Sunday, May 5, 2013

Review: Hale Maree

Hale MareeAuthor: Misty Provencher
Release date: November 19th 2012
Publisher: Misty Provencher
Paperback, 190 pages
Source: Author for review
Buy: Amazon

Hale Simmons dreams of climbing out of her impoverished life, going to college, and getting herself a titanium crash helmet, so she can eventually bust through the Plexiglas ceiling of her crappy life. But for now, she’s just a 18-year-old girl with a flimsy hope, barely getting by with her alcoholic father, Jerry.
But for Hale, ‘crappy’ suddenly takes a nosedive, when Jerry becomes the sole witness to a horrible accident. It is an event which means to effect everyone, especially Hale, who wasn’t even involved.
While the depth of the accident has just begun to unfold, Otto Maree, a prominent business man and old family friend, stands to lose everything because of it. Otto is desperate for Hale’s father to stay quiet about what occurred the night the two men met for a drink. Out of mutual moments of desperation, the two fathers forge a deal. Jerry is desperate to gain financial stability for both himself and Hale, and Otto Maree is more than willing to pay to keep his secret just that.
But deals like this need to be made of the strongest vows and bound with the most faithful of loyalties. Otto proposes a marriage between Hale and his playboy-son, Oscar, in order to assure that the secret remains ‘in the family’. The mystery surrounding the accident continues to grow and Hale struggles against her own mysterious feelings that begin to develop for Oscar, who turns out to less of a playboy, but just as fiercely loyal and dedicated as his father.
As the pressure around her continues to escalate, Hale realizes that she’s got to decide if this arranged marriage is really just a big mistake or an amazing twist of fate that has been waiting around for this particular accident to happen.

With Hale Maree, Misty Provencher proved once again that she’s very good at thinking outside the box. Arranged marriage is a reality in many places all over the world, but we rarely think about it in the First World context. There aren’t many authors I know of who’d be courageous enough to publish a New Adult contemporary romance that features an arranged marriage, but with Misty Provencher, I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.

Oscar Maree and Hale Simmons have never met before, but they’re suddenly faced with two choices: they can either get married or risk sending both their fathers to jail. It doesn’t take long for Oscar to warm up to the idea, he sees something in Hale he’s never had before, and he’s hell bent on winning her over, but Hale’s emotions are a lot more complicated: at only 18, she’s hesitant to get into a serious relationship, let alone marriage; she doesn’t know OR trust Oscar, and she is deeply hurt by her father’s willingness to “sell” her to his childhood friend’s son.

Admittedly, their story was a bit odd at first, but it didn’t take long for me to warm up to the idea of seeing them together. Hale’s behavior made an unrealistic scenario more easily acceptable. If there’s one thing I struggled with just a bit, it’s Oscar himself. On the outside, he seemed like a perfect love interest, mostly because he behaved as one. He said and did all the right things all the time, but I’d hoped for some insecurity as well. Him being so sure of his intentions and feelings after having no more than a day to process the changes in his life was just a touch too unrealistic.

However, everything Oscar wasn’t, Hale was in spades. Her reactions and fears made perfect sense and I enjoyed her icy demeanor and slow thawing more than I can say. I liked seeing her completely unaffected by Oscar’s wealth, even after a life of abject poverty. In fact, my favorite part of this book wasn’t Hale and Oscar’s romance, it was Hale’s relationship with her father. I think Provencher approached that part extremely realistically, especially in the end. It is a sad fact that alcoholics don’t get better overnight, although they sometimes try very hard.

Hale Maree was made infinitely better by its secondary characters, especially Landon and Sher, Oscar and Hale’s best friends. Each of them was instantly likeable and well developed, so much so that a companion novel, Full of Grace, has been written about them.


  1. I haven't read too many reviews of this book and I'd be interested in reading it just to see how it's done because an arranged marriage in this situation sounds a little far-fetched for this day and age but the characters sound well done.

    1. Totally far fetched, Vegan YA Nerds! I hope you'll check it out and let me know if Oscar won you over!

  2. I've been undecided about picking this one up ever since the blog tour because it sounds like something I'd like - and dislike - at the same time. However, I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, so I really must give this a go. Not to mention all of Misty's books, really. Great review, Maja!

    1. What aspect would you dislike, Keertana? I'm fascinated to know! I hope you'll try HALE and tell me which way you vote!

  3. I'm not gonna lie. I'm intrigued by this one. You certainly made a case for it, Maja. I think I'm going to add this to my pile.

    1. WOOOOOOT!!! I hope you will read and enjoy it to pieces, Joyous. If you don't, please let me know! If you do, please let EVERYONE know! Hee hee hee!

  4. Great review! I think yours is the first one that I have read that didn't love Oscar but loved Hale! Just goes to show how we can each connect with a different character and still love the read.

    1. *snuggles Kindlemom* I just adore you, you know that, right?

  5. I think it's quite brave of Misty to write about arranged marriage in first world countries as well. I'm glad the characters worked out really well for you! I agree with you, sometimes when a love interest is SO perfect that he doesn't have any flaws, it definitely makes for a more unbelievable character. I do appreciate the fact that Misty took the time to develop the secondary characters though. Lovely review, dear!

    1. I hope you'll read, Jen, and completely disagree with Maja about Oscar's perfection. I hope you'll find nothing about him lacking at all. I can't help myself- I have to hope you love him without limits!!

  6. Great review, I read and loved Sins and Needles and will read this series as well. I now friends who have arranged marriages and of course i am always drawn to them in stories.

    1. YAY!! I can't wait to hear what you think, Kimbacaffeinate! Please let me know!!

  7. I liked that Oscar was secure and confident, it's when the guys are the opposite that bugs me. I like my men steady as a rock. :D I can't wait to read Landon's story, I having coming up for the blog tour.

    1. HOLLA, Christy! I hope Landon will grab you EVEN MORE!! *crosses fingers* *mumbles prayers*

  8. I'm having a 'Ooooh' moment right now. I haven't read anything by Provencher before so I feel a little behind but the concept is so interesting. Besides, I like females who actually acts normal for once. On the plus side, the title of the book is something that caught my eye after reading your review. I like how they've put together the surnames of both the protagonists. Great review, Maja. :)

    1. I hope you will read, Devyani! It's my selfish side that hopes beyond hope that you will find yourself addicted to the book boys. HALE MAREE is a fast read, they tell me, so I hope you can squeeze it in. Please let me know if you do. I'd love to know if I've succeeded in entertaining you!

  9. I want to try Misty Provencher's Cornerstone before I think about picking this one up. I'll be honest, the premise here does very little for me (if anything, it puts me off a little), but I know how much you like her writing so I'm hoping I will feel the same way after I have given it a try. Lovely review as always, Maja!

    1. Sorry to hear you don't like the premise, Sam. But it's okay- not every book is for every reader and I understand completely. You may still enjoy FULL OF GRACE, because although it is a companion book, it is a stand-alone story about a different subject matter.

      I would love to hear that you read Cornerstone and would love even more to hear what you thought of it. Please let me know if you decide to try!

  10. This looks like a REALLY interesting concept ! Arranged marriage still happens but usually both parties are in agreement over it nowadays so the fact that the main characters are basically forced into it will be a good twist .

    Nice review Maja

    1. I hope you'll enjoy the story, Krazzyme! It's a crazy little thing- please let me know if you decide to read!

  11. This one sure has an interesting concept. I haven't read anything by Provencher and so may give this one a try. I think I'd like Oscar to struggle a bit more with his life changing but it's good to know that at least Hale does. Great review, Maja.

    1. Hi there, my Canadian Girl! Nice to meet you! Thank you for considering the story!

  12. I know what you mean about Oscar. I adored him but he seemed just a bit too good to be true. Still another fun read by Misty, Glad you are loving her stuff!

    1. Oh, he IS a good guy, Heidi! He's *sigh* Oscar! :) Thank you for the compliments, my lovely!

  13. I've been dying to pick this up, Maja and the fact that this doesn't seem like a "Maja" book and you still enjoyed it makes me want to read it even more! Maybe I'll squeeze it in this week. It's not that many pages. Lovely review as usual! :)

    1. Thank you so much for reading, Rachel! I hope you'll love Oscar to bits!

  14. It's funny that you say you 'liked' Hale's acceptance (or lack of acceptance) because for me that was the part I liked the least. Which is weird cause if she'd accepted it all really well it wouldn't have been realistic. I guess I just got slightly annoyed with her. However it was a small issue for me. And Oscar was maybe a bit too good to be true as well. But Misty always manages to write and entertaining book even if I don't think it's one I would like. Somehow she made a far fetched idea work well!

    1. Oh, you guys. I've got my ear to Maja's blog and I'm shaping the next book on your comments, you know. I'm going to write one that is horribly realistic next! :D
      Thank you for always reading and for letting me know what you thought, Candace. I adore you!

  15. I would never in a million years have picked this up based on the synopsis, but I must say I'm intrigued by your review. I might give this one a shot, though I think I'll tackle Cornerstone first since everyone is raving about that series. :-)

    I love that Hale has normal reactions to this arrangement, and I imagine they're close to what mine would be. I'm glad you enjoyed this, and I'm definitely more curious than ever to read something by Misty. Lovely review!

    1. I cannot wait to hear what you think, Lauren! Now I'm very excited to hear if the story will make you happy! Please let me know what you thought!


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