Friday, September 7, 2012

Guest Post by Jana Oliver, author of The Demon Trappers series + International Giveaway

Today I have the pleasure of welcoming a truly amazing author to The Nocturnal Library. After reviewing Foretold, the fourth and final installment of Jana Oliver's Demon Trappers series, I was surprised by my inability to let these characters go. Seeing how I couldn't stop thinking about them, I wanted to know how Jana is handling saying goodbye to Riley and Beck. She was very kind and patient with my fangirling and she immediately agreed to write a guest post about it. So without further ado, here's what she had to say:

One of the joys of writing a series like the Demon Trappers is that I’ve had the opportunity to explore a number of stories over the course of the four books. The characters have room to grow and change. But with all series there is an end, that final book, and FORETOLD is just that.

In many ways this last book is bittersweet. The story itself is one that readers have been waiting to read over the last three books and it wraps up so many of the loose threads I’ve left dangling along the way. We find out what really happens with Riley Blackthorne and Denver Beck. Will they be together or will Beck’s past push them apart forever? What about that war in Hell and is it going to affect the Atlanta Demon Trappers?

So where FORETOLD is a nice bookend to the series, it is sad in that is the last book. I first began to work with Riley and Beck in October 2009. They’ve lived inside my brain for nearly four full years and trust me, they were never far away no matter what I was doing. They’d journey along on my occasional vacation, my trips to conventions, chatter at me even when I was ill. They are deeply a part of me now so saying goodbye to them is difficult.

But the coolest part of being an author is that there are always other tales to tell. I have some in mind and now that Riley and Den’s story is put to rest, I can go play with new characters in new settings. But always, in the back of my mind, I’ll hear Princess and Backwoods Boy whispering to me. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I can't wait to learn more about Jana's next project, but I'm sure I'll go back to reread these books plenty of times too. :)

Around here, guest posts are usually followed by giveaways, and this time is no different. Two winners will receive one of Jana Oliver's Demon Trappers books (Forsaken, or a later book in the series if they already own that) from The Book Depository. Both winners will also get signed swag from Jana: Demon Trappers Guild Path, Demon Trappers sticker and Demon Trappers postcard. 

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have been torn about reading this series but I reecntly read a few good reviews so I decided to give it a try. It is interesting.

  2. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I love this series. :D

  3. This series looks so tempting, and I love the covers! Thanks for the chance to win.


  4. Great post! This series has been on my list for a while, but I haven't got around them yet. This might be the right opportunity ^^ thanks for the giveaway!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Awesome, guys. Been meaning to check out this series.

  7. I always hear Backwoods Boy whispering to me in the back of my mind... Jana's not the only one. ;)

    I love this guest post! Riley and Beck are two characters I doubt I will ever forget, but I'm also looking forward to any new projects. :)

  8. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  9. What a cool giveaway, thanks so much!

  10. I've heard a lot about this series, and I've been planning on starting it soon.

  11. Great guest post. I've always wondered how the author feels when a series finishes and if they'd be as upset as I sometimes am about them lol. It's great to hear that the characters are still never far from Jana's mind. And thanks for the giveaway Maja and Jana :)

  12. Thanks for having me drop by, Maja! I suspect that there might be a short story or a novella or two about Riley & Beck (and maybe even Ayden and Mort) mostly because I've been getting LOTS of email/comments asking for more stories. So it looks like R&B will be in my mind a wee bit longer. :-) Good luck with the contest!!

  13. I can't wait for the next book to come out! And as much as I hate the end of a series, I can't wait to see what new characters are coming. I know they'll be as great as the cast from the Time Rover series and The Demon Trappers series.

  14. I have loved reading the Demon Trappers Daughter series over the past couple of years and am going to miss it. I will definately follow what other books Jana writes in the future. Over the past few years I have been batteling an illness and some time reading on my e-reader is my opnly entertainment. Thanks Jana for filling that void.

  15. Loooove this series! Still need to read the one before the last one!

  16. Isn't Jana the Best? I <3 her. I'm dying to read Foretold (not kidding)...I'm so glad to know that it wraps up so many of the loose threads, this makes me so happy, even if it's bittersweet because is the end of one of my favorite series ever!
    Love the guest post. So happy to know she has more tales to tell ;) You are the best Jana! :)

  17. Oh also, thank you so much for the international giveaway. Fingers, toes, everything crossed! :D

  18. Now that the series is complete it seems like a great time to get into it. Best wishes on your next project and thanks for the giveaway.

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! :D
    I am so glad it's international.

  20. Wonderful guest post! :) I've been on the fence about this series, simply because I've heard both amazing and not-so-amazing things about it, so I'm not sure if I want to make it a priority or not with all the other books I'm itching to read (ex: Tigana, Game of Thrones, Sevenwaters, etc.), so while I'm still conflicted, I don't think it can hurt to give the first one a try at least, so thanks for helping out concerning that, Maja! I'm thrilled you loved this series, so hopefully it means I will as well! :D

    1. Defintiely try the first book! I love that they're somewhere between YA and adult UF, it's my favorite thing about the series.
      Oh, and btw, MY copy of Tigana just arrived and it's so intimidating! Almost 800 pages of high fantasy! But Catie said it's good so I know it's worth it. Can't wait to compare notes.

  21. Thank you for such an awesome guest post and giveaway Jana and Maja! I totally know what it feels like to have to say goodbye to such an amazing set of characters, I've finished some great series' this year, and just couldn't bear to say bye. I've heard so many great things about this series, so can't wait to start the first book! :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Thank you for this awesome giveaway :)!

  24. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  25. I'm really excited to read more from this series.....BECK! lol Too bad this is the end :(

  26. I've heard great things about The Demon Trappers series and I've been wanting to read them although I haven't got the chance to! And awwww, I love Jana's guest post! Writing the last book in the series must be bittersweet for authors because it feels the same way with readers too. It's always difficult to part with great series!

    Thank you for sharing this awesome guest post with us, Maja and thank you for the chance to win! ♥

  27. I actually haven't read this series yet! I'm going to have to run and check it out... and add to Goodreads so I don't forget!!

    Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!!

  28. The end of a series is always bittersweet, though I haven't got a chance to read Foretold yet.

  29. I ADORE this series. I'm currently re-reading the first 3 books before I dive into the last one! So sad that the series is over, but I can't wait to see what Jana comes up with next. :D

  30. I've only read Demon Trapper's Daughter,n I loved it,would love ta read these,even if I don't win they will be put on me tbr list!

  31. I posted a comment on this earlier on my phone and it didn't show up here! Stupid phone!! I had to come back anyhow to enter because it is such a pain to try and do it on a phone. It's so sad to say good bye to a series you love. I just saw that there may be a novella in the works from the author's comment above, so yay for you! Thanks for the giveaway. I'd really like to give this series a go, especially since you and Sam really enjoyed it. :)

  32. I've heard great things about this series but haven't started. Isn't that always the way with me? Pathetic. I totally want to, though!

  33. I've been in love with these series for so long, I can't believe that Foretold is the last book.

  34. I haven't read this series yet, but i'd absolutely like to :)

  35. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I haven't read the series yet. It sounds interesting. :D

  36. Oh, I've been wanting to read this series.
    Maja, the blog looks amazing!


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