Sunday, October 21, 2012

Showcase Sunday (9)

Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea.

Hello, friends!

I haven't done one of these posts in a while, mostly because I've been trying to keep my review copies to a minimum. I apologize to my friends for visiting and commenting late these past two weeks. I'm hoping things will calm down a bit soon.

Here are some of the books I've received:

Do you guys remember how much I loved The Reapers Are the Angels by Alden Bell? It's one of my favorite books of all time, and now I finally have the sequel, Exit Kingdom. I've been reading it very slowly, savoring every word so be ready for a very enthusiastic review once I'm done.
Thanks to the lovely people at Scholastic UK, I was lucky enough to read and review The Raven Boys pretty early. But even before that, I ordered a signed and doodled in copy from Fountain Bookstore. Here's what it looks like inside:

I am very OC about having complete series on my shelves, and so far, I've been missing Unholy Magic by Stacia Kane. A Kindle edition simply isn't enough for one of my favorite series in the world. Now I can hug this beauty whenever I feel like it. If you still haven't met Chess Putnam, you should, and soon.

Endgame is the last installment in Ann Aguirre's Sirantha Jax series. It is one of the most beautiful, satisfying conclusions I've ever read. I actually proofread this baby and I'm in the acknowledgements, so if you want to know my full name, go out and grab a copy. :)
Remember how I always say that I've read everything Ann Aguirre published under her own name? Well, it's true, but it's about time I read her other books as well. She was kind enough to send me Skin Tight, a paranormal romance she published as Ava Gray. Even though PNR is not really my genre, Ann writes romance so well that I'm confident I'll enjoy it. I'll let you guys know. Here's what was inside:

I heart you right back, Ms Ann!

Some of my new ebooks:


Moonshifted by Cassie Alexander
Through To You by Emily Hainsworth
All the Broken Pieces by Cindi Madsen


Prey by Tim Marquitz
Necromancing the Stone by Lish McBride
Laid Open by Lauren Dane

As always, my warmest thanks to Pan Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, Ann Aguirre, Entangled Teen and Tim Marquitz.
And that's all for this week. What did you guys get? Leave me a link and I'll visit right away.


  1. I've read Through to You & it's pretty good :) Enjoy your reads! :D

    Here's my Showcase Sunday

  2. Wow - I juts want to come over and raid your book shelves!! I love Ann's UF series with Corine Solomon but haven't read any of the Jax series yet...I keep meaning too and even have the first book on my shelves but something always comes up...

  3. Ok first of all, I love your signature. It's amazing and I'm super jealous.

    Now, on to the books: Prey, All the Broken Pieces, and Laid Open look really interesting. I don't need to add more books to my TBR pile but I have now.

    Here's my <a href="http//>Sunday Showcase</a>. Happy Sunday!

    1. Shesh, it's so early that I mess up the link to my SS. Here it is again: <a href=">Sunday Showcase</a>

  4. AAAA, I really need to get my hands on new Alden Bell! I loved the first book! Awesome book haul, Maja!

  5. Nice books this week! The Raven Boys looks awesome, I'm really hoping to get it in from the library soon :) Have a good week!

  6. You got some Brilliant books this week. I haven't read the Raven Boys yet but its one of my ARC's, I can't wait to read it! Jealous that you got a signed copy lol!

    I hope you enjoy them. New Follower; You have a lovely blog! :)

    Here's My SS

  7. wow you had a lor of wonderful books I need to read unholy ghost, I can't wait to return to this series. happy reading!

  8. OOoh nice!! These looks like interesting reads! Moonshifted looks especially cool! Need to look into its first book! Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. You got quite some books there! I really want to read The raven boys. I keep hearing great things about it. Through to you sounds also very good. Happy reading!

    Showcase Sunday @thedailyprophecy.

  10. Hope you enjoy them all - I just finished The Raven Boys and it was pretty good, and it's so awesome that you got a copy with a hand drawn doodle :-)

  11. Great books! I really need to read The Raven Boys, and Maggie's other books. The inside of it is so cool xD Thanks for stopping by my SS, and enjoy your books :)

  12. I loveeee that signed copy of The Raven Boys! GORGEOUS! Not to mention I'm jealous that you have the entire Downside Ghosts Series! I finished Chasing Magic and it was my favorite of the series too, Maja! How does Kane just keep getting better and better EVERY TIME? (Or perhaps I should say Terrible keeps getting better and better...?) ;) I can't wait to see what you make of Through to You - I've heard too many mixed reviews - and Necromancing the Stone! I need to pick up my copy of Hold Me Closer, Necromancer, ASAP! Wonderful haul, dear! :)

  13. Quite the haul this week Maja. Kindle copies are never good enough for my favourite books either. I just finished reading The Raven Boys and I loved it, your copy is awesome. Happy Reading hun :)

  14. That's so amazing that you got to proofread Endgame! I definitely want to do that someday for a book. Glad you enjoyed the books in your mailbox. the doodle in the Raven boys is adorable!

  15. I got Exit Kingdom last week but I still need to read The Reapers. I'm excited about this series since everyone I follow on Goodreads seem to like it very much! And how cool is it that you got to proofread Endgame?!

    Lovely haul, Maja! I hope you'll enjoy them all.

  16. You, Noelle, and Catie keep talking about Chase Putnam. I will read that series soon! And Sirantha Jax! I love Maggie's doodles. Necromancing the Stone was one of my favorites this year. Great haul, Maja.


  17. Yay for getting books signed! I still have to read The Raven Boys, it looks lovely! I'm really quite curious to see what you think of Ms. Madsen's book too--it's been going around the blogosphere this week! Happy reading! :)

  18. What a lovely recap for the week! So many great books there. Happy Reading!!! My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

  19. Nice haul.

    I've got Through To You on my Kindle Wish List for its release next year.

    Enjoy your reads.

  20. Cool haul. I really have to get to the Unholy Magic series as I always hear great things about it. Check out my Showcase Sunday

  21. Oh I adore your signed editions of your books Maja! Chess Putnam is another guy I need to meet this week along with Curran ;) Through to You and Moonshifted also look brilliant too, so can't wait to hear your thoughts on them! Happy reading darling! :)

  22. Great haul! I loved getting signed editions! Through to You looks good and I have The Raven Boys on my wishlist.

    Here's my SS

    Laura's Adventures in Bookland

  23. I hope you like All the Broken Pieces as much as I did. You do have to suspend belief in reality a little for some of it but I really loved it anyhow.

    If I love a series, Kindle copy doesn't cut it. I must have a physical copy too! Your name is in the acknowledgements? I must have that book! Congrats Maja. I haven't read the first book of Necromancing the Stone but I want to pick it up. Nice haul and enjoy your reads. :)

  24. Ooohh All the Broken Pieces looks awesome! xD I'll be looking forward to your review!
    I've heard mixed things on Through to You & The Raven Boys but I hope you enjoy them. x]

    My Haul

  25. I can't wait to get my hands on that Alden Bell. I hope you're enjoying it! I haven't seen a review from you yet. (I've been watching.. hehe)
    Yeah, I really need to get around to reading Stacia Kane's series... I'm getting behind! I love your little doodle in The Raven Boys! So cute. :)
    Happy Reading, Miss Maja!

  26. Oh it's so cool that you're in the acknowledgements of one of your favourite books! That's awesome. :) I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Through To You. I probably should have read that a while ago but I'm a bad blogger and have decided I don't want to any more. :P Maybe you can convince me to change my mind!

  27. Prey has a crazy cover! Dying to read The Raven Boys! I also need to start the Stacie Kane series. I hear so many good things about it. Happy reading!

  28. How awesome is that?!?! I know how much you love that series and how excited you must have been to proofread the final book and now to have your name in the acknowledgments!
    Stacia Kane's series is particularly incredible, isn't it? I was pretty OC about getting all of her books on my shelf too. :)

  29. I'm jealous of the series on your shelves. I can't wait til I have the means to buy some beautiful bookcases and fill them with matching copies of entire series. I had no clue about that pseudonym of Aguirre's! I will definitely be collecting the rest of the Jax books, especially so I can see your name in print:)

  30. That doodle in the Raven Boys is adorable. I love it!

    I've been wanting to read Stacia Kane ever since I read her hilarious and truth-bomb-dropping posts in support of bloggers. Thus far, I've only read Enclave by Ann Aguirre, but I really want to read more of her stuff. Also, you just taught me something: she publishes under other names! I sort of wish authors wouldn't do that so it would be easier for me to find their books!

    I really liked Through to You. It's very understated most of the way through, but I found it quite moving.


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