Thursday, April 25, 2013

Unbreakable Blog Tour: Official Unbreakable Playlist

Hi everyone!
You all know how much I love Liz Norris's Unraveling duology, right? Right?! Needless to say, when I was contacted about this blog tour, I was ecstatic, especially after reading Unbreakable and loving it just as much as I loved Unraveling. Today, Liz shared five songs from the official Unbreakable playlist (you can find the entire playlist in PDF on Amazon). Enjoy! I

Author: Elizabeth Norris
Series: Unraveling, #2
Release date: April 23rd 2013
Publisher: Balzer & Bray
Hardcover, 496 pages
Buy: Amazon
        The Book Depository

Four months after Ben disappeared through the portal to his home universe, Janelle believes she’ll never see him again. Her world is still devastated, but life is finally starting to resume some kind of normalcy. Until Interverse Agent Taylor Barclay shows up. Somebody from an alternate universe is running a human trafficking ring, kidnapping people and selling them on different Earths—and Ben is the prime suspect. Now his family has been imprisoned and will be executed if Ben doesn’t turn himself over within five days.
And when Janelle learns that someone she cares about—someone from her own world—has become one of the missing, she knows that she has to help Barclay, regardless of the danger. Now Janelle has five days to track down the real culprit. Five days to locate the missing people before they’re lost forever. Five days to reunite with the boy who stole her heart. But as the clues begin to add up, Janelle realizes that she’s in way over her head—and that she may not have known Ben as well as she thought. Can she uncover the truth before everyone she cares about is killed?

Save the World. Save the Boy --- Here are some songs from the Official Unbreakable Playlist!

“Raise Your Weapon” by Deadmau5 

Right when Janelle is going through something that should be too much, that could break her, I listened to this song to help pull her out of it.

“Turning Tables” by Adele 

Janelle doesn’t always know what to think when it comes to Ben. She thought she had such an unshakable faith in him, but there are a few moments where she isn’t sure they’re going to make it through this.

“I Got You” by Leona Lewis

My favorite line from Unbreakable came to me while listening to this song (it’s the last line of dialogue in chapter 01:13:27:41). Ben and Janelle are always going to be there for each other no matter what.

“All I Need” by Within Temptation

I listened to this song writing this chapter: 01:02:30:27. That’s all you need to know. It’s a great make out song.

“Together Again” by Evanescence

There’s a moment in Unbreakable after Janelle and Ben have found each other that they know they have to part again. They have to go up against something more dangerous than anything they’ve ever faced and this song really captures that.

About the Author: Elizabeth Norris is the author of Unraveling and Unbreakable, and the e-novella Undone. Visit Liz on the web at and, as well as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Goodreads and Pinterest.

Thanks for stopping by everyone! You can read my glowing review of Unbreakable here. And if you can, please visit the other tour stops as well. I loved some of these posts. Here they are:

April 16th: Fic Fare
April 17th: The Reader Lines
April 18th: Confessions of an Opinionated Book Geek
April 19th: Good Choice Reading
April 22nd: The Book Monsters
April 23rd: Ruby’s Reads
April 24th: Adventures of a Book Junkie (Too Fond of Books)
April 25th: The Nocturnal Library
April 26th: Reading Teen
April 30th: The Book Smugglers


  1. Within Temptation, Evanescence? Now we're talking. I love both songs. I haven't read the book yet but I'll have to remember to listen to these once I start reading it :) Thanks for sharing Maja :)

  2. I adore Adele and Evanescence, so I'm so happy that they were apart of the Unbreakable playlist! I need to get onto this book asap and see where the rest of the songs fit in! Thanks for sharing this great post with us! :)

  3. I love when authors playlists with readers because then I get to discover new songs. I love Within Temptation and Evanescence, so I'm happy that Liz likes them too.
    I'm so excited to read Unbreakable. I got my copy yesterday and I'm going to start it during the weekend for sure!
    Thanks for sharing the playlist, Maja! :)

  4. Like Nick, I always discover some new artists from author/story playlists! Love the vibe these stories give and I can't wait to dig into the FIRST book in this series (no, I haven't read the first one yet. THIS WEEKEND, I SWEAR!!).

  5. Alright, I broke down and got this one. I didn't love the first but I have been seeing so many great posts and review for this that I had to get it!
    Great playlist!!

  6. Ooooo some of my favorite artists are on that playlist Maja! I'm a huge fan of Evanescence and Adele, and recently found Within Temptation. They have some really fabulous atmospheric songs that I think are great at creating a certain mood:) Also, just because I feel it needs to be said again, I LOVE THIS SERIES. That is all:) Thanks for sharing these songs!

  7. Evanescence !!! YAY!!!! I might actually pick up this novel now :P

  8. Oh I so need to read this series, and love the trailers and songs:)

  9. Love it when creativity expands beyond one type of art. Oh and yes, totally approve of all these songs! Such a WIN here. :)

  10. I've never understood how people make book playlists, but I love the idea and turning tables is one of my favorites! Great list, so thanks for sharing, Maja! :)

  11. I love bookish playlists, and these are some amazing songs! Love Adele and deadmau5 (and whoever that vocalist is with them has an amazing voice). Thanks for sharing this! I'll have to come back after reading book two and give them another listen then. :-)

  12. Raise Your Weapon is a beautiful song. I have never been a huge fan of Deadmau5, but I love that track. Evanescence and I have a bit of an awkward history (let's just say I was going through a phase!), but I simply adore all their songs. Love this playlist! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm actually reading Undone right now and plan to get around to Unbreakable soon. :)

  13. Brilliant playlist. I really can't wait to read this book. I'm already sad there's only two books.

  14. oh heard this book was awesome <3 mm Within Temptation <3 great choices love them!

  15. A great selection of music. Such different feels to help get through the moods needed. :)

  16. I have not read this series yet, but I really want to! And I love the song choices!

  17. I loved this series too, as you know Maja! It's nice to hear what was in the author's mind while writing. Thanks for sharing. :)

  18. I love blog tours involving playlists, will be listening to this one!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Awesome playlist:) I can't wait to read Unbreakable. Unraveling sort of blew my mind, I went in knowing nothing of the plot and wow, I LOVED the direction it took:) Fun tour stop:)

    Visit me at The Flyleaf Review:)


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