Sunday, November 4, 2012

Showcase Sunday (11)

Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea.

Hello, book lovers!

I've spent the night reading Seraphina by Rachel Hartman so please forgive me if I stop making sense at any point. Seraphina was... well, I'm trying to organize my thoughts and emotions into a decent review, but in all honesty, I'm failing spectacularly. It's a bit too big for words, that book. (And here I am, not making sense at all. ;))

Here's what I received this week:

Eyes to See by Joseph Nassise (The Great Undead War, #1)
King of the Dead by Joseph Nassise (The Great Undead War, #2)
Boneshaker by Cherie Priest (The Clockwork Century, #1)

King of the Dead has such a creepy, fantastic cover. I regret not having a finished copy, but I'll live. I'm also very excited about Boneshaker. A big thank you to Tor Books and Pan Macmillan for these pretties.

On Audio:




Aaaand that's about it. What did you guys get? Leave me a link and I'll be there in a sec. :)
Have a great Sunday!


  1. In The Woods sounds interesting, hope you enjoy it! Happy reading :)

  2. You have some great books! Happy reading :D

  3. Boneshaker looks awesome. And actually I've yet to read Bitterblue. Hope you enjoy all of them. Good luck with Seraphina too. ;)

  4. I loved Seraphina, I needed a few hours to collect my thoughts after reading it too. It was truly amazing. :)
    I see some great books in your haul this week. You got Fourth Grave Beneath my feet, I am so jealous I only have the first two books and only read the first one, it was awesome.
    The Great Undead War books seem great, I need to check them out. :)

  5. Oh I got a copy of In The Woods last week too, it sounds super creepy, I'll have to try and squeeze it in between my reading somewhere. I also saw that you were reading Iced! How's it going? I so excited about being back in that world again, I hope Barrons makes more than one appearance! Some great books to get through this week lovely, I hope you enjoy them all! :)

    1. I actually put Iced on hold after about 30%. It wasn't bad, it was funny really, but one thing annoyed me and I just dropped it. I do that sometimes. :(

  6. Boneshaker sounds very interesting. I haven't heard of it before but I can't wait to see what you make of it. I only just started the Fever series (Rachel's status updates convinced me!) and I really enjoyed the first book. I hear it gets better so I can't wait to carry on and then eventually get around to Iced. :) Lovely haul this week, Maja!

  7. Niiiice! Still waiting for my copy of Iced! By the time it comes I will probably be in the middle of another read! Hoping to get Fourth Grave soon as well! Picked that in a contest I won, but nothing's arrived yet! :(

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Great haul! I have Iced myself and I'd love to get the rest. Enjoy your reading.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Everyone is really excited about this Iced serie. Uh huh, I really need to read the Fever serie because I feel like I am missing a WHOLE world out there with not reading this book! Enjoy all this awesomeness Maja! :) ;)

  10. Boneshaker lookss really good! Also Bitterblue is an amazing novel! I love the design of your blog too!

    My Letterbox Love! Simon and Schuster Edition!

  11. These are all the books I'm dying to read, Maja! :) Although I do have Boneshaker on my shelves, the rest are just waiting to be bought.
    Bayou Moon I've read and remember that it was awesome. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy all your reads! ;)

  12. Iced! I am dying here waiting for my library to get it in! I've never hated Sundays more, since they're not open!

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  13. amazing! Glad you...liked it? And Iced....oh that was just so good as well. Enjoy enjoy ;)

  14. I just finished Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet...if you are a Charley Davidson fan, it will not disappoint. There is plenty of Charley and Reyes. My only criticism is that there is not enough!

    I read Bayou Moon a few months back and remember enjoying it. I love Illona Andrews and her Edge series. Enjoy!

  15. I'm about 4.5 hours into the Bitterblue audiobook. I just love fantasy on audio, it's definitely one of my addictions. I haven't really gotten anything new lately. I have 130 (yes, you read that right) books out to try out for the Cybils so I'm trying to get through as many of those as I can. I'm embarrassed that I haven't read Boneshaker considering it's set in Seattle, by a Seattle author, and I've been to one of her events! Happy for your haul this week:)

  16. I keep seeing Karen's books EVERYWHERE. I need to try them out! And I still need to read the Graceling series... they look so great! Happy reading, Maja. :)

  17. Great haul Maja. I'll be interested in seeing what you think of In the Woods, especially since it's based in Dublin :) And I'm looking forward to getting started on Darynda Jones adult books myself. Enjoy hun :D

  18. Bitterblue! So many varied opinions about that book, which I enjoyed. Curious to hear what you think, Maja.

  19. Gosh, what an amazing haul, Maja! I picked up Iced this week, read the first two chapters, and promptly put it back down. Okay, that's not true. I first searched my Kindle for "Barrons", saw how little he appeared, read two chapters, wanted to smack Ryodan, and THEN put it down. Meh. I'm going to get back to it, but it's no Fever Series. *sigh*

    I'm so excited to see you picked up In the Woods and Bitterblue though! I really enjoyed In the Woods, so I'm curious to see what you make of it, and while Bitterblue completely disappointed me, I hope you have a more positive experience with it. I also really need to start the Charley Davidson Series and The Edge Series as well. Wonderful haul, dear. Happy Reading! :D

  20. Why I haven't I gotnen to Seraphina yet, I must get it done before the end of the year. I see Fourth Grave and Iced up there, two must have books in my opinion! Have a great week, lovely. I will be watching for that Seraphina review!

  21. I'm starting the first Charley Davidson tomorrow on audio-book. I'm really excited since everyone says good things. Someday I'll get to 4th Grave. I've been hearing very mixed things about Iced, so can't wait to see what you think.

    I'd read On the Island instead of Three River Ranch for a good contemp, Maja. I saw your comment on the blog. So happy to hear you liked The Lovesick Cure. It was very sweet and homespun. :)

  22. Um yeah...both of the covers thus far in The Great Undead War series are TOTALLY creepy. In a fantastic way.

    Also OMG OMG OMG, have you read Bayou Moon before? I'm SO excited. I know I'm in the minority here, but that is my FAVORITE Ilona Andrews to date. I hope the audio is good. I also just put a hold on Into the Woods at my library! Shockingly I have to wait for like 15 others to get through it first (seems like a lot since it's not a really new book).

    I love that we both got Boneshaker this week but different ones. I DO want to read this one as well!

  23. I've only read Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones, but her writing is beautiful<3 I've heard great things about Iced and I still need to start Graceling.
    Happy reading ^__^

    My Haul


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