Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Unbreakable

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

It's been a while since I'd last done a WoW post, so for this week, I've chosen something I'm insanely excited about: Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris. I simply adored Unraveling, her first book, and I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel. 

Title: Unbreakable
Series: Unraveling, #2
Release date: April 23rd 2013
Publisher: Balzer + Bray

Four months after Ben disappeared through the portal to his home universe, Janelle believes she’ll never see him again. Her world is still devastated, but life is finally starting to resume some kind of normalcy. Until Interverse Agent Taylor Barclay shows up. Somebody from an alternate universe is running a human trafficking ring, kidnapping people and selling them on different Earths—and Ben is the prime suspect. Now his family has been imprisoned and will be executed if Ben doesn’t turn himself over within five days.

And when Janelle learns that someone she cares about—someone from her own world—has become one of the missing, she knows that she has to help Barclay, regardless of the danger. Now Janelle has five days to track down the real culprit. Five days to locate the missing people before they’re lost forever. Five days to reunite with the boy who stole her heart. But as the clues begin to add up, Janelle realizes that she’s in way over her head—and that she may not have known Ben as well as she thought. Can she uncover the truth before everyone she cares about is killed?

Could I be any more excited about this book?! No, I really don't think I could! Janelle and Ben look amazing on this cover, and I need to know who gets taken right now (although I have a few ideas). 
What are you excited about? Leave me a link and I'll be right there! 


  1. I'm super excited about this one too! I loved Unraveling and the covers are very beautiful and so badass! Great pick!:)

  2. I read the first one in this series but I wasn't blown away by it. Maybe I'll like the sequel better. xD New follower via GFC. Would love it if you could return the favor. :D

    Here's my WoW.

  3. I like this cover! It's similar to the one on book one but this conveys more of a sense of desperation. Awesome choice :)

  4. I have the first book, but I haven't read it yet. Thanks for sharing.
    My WoW

  5. Oh I can't wait for this. I loved Unravelling so much, one of my favourite reads this year. And I love Ben, can't wait to get some more of him :)

  6. I'm so glad you're excited for this one, Maja! I actually didn't finish the first book since I wasn't overly impressed by it, not to mention it just didn't capture me like it did other readers, but perhaps if the sequel is better I might go back and give it another try. Wonderful pick, dear! :)

  7. The cover is awesome. I still have to read Unraveling... Need more hours in a day. Great pick..

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  8. Oh I can't wait for this either, though I was sobbing by the end of the first book, I hope I'm not a mess when I pick this book up. But it's definitely up there with my most anticipated reads for next year!

  9. I love the cover for this one! I'm angry at myself for not having read the first book yet. >.< It looks so awesome! Great pick this week! :)

  10. Well, thanks for the reminder! I had plans to read Unraveling after your awesome review. Putting it on my to-do-soon list. :D
    My Wow Pick!

  11. Great Pick! I need to read the first book in the series. I hear they are really good and I think they might become a TV show?
    I am going to have to go find your review of Unraveling now!

  12. I'm trying not to read too much about it since I still haven't read the first one (but it's on my shelf!), but I have to say, I love the cover!

  13. I still need to make time to read the first.
    Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  14. MAJA. Yes! This is one of my most anticipated sequels. As you know, I loved the first book too so I have high hopes for this one! I'm not a huge fan of the cover, though I don't dislike it. I'm eager to see what the UK cover will look like. :)

  15. I still haven't read the first one! I have it, just need to read it. :)

  16. I haven't read Unravelling yet but I've heard a lot of good things about it! Your enthusiasm for the sequel's release is a little reminder for me to check if my library has the first book available! And aren't the covers kick-ass?

    Fab pick, Maja <3

  17. I read the first one and wasn't a huge fan of it, unfortunately, but I am still looking forward to this a bit. I'll have to see some of the reviews, first, though, so I can determine if it's something I'll like, even though I wasn't a huge fan of the first book (too implausible for me, among other issues). I'm glad you enjoyed the first book so much, though, Maja! I think it's great when I find people who love books that I didn't like. Great pick!

  18. Can't wait for this book to come out! And see Janelle's story goes on!! :) :) EXCITED :D :)


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