Saturday, December 8, 2012

Review: Trapped (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #5)

Trapped (Iron Druid Chronicles, #5)Author: Kevin Hearne
Series: The Iron Druid Chronicles
Published: November 27th 2012
Publisher: Del Rey
Mass Market Paperback, 290 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Well, look at that! Once again, everyone’s favorite druid Atticus O’Sullivan somehow managed to anger just about every deity from every pantheon worshiped by mankind. (Well, everyone except Perun, but that’s understandable – Perun is Slavic and our gods are all kinds of awesome. Not too bright, but awesome.) This is turning out to be a special talent of Atticus’s, and a good thing too, or we would have nothing to read about.

After twelve (!) years of training, binding Granuaile to earth should be cause for celebration, not yet another problem on Atticus’s list. But with everyone chasing them for some reason or other, finding a quiet place to bind Granuaile and turn her into a full druid is proving to be somewhat... difficult.

Oh, but Hearne loves his lectures! He can’t seem to control himself. With each new book, the stories that slow down… no, make that completely block the plot progression become longer and longer. I appreciate well-built worlds. I even appreciate mythology lessons. But Hearne is taking it all just a bit too far. By the time I reached the last part, I barely even understood what was going on.

The romance we’ve all been waiting for it’s finally here and let’s just say it’s a bit underwhelming. Five books we’ve waited for Atticus to finally find someone worthy of him, someone interesting and competent enough to live and fight by his side, and now that he has, I expected... more! Fireworks, at the very least. I love them both separately, but together, they do nothing for me.

I really thought the previous book, Tricked, was a one-time disaster, but now I’m beginning to think that someone stole Hearne and replaced him with some pod person. There's just no way that the same person could have written those first three books and these last two, it’s just not possible. I’ve rarely seen a series so completely and thoroughly ruined.

When I lose interest in a book, it usually happens around the middle, not during that last, most exciting part. With Trapped, I struggled through the middle, true, but the last part was more than I could handle. Instead of building the tension and ending with a really god action scene, Hearne inexplicably had Atticus and Granuaile sit down and listen to some long, unnecessary and mostly boring story. This has pretty much become his modus operandi: they run, they win a fight against all odds, meet someone willing to tell them a story – twenty pages of pure boredom ensue. Rinse and repeat.

This is where Atticus O’Sullivan and I go our separate ways. However, keep I mind that the series still has many fans and that those first three books make it worth your time. Please don’t hesitate to read them because the fourth and the fifth aren’t as good. You’d be missing out on a lot.


  1. Oh, noes! I'm really sorry you disliked it, Maja! I actually loved Tricked and I think I'd love Trapped as well. They did take different direction but I don't mind that in Kevin's books. I like what he does to his characters.
    Also, Perun was charming. I like his pigeon English :))

  2. Oh No, I just recently grabbed book one and I am so sorry this disappointed you. I have been dying to meet Atticus. :(

  3. awwww. cries
    i hav not read book2 yet
    but gr8 review anyways

  4. Aw, noo! :( I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy this one. This book doesn't really look my type of thing to read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, great review, Maja!

  5. I'm listening to the second book now. So sorry to hear that the last two just didn't rock you. I'm hoping it won't be the same for me especially now that I'm properly warned.

  6. It's a shame this series hasn't remained to the standard of the first 3 books for you. I am terrible at continuing with a series once it beings to do downhill (which explains the number of unread books on my shelf!) and even curiosity isn't enough to push me forward then. Sometimes authors need to quit while their ahead... Anyway, great review, Maja! At least you have the memories of the first few books to hold on to.

  7. That's too bad, Maja. I hate it when a series turns sour. Are you reading an JLA?! I thought you didn't really like that author, but I vaguely remember you didn't mind Onyx. Can't wait to see what you think. I haven't read it yet. :)

  8. Eeep I'm sorry this series has gone downhill for you it kind of reminds me of another series that hasn't done any great favours for me, Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series. I think being the impatient person that I wouldn't be able to stick it out until book 5 for a romance to develop. But well done you for sticking this series out up until here, it really is disappointing when a series starts off so well but then leaves a bitter taste in you mouth!

  9. It's shame the past two books in this series have been letting you down, Maja! I hate starting a fabulous series, only to see it deteriorate with newer installments, so I think I'll wait to see if the series picks up again before I decide to pick it up. Wonderful review, dear! :)

  10. I so completely understand where you're coming from!!! I'm the opposite - I still like the series b/c Atticus is such a F.U. even though he's lived so long AND this road he's on has been set into motion so long ago (except the dwarf fiasco). And the "romance" being so cold - totally written by a guy and not for a girl audience. My hubs reads this series and he would hurl if it got any worse than it did. Although, I couldn't help but wish there was more b/c the characters could have so much more chemistry.

    This all could be why there's only one more book.

    Totally awesome review girl! Everyone has their likes and dislikes!! I totally respect your views - ALWAYS!!!

  11. I loved the book but yet I kind of 'get it's too. I would have liked a bit more in the romance but I I kinda get that its not a romance book so I was okay with it being skimmed over. It didn't WOW me like the first threw but I still enjoyed it. I'm sorry you just weren't feeling it though! Its sad when that happens with series you started out loving.

  12. I've been hearing some interesting things about this series. Sorry to hear you didn't like this installment but I might try this series out soon. Nice review!

  13. I've been meaning to read this series just coz it comes highly recommended by some of the people I follow on Goodreads; shame this didn't work out so well for you, Maja.

  14. Sadness! I'm sorry this one disappointed you, but thanks for the great review. I'll probably read this eventually because I do like the series, but I definitely know what you mean about the lecturing -- I noticed that in the last one too.


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