Sunday, November 25, 2012

Showcase Sunday (12)

Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by the lovely Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. 

Hello, book lovers!
I hope the weather is nice where you are. Here, it's rain all the time, and I'm getting pretty tired of it. Ah, well, at least I have some amazing books to read. Here's what I have to share this week:



As always, thank you to Pan Macmillan, Berkley, Atom, Kristen Painter, Margret K. McElderry Books, Bloomsbury UK, Angry Robot, St. Martin's Griffin, Penguin Books and Del Rey. 

I obviously went a little wild on Netgalley and Edelweiss, but it doesn't matter, I'm looking forward to all of these. What did you guys get? Leave me a link and I'll drop by right away. 


  1. Fantastic haul, Maja! I can entirely relate to your Netgalley/Edelweiss spree, haha. :) It's hard to resist sometimes... Anyhow, Chantress, (gorgeous cover, btw) Hysteria, The Mad Scientist's Daughter, and If You Find Me all look and sound great! I recently read Cassandra Rose Clarke's The Assassin's Curse and really liked it, so I can't wait for The Mad Scientist's Daughter. Happy reading, Maja!

  2. I am so curious about the Mad Scientist Daughter and Defiance has been on my wishlist forever! Awesome haul..enjoy them all. I think I like your cover for Hysteria more..than the US cover. The Sunday Post

  3. Dying for The Farm! Defiance, Chantress and Hysteria also sound great! Enjoy!
    My Stack

  4. Ah, I know how you feel. It's been raining for a few days here and it's SO dark out there - I actually don't feel like getting out of bed...

    Lovely haul, though! I got Hysteria a few weeks ago - I'm really looking forward to reading that one! Also, Ten Things I've Learnt About Love looks nice. I'm off to check it out on GR!

  5. Wow. That's a fair haul there.

    I have quite a few of these on my To Buy list, but you've got me interested in Ten Things I've Learnt About Love. Hioe it gets a Kindle release.

    Enjoy your haul.

  6. I enjoyed Cassandra Rose Clarke's YA novel, but I've been hesitant about The Mad Scientist's Daughter. Maybe you will be able to convince me. :) Ooh and The Farm sounds very interesting! As does If You Find Me. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on those! Wonderful haul as always, Maja. :)

  7. Wow, these books look awesome :) :) Enjoy! ;)

    Greetings from rainy Scotland! :) ;)

  8. Oh, I can't wait to see what you think of The Farm and Chantress, Maja! They both look really interesting. I also got If You Find Me this week, so I'm looking forward to reading that as well. And good luck with Defiance. I personally despised it, but most people seem to love it. Great haul!

  9. Netgalley is too tempting isn't it?! I love the look of Defiance, Hysteria, and If You Find Me.
    Enjoy all your new books!
    My Sunday Post

  10. Great haul! I'd love to snag a hard copy of Defiance (I have the ecopy)

  11. I've been staying away from Edelweiss and NetGalley lately! They are so addictive, but I've somehow managed to keep off them. You have some pretty epic books that you got this week. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on The Farm. It seems so eerie!
    Happy reading, Maja! :)

  12. Great haul this week! I have The Mad Scientist's Daughter from Netgalley and it looks so good. Really looking forward to reading that one. Love the cover for Out For Blood too. I hope you enjoy all of your new books :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  13. Oh we've had really sucky weather over here too, the only thing I look forward to is checking my parcels when I get home! I really like the sound of Ten Things I've Learnt About Love! So can't wait to see how you find it! Also I loved Defiance, so really really hope you love it too! Hope you enjoy all your books hun! :)

  14. The Mad Scientist Daughter and Hysteria both sound intriguing. I'll be keeping an eye out for your reviews. Awesome haul, happy reading Maja :)

  15. We've had terrible weather too, Maja! It's been SO cold, both inside and out of the house, so I've been walking around with woolen socks and fleece pants and three layers of sweaters. :/ On the other hand, I love your haul! ;) I love the covers of Chantress and City of Dark Magic, so I'm hoping those two are good. *fingers crossed* Also, I'm so excited to read The Mad Scientist's Daughter myself and The Farm sounds amazing! It seems to be kind of creepy, but I'm curious about it. I also hope you enjoy Defiance - I know a lot of reader's loved it although it wasn't a book for me AT ALL. Still, I really hope you love it, so happy reading, dear! :D

  16. Look at your fantastic week of books! Netgalley and Edelweiss are impossible to say no to so I completely understand. :D
    Very excited for The Farm! I look forward to seeing what you think of Chantress and City of Dark Magic, those both look great. Hope you had a lovely weekend, happy reading Miss Maja! :)
    My Showcase Sunday!

  17. The weather here is surprisingly nice! We have snow but its sunny and not to cold!:)
    You got a lot of great books this week . I want to check out The Farm and Chantress. They both look great!

  18. Brilliant Haul! I love the sound of Out for Blood right up my street, I have Defiance, but I still need to read it! :( But again I have heard some brilliant reviews about it and I can't wait to read it. I like the sound of The Farm, I'd be interested to see what you think of it! :) I too, received Hysteria, City of Dark Magic, A Conspiracy of Alchemists! They all look so good. Chantress looks beautiful, aw! :D

    Here's My Showcase Sunday

  19. I sort of went on a requesting spree on Netgalley and Edelweiss. I don't know why I do it when I'm already up to my eyeballs in reads. I requested If You Find Me as well. I haven't heard back on that one yet, but it looks really good. Enjoy all your reads, Maja. :)

  20. How amazing is the cover of Ten Things I've Learnt About Love? I think I like to romanticize books I know nothing about. The title vaguely sounds like A Straight Line to My Heart and it has a similarly quirky cover. For these reasons, I feel like I will love this book despite knowing not one iota about it. *sigh* I guess I should go figure out what it is about?

  21. Awesome books you've recieved this week! I'm curious about The Farm...I was randomly sent a copy, and I hadn't heard about it until then. I hope you enjoy it too!


  22. Wow, what an amazing haul! I'm really curious about The Farm, the premise is intriguing. I received If You Find Me too, it sounds a bit different from most of my reading so I'm looking forward to reading it!

  23. Sorry you're having so much rainy weather, you're welcome to come visit here, it's pretty warm!

    And nice haul! I have been wondering about The Farm - can't wait to find out what you think and Ten Things About Love sounds good, too!

  24. The Farm , Chantress, Defiance, Hysteria, A Conspiracy of Alchemist are all on my TBR list, so very nice haul.

    please check out my Showcase Sunday at Read. Sleep. Repeat.

  25. Wow, what a fantastic mailbox you have this week Maja! I have Out For Blood on my TBR pile as well, I'm really looking forward to that one. And Chantress! Such a stunning cover, I really hope the story is as brilliant as the cover is beautiful:) Looking forward to your thoughts on all these!

  26. Oooh, I love that Ten Things I've Learnt About Love cover for some reason. I may have to look into that one. I enjoyed both The Farm and Defiance, although both have their issues.

    HYSTERIA! I want to read that one SO BADLY, because I loved Fracture!

  27. Eeeep, I'm dying to read Chantress and The Farm! Hope you enjoy. ^^


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