. I need to pick up the next book and continue this series!

  12. I've only read the first book and Reyes was kind of aloof (although very sexy!) I didn't even think he was going to end up as the love interest.

    I loved the humor and hope to catch up one day.

  13. I haven't been a big fan of Reyes, but I'm curious if it's going to change with this book. I just don't think I can trust him with you know being the son of SATAN and all. I do love the love triangle involving Cookie. She needs some excitement. :)

  14. Ahh, I love books that make me laugh. I ought to check this series out now- never seen 'em before.

    Fab review, Maja! <33

  15. I, unfortunately haven't started this series yet. But man, I'd love to read a book about the son of Satan. For real.

    Great review, Maja. :)

  16. I DNFed the first book in this series a while back but I think I might give it another try as an audio this time. So many of the people whose opinions I value, like you, speak so highly of this series that I might regret it if I don't try it again.

  17. That quote! I wish you had warned me. Now there's coffee all over the screen. ;)

    I really liked what we saw of Reyes in the first book, but I get the feeling he gets even better (and all the more loveable) as the series goes on? I can't wait to find out! I'm glad the fifth instalment didn't disappoint. Lovely review. :)

  18. I really need to catch up with this series! I left off after finishing book two. I had no idea there was going to be a romance triangle between Cookie, Garrett & Uncle Bob! Color me surprised! I'm glad to hear we get some answers with her powers. I wanted her to be able to use her abilities more as well. Do I really need to make any comments about Reyes? Gorgeous, hot, forbidden?!! Sold! Wonderful review, Maja! :)

  19. I was only really made aware of this series a short time ago, actually. But I'm definitely impressed with every review I read! I don't usually expect a fifth book in the series to be so good because usually they start tailing off at this point. But if you say this book felt almost like a turning point in the series, then that means there is still plenty more good story left to tell and that is very exciting indeed. And it really speaks to Darynda's talent. I've never been a fan of adult pnr, but you are definitely tempting me here with your review! I especially love a book that can make me laugh.

  20. This does sound like an improvement! By book 4, I was getting tired of the non-answers about the mythology, and the awkwardness of the "romance". It sounds like things might be looking up in this novel, though, and I could be tempted to read, though I wasn't planning on continuing the series.

  21. So glad you loved this too! I have a long way before I'm ready to read this one, but from the sounds of your review this installment is worth the journey. When all my trusted bloggers are falling for Reyes I know I'm probably going to love him and root for his romance with Charley too! Lovely review, can't wait to read this :-)


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