Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: ACID

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Hello everyone,
I don't write WoW posts very often, but when I do, it's always a book I'm insanely excited about. This time is no different. 

Title: ACID
Author: Emma Pass
Release date: April 25th 2013
Publisher: Corgi Children's
Paperback, 431 pages

ACID - the most brutal police force in history.
They rule with an iron fist.
They see everything. They know everything.
They locked me away for life.

My crime?
They say I murdered my parents.
I was fifteen years old.

My name is Jenna Strong.

2113. In Jenna Strong's world, ACID - the most brutal, controlling police force in history - rule supreme. No throwaway comment or muttered dissent goes unnoticed - or unpunished. And it was ACID agents who locked Jenna away for life, for a bloody crime she struggles to remember. The only female inmate in a violent high-security prison, Jenna has learned to survive by any means necessary. And when a mysterious rebel group breaks her out, she must use her strength, speed and skill to stay one step ahead of ACID - and to uncover the truth about what really happened on that dark night two years ago.

Don't you just love the cover? She looks amazing! And the synopsis is even more exciting. The only female inmate in a high-security prison? Seriously, why didn't someone think of this sooner? 

What are you excited about? Leave me a link and I'll drop by.


  1. OOh that cover looks so awesome!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Yes, the cover of this is fantastic as is the plot! I really hope this author can pull it off, though, as it seems to be an ambitious project. Thanks for putting this on my radar though, Maja!(:

  3. I saw this one and immediately said YES!! UF all the way, baybee! Who is that publisher? I'm going to have to track them down and beg for a copy. :)

  4. Oh Maja this is a brilliant find, I love the sound of the brutal ACID police and how Jenna can't remember a thing about what happened to her parents. I think I will have to read this once it's released! :)

  5. I'm excited for this book too, Maja! I love how the cover totally attracted me. The girl looks really kick-ass! I can't wait for it to come out!
    Great pick, Maja! :)

  6. This sounds wonderful and action packed, Maja! I can't wait to see what you think of this one. :)

  7. Oh my gosh - this sounds amazing! Adding it to my reading list too.

    Tanya Patrice

  8. WOWZ. Fantastic pick, Maja. I can definitely see why you are insanely excited by this book. Fantastic synopsis, kick-ass cover. I love the red and the black contrasting, it works really well.

    Awesome pick, now I'm adding this to my wishlist ASAP! :)

  9. That cover is seriously awesome. Very interesting sounding, will definitely be checking this one out! :) Great pick, Maja!
    My WoW Pick!

  10. SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK! Jenna sounds absolutely amazing, and she's looking pretty kickass on that cover. And the only girl in a high-security prison? *shudders* Terrifying.

  11. This is my first time hearing of this book and I have agree: it sounds so kick-ass!

  12. Oh yes! This sounds fantastic! The only female in a high security prison? Now that has my attention. It doesn't hurt that the cover is wonderfully impressive too. I'm really looking forward to this!

    Great WoW pick, Maja. :)

  13. This book needs to be made into a movie, with that same cover model as lead!

  14. This sounds so good! Such an original idea and a gorgeous cover!

  15. Woha now that's what I call bad-ass! The girl looks amazing and the blurb is great too. I haven't seen this book before but I'll be waiting for your review :)

  16. Sounds awesome Maja. And she definitely looks like one kick butt chick. Thanks for sharing.

  17. That looks awesome, and it sucks that it's not going to be out until 2014!

  18. I have to say I'm loving the looks and sounds of this one. It's new to me but one that sounds amazing. :) Thanks for sharing it.


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