Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Review: Death and the Girl Next Door (Darklight, #1)

Death and the Girl Next Door (Darklight, #1)Author: Darynda Jones
Series: Darklight
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Release date: October 2nd 2012
Paperback, 320 pages
Buy: The Book Depository

As a huge fan of Darynda Jones’ Charley Davidson series, I was incredibly excited when I heard she was writing YA. Death and the Girl Next Door is one of my most anticipated books this year, and even though it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be, I’m overjoyed that Darynda decided to write it. The fact that it wasn’t quite what I expected is actually one of my favorite things about this book: if you decide to pick it up (and you should), you can throw your expectations right out the window.

Here’s what you need to know about Darynda Jones’ YA debut: First, it is about Lorelei McAllister, a 16-year-old high-school sophomore who lives with her lovely grandparents and spends time making mischief with her two best friends, Brooklyn and Glitch. Second, (and I’m sure this will come as a shock), neither Brooke nor Glitch happen to be madly in love with her. Third, there are two hot boys, Jared and Cameron, but there is no love triangle, not even close. Fourth, there are guns – several real ones and one nasty-looking water gun. Fifth, although a secret society is involved, no one gets naked to perform weird rituals. This isn’t The Da Vinci Code. Sixth, just like Charley, Lorelei has a bit of Lorelei Gilmore in her, and I don’t just mean her name.

Death and the Girl Next Door is one of those books that made me laugh so hard I was constantly forced to stifle my laughter so as not to wake my poor sleeping child. I stayed up half the night to finish it and even the toothpicks I used to prop my eyes open the next day didn’t make me regret it. Darynda’s trademark humor is present on every page, though she did tone it down a bit for the younger audience. Lorelei and her two best friends can lighten up just about any situation they find themselves in. Darynda Jones can claim all she wants that she’s not as funny in person, but I’ll have to meet her and drink a cocktail or ten with her before I can actually believe it.

I won’t lie to you and say that this book is without problems – it’s not. The first part felt a bit disjointed, I had some minor problems with the love interest, and there were a few things that made me slightly uncomfortable (revealing them, however, would reveal too much of the plot), but truth be told, I’m willing to overlook it all. I expect hilarity and steaming hot romance from Darynda, and that’s exactly what I got with Death and the Girl Next Door.

If you’re like me and you tend to run away screaming every time someone mentions an angel book (or any other book with religious undertones), get over your justified fear and give Death and the Girl Next Door a chance. Writers who don’t take themselves too seriously are few and far between, but when you find one, you’re in for a treat.


  1. A good YA book might tempt me in no time. I haven't read any Darynda Jones - do you think I should start with this one?

    1. I'd start with Charley if I were you - that's a tested recipe. :)

  2. I had never ever heard of this book until recently and I haven't heard of the author either but the fact that this made you laugh makes me REALLY want to read it! Also yay for no love triangles, that is always a positive. Thanks for reviewing this so well, I can't wait to read it, Maja!

  3. Your review mentioned all the things that I loved about Charley and I'm thrilled to expect the same awesome elements of that series in her new YA series. I had a few issues with "First Grave" but it didn't ruin my reading experience so I can understand what you mean. Thank goodness for no love triangle! That cover screams like there is one, which is very misleading.

  4. I've been trying so hard not to request this book, but I guess one more little addition to the pile couldn't hurt, right? Your review is very convincing, Maja! I haven't read anything by this author before, but I think this will be a good place for me to start. I'm glad you had fun reading it! :)

    PS. The image of you with toothpicks in your eyes made me snort my drink all over the screen. ;)

  5. Woah, this sounds amazing! I haven't heard or read anything by this author before, but I really want to try out her novels now. I do feel as if I've seen her covers around and simply disregarded the novels, but I can see that there really is something I'm missing. Plus, don't we all need a bit of humor in our lives? ;) Fantastic review, Maja! :D

    Ivy Book Bindings

  6. I've been waiting to see some reviews on this one. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the heads up on no love triangles. Makes me want to read it even more!!

  7. Sounds interesting! I've never heard of this author or her books, and though I'm not much for YA, typically, your review made it sound extremely enjoyable!

  8. I'm really looking forward to reading this book, and after your review, even more so. Who doesn't love a hot steaming romance? Thanks for a great review Maja :)

  9. i was never interested . it does look fun . i\m in. gr8 review

  10. Oh this sounds like a super fun read, I saw it about but never felt the need to request a copy, but your reading experience wants me to give it a shot asap! Another beautiful review Maja! :)

  11. Anytime someone says, "You're in for a treat," I say it in the voice of the Grand High Witch in The Witches. Which is a bit scary, actually. I still have to read Jones' UF (?) series, I have the first one, but I am still going to read her YA book. You cracked me up with the toothpicks bit--imagining that was very entertaining.

  12. First, Brooke and GLITCH? Seriously? Second, I totally don't buy that these boys (??) aren't going to fall in love with her at some point. Third, I know exactly what you mean about fun/steamy reads - glad this one really worked for you. :) Fourth, fantastic review!

    1. Hah, well, one of them (obviously the hotter one) fell in love with her, and the other one fell in love with Brooke so I think we're safe. Also, Glitch is a boy. :D

  13. I love Darynda's humor! Even on Twitter she's awesome! It's definitely the best part of her books! Glad those toothpicks worked well for ya. Also, I didn't know you had a kid! :) Or were you referring to your husband? Sometimes I mix the two up.

    Lorelei Gilmore FTW!! Frick I loved that show.

    Wow this comment is so scattered.

  14. So glad I got this especially after reading your review. Hilartiy and steaming hot romance?! I'm so there. :)

  15. oh! great review!! i loved your 1 to 6 mentions! I am so glad there is no best friend romances. Getting sick of those! and yeay no love triangle! As for having similarities to lorlie gilmore.. now i know where the humor is coming from!! great review! Can't wait to pick it up

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  16. I am super excited for this! And extremely happy to hear there is no love triangle and that it is very laugh out loud funny! I love the Charley Davidson series and I am hoping I will enjoy this one as well.

  17. I read this post yesterday & I thought I commented but I guess I didn't :( This is my next read and I'm so flipping ready for it!! I didn't know you had a kidlet, either! Awwww! I loved your review; how you said it wasn't what you expected. Charley wasn't either so Im wondering what she's done here!!

  18. You had me at Lorelei Gilmore. How have I never heard of this author and book? Fixing that immediately. That cover cracks me up though. It's like they Photoshopped people from 3 different pictures. Can't wait to read this!


  19. I've never heard of Darynda Jones before but I'm glad you enjoyed this despite the flaws.

    It had you laughing really hard? You had me there! I haven't read a book that has had me in stitches for a long time so maybe I should give this a go to help lighten my mood?

    Disjointedness can be pretty annoying but at least you overlooked that because of the hilarity and steamy romance. I like it when books have flaws but the good things overshadow them.

    Fab review, Maja <3

  20. You're totally right - I hear "angel" these days and I rush back to the comfort of a good 'ol dystopian. The last angel book I read was two months ago - a Thomas Nelson novel called Angel Eyes (Shannon Dittemore)... sufficed to say I've been staying away from the pretty creatures since.

    You got me at humor though. There are so few authors out there who keep their work light and humorour anymore (especially paranormal). I wish I could read the book equivalent of ironically, Angel (also: Buffy).

    Have you read Drink, Slay, Love? It makes fun of the vampire craze and it's hysterical!

    Ana @ BookSpark

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    Your blog is just BEAUTIFUL! I love it!


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