Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Divinity Blog Tour: Guest Post by Patricia Leever + Giveaway

Hello, nocturnal readers!

I am extremely excited about today's guest post! The lovely Patricia Leever, author of Divinity, stopped by to share a few words about creating a love interest for her main character, Evie. Now, I already know I am going to love Daniel, so you girls are going to have to fight me for him. But before I get carried away, here's what Patricia had to say:

Greetings my nocturnal little love monkeys and a big thank you to Maja over here at the Nocturnal Library for having me!

Now, you might be wondering, as a romance writer, how does one come up with a love interest in a story such as Divinity. Well, to be perfectly honest, the process is different for everyone, not only with each writer, but each story I think. At least for me.

For Divinity, Evie was “born” first, meaning that she clawed her way out of my wee little melon first and foremost, this badass 135 year old demon hunter that had lived through several lifetimes. As she “spoke” to me, fleshing out, I saw that she seemed to be searching for something other than just the next demon, something more. That’s when Daniel started to take form. Mind you, my characterization process makes me sound like a complete lunatic, but I don’t know any other way to describe it.

Daniel started as just a thought, a shadow almost. The more I got to know Evie, the clearer he became; the yin to her yang, if you will. Without a doubt, Evie is harsh I mean she’s pretty much had to be to survive, at least in her mind. But Daniel helps her find her softer “girlie” side which was what she has needed.

So, I guess the short answer as to how you make a love interest in a story is, it basically makes itself. Well, at least for me and my characters.

Again, a super big thank you to Maja over here at the Nocturnal Library for having me, as much as I sound like a psychopath when I look into my writing process, I do so enjoy sharing it!

Until next time,
Patty <3
Thanks, Patty! 

We respect tradition here at The Nocturnal Library, and guest posts are always followed by giveaways. One lucky winner will receive an e-copy of Divinity. Entering is very easy, all you have to do is follow this blog, although spreading the word gets you additional brownie points. If you're a US resident, make sure to stop by my friend Heidi's blog, Rainy Day Ramblings, and enter to win a paperback copy. All the other tour stops have giveaways as well. 
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I hope you're not a hair puller, Maja, because things could get real ugly when we grapple for Daniel! Lol! Great post, I love Patricia's humor already. :)

    Btw, thanks for the UF recommend. I always like a little steam with my books. You know me so well.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. I love Demon Hunters! Evie sounds really badass and Daniel sweet if he can soften her. I love to hear where ideas come from even if it is just from the author's creative mind. I love the cover! Thanks for the post!

  3. Thank you so much for the opportunity to stop by and share some of my rambling thoughts, Maja, I had a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy Divinity and remember, I made Daniel so I get firsties ;)

    Patty <3

  4. I love demon hunter stories - they always remind me of my fav tv show Supernatural. So demon hunter stories have an extra soft spot in my heart for them.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I love demon hunter stories - they always remind me of my fav tv show Supernatural. So demon hunter stories have an extra soft spot in my heart for them.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Can I put a claim in for Daniel too? Heidi's review convinced me that I would love the romance in this book, so I suppose I should get in there nice and early before the queues start to form. ;) Evie sounds pretty amazing herself. I am definitely looking forward to meeting the two of them properly. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Gosh, this sounds SO GOOD! You always pick some of the best books to be blog tour hosts for, Maja, and this is so exception! I'll need to check this one out ASAP! Oh, and Daniel? He's MINE! ;)

  8. Ooh the romance just sounds so electrifying and from the comments above me Daniel sounds so swoon-worthy! ^_^ Awesome guest post I loved seeing that Evie gave you the idea characters are definitely powerful things but I could never be an author my thought process is so simple lol

  9. *cue gushing* I am super excited for this release (as I may have mentioned to Patty a few -ok perhaps more than a few- times on FB) It has been at the top of my dammit-will-the-RD-arrive-already list since I heard about it last month - and I can. not. wait. - just 5 more days!

    Cheers! Trayce (@lemonamour)

  10. I loved that Daniel never backed down to Evie. Sure, he gave her space when she needed it, but he was always ready to go toe to toe with her too! *le sigh*

  11. I Love Love Love the cover. i think I would buy it just based on that.

  12. Evie sounds like she kicks butt! And the cover is awesome!


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