Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Something Wicked Comes: Interview with Ann Aguirre + Giveaway of Outpost

It's no secret how much I love and admire Ann Aguirre, author of Enclave and Outpost (and so much more). She's the one author I can always count on to impress, entertain and cause some serious heartbreak. A few months ago, I'd invited her to answer a few of my questions, and she graciously agreed. You can find that interview HERE
Today, we went with something different. Instead of the usual chat about characters and worldbuilding, we talked about zombies and Halloween traditions. 

Hi Ann! Thanks for agreeing to do this Very Serious Interview about all things creepy and gory. Let's get the most important thing out of the way: how do you think you would fare during a zombie apocalypse? You seem very resourceful to me – do you think you'd be among the survivors, or one of the first to fall?

That depends. Are they slow zombies or fast zombies? There's no way I could outrun anything fast, but I'm a pretty good hider. If my survival hinges on bunkering down, being quiet, and occasionally unloading with a shotgun, I'd say my survival chances are excellent. I spent some time on the firing range in Vegas, and I blew the face off a zombie clean with a 12-gauge. I did well with a rifle, too, less impressive with machine gun or handgun.

Your books often have some kind of flesh-eating monsters, and although they're never traditional zombies, they are always both terrifying and disgusting. This led me to conclude that you're not especially squeamish, but we all have our limits. Where do you draw the line? Do you remember a scene from a book, or even a movie, that you found particularly repulsive? While we're at it, what is your favorite zombie book/movie of all time?

I find vomit scenes utterly disgusting. Blood bothers me less, actually, though I think wood chipper scenes like you find in Fargo and Tucker & Dale vs Evil are too far and quite revolting. As for my favorite zombie movie? Easy. 28 Days Later.

Zombie-human relationships are becoming increasingly popular. It started with Isaac Marion's Warm Bodies, and in YA, Lia Habel's Dearly series is certainly worth mentioning. As a true romance reader I know you to be, how do you feel about this new rotting hero?

I haven't read either of those books, and I'm not on board with zombies being love interests. I think that's super gross. I also am opposed to vampires as love interests, frankly, but I know I'm alone in this. But look, dead is dead. I don't want to date anyone who might be tempted to eat me. That's a mood-killer if you ask me. 

What is more creepy:
Zombie humans or zombie animals?
Both are creepy. But there's just something about a zombie dog...

Traditional zombies or voodoo-type zombies?

Zombies or ghosts?

Do you have some Halloween traditions you're willing to share? How does Halloween in Mexico differ from Halloween in the United States?

We don't celebrate Halloween too much, overall. The kids have outgrown any desire to trick or treat, and frankly, my son never had any desire to put on weird clothes and "go begging", as he put it. When he was maybe seven, he said to me, "Mom, can't you just buy me candy if I want some?" I was like, "Of course." And that was the end of costumes.
We do still carve a jack-o-lantern, but otherwise, Halloween isn't a thing here. Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is celebrated in Mexico. You can find more information about it  HERE. I love the pan de muerto (bread of the dead), which is a lot more delicious than it sounds. It's a light, sweet pastry with dried fruit and covered in sugar; you can only get it in the month preceding the holiday. There's also las Catrinas (a skeleton in a pretty dress), sugar skulls, and all kinds of cool stuff. Mostly, though, it's about honoring—and thinking about—the loved ones you've lost. I find it's a lot more meaningful than Halloween, too.

Aaaaand it's time for our giveaway! Enter the Rafflecopter to win a copy of Outpost, the second book in Ann's Razorland series. The giveaway is international, of course, anywhere The Book Depository ships. Now, if for some (crazy) reason you still haven't read Enclave, you can opt to win that book instead. 
Have a great Halloween, guys! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love that you guys decided to do something completely different (and almost entirely non-book related today). It's a really great interview! Halloween is so huge in the U.S. - I think my girls will be trick or treating until they're old enough that it's awkward, hahaha. But, I used to live in Arizona (which is in the Southwest US) and Dia de los Muertos is HUGE there too. The celebrations are beautiful and I think Ms. Aguirre is right - it's a lot more thoughtful than just celebrating your right to free candy. :) Thanks for the giveaway too!

  2. I just love your interviews, Maja! Plus, Ann Aguirre seems like such a great person, so I really do need to pick up her books soon. I've actually never heard of the Mexican tradition - which sounds far more interesting and meaningful - but I love Halloween. I stopped dressing up awhile ago, but I still take a giant bag so I can snag some candy while I take my younger brother around the neighborhood. I only have another year before I'm going to be considered waaaaaayy too old, so I'm just going to enjoy the free candy for now!(;

    Also, how is Lia Habel's series? I know her second book didn't work out too well for most people, but is her first book worth picking up? I just can't fathom a zombie romance...hmm...I'll have to check it out. (After Enclave of course!) ;)

  3. I love this post Maja and Ann, I didn't know that they had a different celebration day in Mexico! It sounds like so much fun! I too don't think I would survive in a zombie apocalypse, I would probably be quite fast at running, but would fail miserably if they ever caught up. I have a younger sister who still loves to go trick or treating, so I normally have to accompany her on this trip. Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway hun! :)

  4. halloween is not really celebrated here in belgium but my roleplaying does a special tchullu session i have to help organise it( a bit like a host) then i enjoy reading my books near the fire

    thank you for the giveaway

  5. For me Halloween (or Samhain) is time to reflect and remember. Reflect on my own life and let go of things I don't need in my life anymore, so I can start anew (Samhain is Celtic new year). And remember all the people who I knew and who died and also the ancestors.
    There's similarity between Samhain and Día de los Muertos. :)

  6. I don't have kids, so I don't really celebrate Halloween. I used to love handing out candy to the neighborhood kids, but since we moved, we haven't had a single trick-or-treater in years! That said, I'm all for the after Halloween candy sales. Yum...

  7. Try to take my 5 year old trick or treating and then stash his candy before he realizes that I've ferreted away most of the it.

  8. "I'm not on board with zombies being love interests. I think that's super gross." Oh my gosh, that's exactly what I think too!

    It's so interesting to hear about different cultural holidays as well.

    Great interview, Maja!

  9. "I'm not on board with zombies being love interests. I think that's super gross." Yes yes yes. It's so weeird.

    We don't celebrate Halloween in India but I save up all the scary reads for October so... that's what I do xD It's so interesting that they have a different kind of Halloween in Mexico! It sounds wonderful- especially with the breads and everything. Awesome interview, you two xD And thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Nothing :)) In Romania we don't celebrate Halloween ( maybe a little party with candies )

  11. Vomit is much worse than blood, I completely agree with that! I can tolerate spilt blood all over my clean carpet (just about) but vomit is an absolute NO. Great interview, guys! :)

    In answer to the giveaway question, I'd have to say not much. Actually, I'm the old lady who switches off the lights and pretends not to be at home. ;) Halloween has never really been much of a big deal for me.

  12. If they're fast zombies, I'd be screwed too. haha

    For Halloween I usually just bundle up and take my kids trick or treating in the neighborhood. Last year we made them all hand over their loot before they hid it somewhere in their room and had a mouth full of cavities by Thanksgiving and we filled up a suitcase with the amount we brought home. Suffice it to say, it went stale before it got eaten. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hunker down, use my invisibility powers and avoid zombie, werewolf traffic

  15. "I'm not on board with zombies being love interests. I think that's super gross."

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's weird to have a zombie love interest. I get skeevy just thinking about touching them anywhere. *Shudders* Good thing Ann hasn't read "I Kissed a Zombie and I liked it" by Adam Selzner.

  16. I fulfill two very useful functions every Halloween. Firstly, I'm in charge of handing out piles of candy to all the kids who come by and I also keep the dog from actually scaring any of them to death. It's a tough gig but somebody's gotta do it. Have a very scary Halloween!

  17. I love dressing up! This year I'll be flaunting a broken porcelain doll look around campus.

  18. I plan out a fairly elaborate (by my standards, anyway) costume each year, and usually do my husband's as well. This year we're Effie and Seneca from the Hunger Games. I used to have a Halloween party, but we haven't had much turnout in recent years so we just go to other people's parties instead! Also, I am in charge of my work's Halloween potluck party every year. It's my favorite holiday!

  19. I usually just watch animated movies or comedies. I ignore the whole horror part so I could save myself from the nightmares. My country doesn't really celebrate Halloween though it's becoming more popular each year. This year I'll be reading a lot of horror books and watching horror movies. I think it's because I recently watched American Horror Story and loved it so I decided I might as well marathon some scary movies. Thank you. :)

    1. American Horror Story is awesome! I love that show, too! :)

  20. I just read, watch movies maybe, I am not as young as I used to be, so I just relax. Sometimes dress up the dogs in goffy outfits and take photos, lol

  21. I'm always the one who stays home to hand out the candy. Problem is, we've moved to a neighborhood that gets almost no trick-or-treaters! May be time to revise my plans.

  22. We usually make treats and then watch scary movies with the kids... there isn't much trick or treating in our neighborhood.
    Lisa Hackney
    yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com

  23. Trick or Treating with friends and attending a block party!

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  24. We dont do much here in Ireland for Halloween, but I watch movies with my boys and have sweets and popcorn!!

  25. Nothing, is just another day in my country. We don't celebrate.

  26. Halloween isn`t a tradition here in Latvia (northern Europe),so probably I won`t be doing anything Halloween related. Although, in recent years children in Latvia have taken the trick or treat part from Halloween(since there`s a possibility to get candy, lol).

  27. I'm in the UK and we never really celebrated Halloween much when I was growing up. That's changing now and I am looking forward to a the big fireworks display next weekend for Guy Fawkes night! :-)

  28. Halloween is not a tradition here in my country, but I usually carve a pumpkin and watch Hocus Pocus! And of course, bake some Halloween cookies :)

  29. Yay for 28 days later! I love that movie but the zombies there were wickedly fast. It makes me shudder just having to think about. Fun interview! :)

    We don't do much trick or treating here in the Philippines. Although, that kind of tradition is beginning to catch up (mostly kids shouting trick or treat outside but nobody really cares. Heh.). Mostly, we just hang around, visit the cemetery and such.

  30. Great interview guys and thanks for the giveaway :)

  31. I usually don't do anything too exciting on Halloween because it is most often on a weekday but I usually dress up the weekend before Halloween and go to the bars.

  32. I usually stay at home. Sometimes I go out with my friends, I walk with them while they trick or treat (even though we're all 17...)

  33. My husband and I dress up our kids and take them out trick-or-treating.

    We have horror movie marathons every weekend for the entire month of October! Which really isn't too different from any other month for us, especially now that we have Netflix--the cheesy horror movie fanatic's dream. :D

  34. Nothing special - we don't celebrate it over here.

  35. Well, I'm too old to go trick or treating, but not old enough to have a house or kids (okay technically, I am) so my friends and I usually have a party and dress up.

  36. thanks for the post, I read the first book and I really liked it, it was interesting to have a world like this one and I confess I would love to learn more now.

  37. SO what do I do during Halloween? Well, nothing, in France, or in the south of France we don't celebrate, maybe a movie, but that's all.

  38. I actually don't celebrate Halloween. I have no kids so it's not worth the bother. Hell to grow old.

  39. I dressed up for work but don't usually do much else for Halloween. I love seeing all the costumes and everyone's creativity though.
    I've been wanting to read this series for the loongest time - so I'd opt for the first one in the series.

    Thanks for this opportunity :)

  40. I don't usually do anything but might take my daughter trick or treating next year. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  41. I always Watch movies with My friends, this year we had a Supernatural marathon


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