Saturday, September 1, 2012

Review: Eve and Adam

Eve and AdamAuthors: Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant
Release date: October 2nd 2012
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Hardcover, 304 pages

Eve and Adam by the husband-and-wife writing team Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant is a smartly plotted and solidly written book that, unfortunately, lacks both depth and substance. I could be wrong in assuming that it is a packaged book, but even if I am, I’m pretty confident it was written with no real passion for the story. Although I certainly can’t object to the quality of writing itself, the superficiality with which the idea was developed is disappointing to say the least.

Evening Spiker, daughter of the mighty and powerful geneticist Terra Spiker, gets hit by a car and barely survives. She is immediately transferred to her mother’s company, where she starts recovering at an alarming rate. While in Spiker Biotech, Eve meets a young man named Solo Plissken, supposedly her mother’s ward, who tells her she’s been genetically modified when she was a child, just like he was. Solo then gives her proof of her mother’s cruel genetic experiments, and Eve is forced to make some big moral decisions. In order to keep Eve entertained while she’s recovering in Spiker Biotech, her mother tasks her with creating a simulation of the perfect boy, which she eventually does. His name is Adam and he is being brought to life unbeknownst to Eve. His point of view is introduced in the second half of the book, and it completely destroys the narrative dynamics, already ruined by the unbalance between Eve’s and Solo’s perspectives.

The beginning was my favorite part of Eve and Adam. Surprisingly funny and dynamic, it raised my expectations to an unreasonable level and made what came later all the more disappointing. There was a certain spark in Eve that vanished without a trace as the story progressed, and the humor that made me laugh out loud a number of times during the opening scenes simply wasn’t there later on.

To make matters worse, the (disruptive) subplot involving Eve’s best friend Aislin and her drug-dealing boyfriend Maddox contributed absolutely nothing to the main plot and gave me the impression that Applegate and Grant included it with the sole purpose of increasing the number of pages. Even without Maddox, Aislin was clearly supposed to be the cool and unruly best friend, but I found her too be too irresponsible and tiresome for my taste. Instead of making Eve’s character more likable, she made her look like a pushover over and over again, until I stopped caring about either of them and focused entirely on Solo.

In short, Eve and Adam is a rather ambitious project, but one that lacks heart. My time would have been better spent reading something else, and although I plan to give Michael Grant’s solo projects a chance, I have no intention of reading any of the other books he co-authored with his wife.


  1. I really like the cover but I don't know if I'll be reading it any time soon. I hate when I read a book and then after I keep thinking about how I could've spent my time with another book. Great review!

  2. This was a husband and wife effort? Awesome! The plot sounds like it has a lot of potential but it's such a shame it was flimsily put together. I hate when the spark and humour disappears without a trace and leaves you wondering where it went. And it must be irritating that the sub-plot contributed nothing to the overall story.

    I was intrigued by this before but may put it off or see if they have it in the library. Thanks for the honest review, Maja <3

  3. I really wonder if your book-packaging guess is right - it certainly sounds like this was churned out. The way you describe it, it sounds so flavorless and forgettable. Thanks for saving me the time - I'm definitely not reading this now.

    Great review today, my dear!

  4. I loveeee this review, Maja! It hit all the important aspects of this novel spot-on and Adam's POV was so unnecessary and silly! I don't like him as a character at all and I didn't see the point of Maddox at all. I've been thinking about this one a lot and I just don't think I'll pick up the sequel. I loved the concept, but I wish someone else had written it, and written it well! Anyway, fantastic review, Maja! :D I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one, but don't worry - you're not alone!

    Ivy Book Bindings

  5. I'm so glad I didn't request this one. I hate wasting my time on mediocre stories. Thanks for your informative and helpful review. :)

  6. oh yikes. I was really hoping this one would be brilliant, as I love the Animorphis series . . . or well I did as a kid. I also have this one, so I'll still be reading it, but I wish it wasn't so disappointing!

    fantastic review, though. :)

    ashelynn @ gypsy book reviews.

  7. I suppose co-authored books either work or they don't. Something stopped be from getting this book from NetGalley and your review makes me glad that I decided not to. It's a shame that the amount of fun you had at the beginning faded away. Thanks for the helpful review as always, Maja! I will skip this.

  8. I just left a comment on Goodreads but thought I'd drop by here, too! Too bad you didn't love it, but at least it was so short it probably didn't waste too much of your time :D <--- glass half full! :D

    I see where you're coming from. It wasn't an extremely memorable book, but I still had fun while it lasted.

  9. Nooooo! That makes me so sad. I've had Eve & Adam on my wishlist for the last two months (since I missed it on NG) - ever since I read BZRK, I've just been a diehard fan of Grant. Very disappointed to hear that it wasn't as good as it sounded.

    I was very surprised to learn this was a husband-wife creation though, but I don't think I'll make an attempt to read this now. I'd like to stay that diehard fan of Grant, thank you very much.

  10. Awwww, I'm sorry you didn't quite enjoyed Eve and Adam, Maja! I actually didn't know that this was a husband and wife collaboration. I've heard of Michael Grant's books before (I think I own BZRK) and although I haven't read them, they sound great! I'm also intrigued by the premise of Eve and Adam so I might still read it when it's out!

    Thank you for the awesome and honest review, Maja! ♥

  11. Yikes. I've been excited for this one for a while but I truly think it is because I get over the moon about any sort of sci-fi book that sounds interesting. I read an enjoyed the first two or so of Grant's Gone series but I haven't read any Applegate books. I'll temper my expectations. I have been giving up on tons of things lately and I probably wouldn't have the patience if everything wasn't included for a specific reason. (re: unnecessary plot points)

  12. Solo Plisskin? Like Han Solo + Snake Plisskin? Can't do it, just can't do it.

  13. Sad that the second half of this book fell so flat. I like multiple POVs but kind of weird that they bring in Adam's POV so late. Also like you said the added plot with her friend Aislin seems kind of pointless.


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