Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Year in Books: Favorite Adult Releases + Giveaway

It's that time of the year - time to make long lists of favorites. 2012 has been a very good year bookwise (and otherwise). Today I'll share with you my favorite adult releases and offer you a chance to win one of them. As you'll see, most of them are Urban Fantasy, but it's my favorite genre so you can't really blame me for that. So, here they are, in no particular order:


1.   Third Grave Dead Ahead (Charley Davidson, #3) by Darynda Jones
Darynda released two Charley Davidson books in 2012, Third Grave Dead Ahead and Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet, but I chose Third Grave simply because it made me laugh more. There's not much I can say about this series that hasn't been said already except that I recently got my hands on the entire series on audio and enjoyed it immensely. The narrator, Lorelei King, is among the very best. Rereading this never gets old. Make sure to give Charley a chance.

2.     Blackout (Newsflesh, #3) by Mira Grant
I was ready to sell my soul for this arc and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Newsflesh is hands down my favorite trilogy ever. Yes, EVER. What Mira Grant did cannot be repeated. Not only did her ode to truth, loyalty and love cause too many emotional outbursts to count, it brought me closer to a few people that add value to my life. Therefore, I do not exaggerate in the least when I say that Newsflesh was a life-changing trilogy for me.

3.        Endgame (Sirantha Jax, #6) by Ann Aguirre
Everyone knows how I feel about Ann Aguirre's writing, and I discovered her through her Sirantha Jax series, which gives it a very special place in my heart. This book has everything I love about Aguirre: complex characters, fantastic worlds and writing that takes your breath away on every page. It was hard to say goodbye to Jax, but I'm so happy with where we left her. In these cold winter days, romantic sci-fi might be exactly what you need.


4.       Fair Game (Alpha and Omega, #3) by Patricia Briggs
Five stars! Six stars! Best book Briggs has ever written. I never thought I'd say this, but I liked the third Alpha & Omega book much more than any of her Mercy Thompson books. River Marked, the last Mercy book, released in 2011, can't even be compared to this. And to think that I didn't even like Charles OR Anna when the series started. In Fair Game, Briggs threw Charles and Anna right in the middle of an FBI investigation (as consultants, not suspects!) and made a series that started out as just another paranormal romance so much more interesting.

5.       Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts, #5) by Stacia Kane
Kane released two Downside books this year, but I had to choose one so I went with the last one, Chasing Magic, although I liked Sacrificial Magic just as much. Chess is not always an easy character to like. She lies and she cheats like all drug addicts, and like all abuse victims, she has severe confidence issues. But there are moments when we get to see who she might have become had her childhood been any different, and those brief glimpses of what lies underneath make a world of difference. In all honesty, this series is in a league of its own.  I'm forever grateful to my friend Catie for making me read it.

6.        Summoning the Night (Arcadia Bell, #2) by Jenn Bennett
Every so often, but not nearly often enough, a new author takes me completely by surprise. Jenn Bennett is one of them. Although I enjoyed the first book in this series, it was just an okay read, but then Summoning the Night came and turned me into a huge fan. My favorite thing about this series is that it has a steady, drama-free romance and a young family at its center. It is highly unusual if not unheard of in urban fantasy, and I'm hoping it'll start some kind of trend.


Aaaand, that's all, folks. I'd also like to mention Devil's Punch (Corine Solomon, #4) by Ann Aguirre and The Janus Affair (Ministry of Peculiar Occurences, #2) by Philippa Ballantine and Tee Morris. Devil's Punch was a fantastic, five star read that wasn't included in the main list simply because I already had one of Ann Aguirre's book. These titles are included in the giveaway. If you haven't started any of these series but want to, you can choose to win the first book instead. 

This Saturday, December 29th, I will be posting my (much longer) list of favorite young adult releases with another giveaway. Make sure to stop by. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. one of my favorite wa sthe janus affair^^

    thank you a lot for this giveaway

  2. My favorite adult release is: The Wind Through the Keyhole (The Dark Tower #4.5) by Stephen King (for fantasy) and Nexus by Ramez Naam (for science fiction).
    Maybe I would have some of books from your list but I did not read any of those series (yet). I only started Charley Davidson but I still did not read book #3.
    Thanks for making this list, I always love to take a peak at other people's favorites.
    And of course thanks for a giveaway. :)

  3. What a great list. I think I agree with most of your picks (I haven't yet gotten to all of yours yet). There were so many great reads this year, it was difficult to come up with a short list.

  4. I've seen your review of Blackout on the GR and since then I wanted to read it. I'm not fan of Adult books but you made it sound so good! :)

  5. Maja, you're destroying my TBR Pile, I swear! I just keep adding more and more of these amazing UF Adult recommendations and I love them! :D Sirantha Jax was already on my list to read, but Ann Aguirre's other series, Patricia Brigg's novels, Arcadia Bell, and the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences are all new to me. I'm almost positive Patricia Briggs has written a book I was torn about adding to my TBR got very mixed reviews, so I was hesitant. Or maybe it was that series with Bones and Cat...? I don't know - there are so many! If these are your favorites, though, they have to be amazing! I also can't wait to start Charley Davidson (hopefully soon) and Chasing Magic was AMAZING. I love Stacia Kane! :D Wonderful list, Maja, and thanks for the giveaways opportunity!(:

  6. Ahhh this is such an awesome list Maja, it's good to know you're still enjoying a lot of your urban fantasy series! My favourite adult novel hands down has to be Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Thanks for this brilliant giveaway! I can't wait to see your ya list! :)

  7. Oh man, picking just one is SO hard.

    I'll go with Portrait of a Dead Guy by Larissa Reinheart, which is a cozy mystery series.

  8. I think the third Charley book is my favorite out of the series so far. I love how Charley maintains her sense of humor when her world is falling apart around her. So glad I started this series!

  9. I think my favorite is probably Gunmetal Magic, by Ilona Andrews.

  10. I only started reading adult books in the last few weeks, but I can't pick a favourite. I only read two series, Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson series and Darynda Jones Charlie Davidson. I loved them both and I'm anxiously waiting the next in each series now. Thanks for the great giveaway Maja. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and best wishes for the new year hun :)

  11. thanks for the giveaway! My fav is U think blood before sunrise by amanda bonilla. loved this book!

  12. I just got sidetracked for about an HOUR but I am back to comment. You asked what my favorite adult book of 2012 was, then I went to GR to see if I'd even read any 2012 adult releases, then I got depressed at how few 2012 adult releases I'd read, then I went on reddit for a while and thought about what my 2013 reading goals should be, and now I'm back. I have nothing to offer this conversation, actually:) I really liked adult books that weren't released in 2012: Attachments, Address Unknown, and all the memoirs I listened to a while back. Merry Christmas, Maja!

  13. I swear Mira Grant's books will be read next year. Hmm my fav adult release...I can't pick just one but probably Darynda Jones....or Kevin Hearne.

  14. I knew this would be a list of books I hadn't read but thanks to your blog, most of these are on my to-read list! I now especially want to read Darynda's books because I love a book that can make me laugh.

    As for fave adult title, I haven't read many this year but I would have to say Addition by Toni Jordan!

  15. My favorite adult books this year were Falling Under by Danielle Younge-Ullman and The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher.

  16. thanks so much for the giveway. Love adult books! I'm starting to read some more urban fantasy as well. I often like them more than paranormal romances.

    My favorite adult book this year, though? one of them would be Breaking the Devil's Heart by H.A. Goodman for sure!!

  17. I should have done an adult one too. I just did one favorites list and the adult books were neglected because of it.
    I read the first Charley book and loved it. I have the 2nd and plan to read it soon.
    I have only read The Alpha and Omega series by Patricia but I didn't even like the first book much, the second one was better but I'm with you that Fair Game was AMAZING! I'm glad I stuck with the series.
    I read the first Peculiar Occurrences book last year and enjoyed it but still haven't got my hands on the second one. I need to get on that.
    Loads of series on this list I SO want to read!

  18. That would be Chasing magic, Third grave dead ahead, Fourth grave beneath my feet and The Opportunist.

  19. Alright, so I'm kind of embarrassed to say this, but I haven't read any of the books from your list!
    Let's hope I win something! ;)
    I've heard amazing things about Mira Grant's series and I loved Ann Aguirre's Enclave, so I might have to check those books out soon. I started the Charley Davidson series, but haven't finished it yet. I need to get to the rest of the books soon too.
    I didn't read many new adult books this year, but I did read Cat and Bones' books and loved them, so I'm going to say that they are my favorite adult reads of this year! :)

    Thank you for the giveaway, Maja! :)

  20. Fourth Grave by Darynda Jones and Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews! The Newflesh trilogy sounds amazing.

  21. My favorite adult book I've read this year is Chasing Magic by Stacia Kane.
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  22. Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite 2012 release was Angelfall by Susan Ee.

  23. How much do I fail right now Maja?! You have some of my favorite series up there, yet I have not read the latest books in any of them. What is wrong with me! I adore Anna and Charles (they're pretty much equal with me to Mercy and Adam and that's saying something) so I'm glad you think Fair Game is the best book she's written so far. I can't wait to get back to them! The Sirantha Jax series is a favorite as well, I think I'm like 3 books behind on that series though. *sigh* And don't even get me started on Terrible! <3<3<3

  24. Well, I loved Third Grave Dead Ahead and Fair Game in the list specified .... And some of them are in TBR list...

  25. I loved On Dublin Street by Samantha Young and Iced by Karen Marie Moning!

  26. The Siren by Tiffany Reisz - LOVE those books. :D

  27. Awesome list..totally great picks! The Twelve and Blackout made my top 10 adult reads which will post on dec 31st

  28. I loved Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet!


  29. Secrets of a Lady by Tracy Grant. Not a 2012 release, but I read it in 2012

  30. I actually haven't read a ton of adult new releases this year. Most of the ones that I read in 2012 are older titles that I'm trying to catch up on! Anyways, I DID just start Feed by Mira Grant (based on your recommendation), and I'm enjoying it so far! :)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Summoning the Night and Third Grave is on my faves list too! Fantastic books :) I have read Pat Briggs' Mercy series but not her Alpha Omega. I really must get on that. lol

  33. I'm not sure if it's adult or not but it's contemporary romance. On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves. My favorite book this year.

  34. Happy New Year, Maja!

    You are right about the Charley Davidson series on audio. It's awesomeness at it's best. Lorelei King ROCKS! <--That's me pretending I'm still in high school.

    I really need to get into that Downside Ghosts series. I plan to make this year the year I read that series and the Kate Daniels one as well. :)

    Have you caught up with Atticus or did he bore you so badly that you gave up on him? LOL

  35. My favorite release was On Dublin Street and Warm Bodies! These writers know how to write and magnetizing their readers with their words. I wish I could get the paperback version too :D

  36. I really loved the new Darynda, The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton, and Blackout by Mira Grant. So many fantastic books this year it seemed, and even more to look forward to in 2013! :)

  37. First grave to the right by Darynda Jones :)

  38. Knight by Kristen Ashley - Stacia Kane is a close 2nd

  39. maybe my fav : naked by raine miller and beautiful disaster.
    thanks ^^

  40. Chasing Magic was my favorite too! I read this series for the first time in 2012 and was blown away!


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