Sunday, July 15, 2012

Showcase Sunday (4)

Hi, guys! 
Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicki at Books, Biscuits and Tea. I hope you're all having a great weekend. I've been incredibly busy these past ten days, but things are calming down again and my vacation is almost here. I can't wait to shut the world out and just read. I've been looking longingly at my beautiful books for far too long. 

My poor mailman has been working overtime this past week and I didn't make it any easier on him. Here's what he had to carry around:




So many wonderful books, so little time! I'll be spending more time on the beach in late July so hopefully I won't have to wait too long to read these beauties. 
Thank you to Mira Ink, Pan Macmillan, Hachette Children's Books, Tor, Scholastic UK and Simon and Schuster. 

What did you guys get? Please leave me a link and I'll drop by later today. 
Love, Maja


  1. Great books, Maja ! I can't wait to see what you think of Pushing The Limits and Teeth.
    Enjoy ! :)
    Happy reading !

  2. I'd forgotten all about Tempest so thanks for the reminder and I really hope you enjoy Pushing the Limits more than I did. And I'm looking forward to your review of Uncommon Criminals!

  3. Maja I feel for your mail man too, but seriously you received some amazing books! I saw Teeth up too, I was going to request but I'm still unsure I think I'll wait to see how you find it! I hope you enjoy all the rest of your books! :)

  4. Wow a load of books this week, I feel sorry for your postman too! You have plenty to keep you busy though and I hope you enjoy your reading days at the beach, sounds lovely!

    -Becca@Lost in Thought

  5. Oh cool! Seeing lots of Wake going around lately! Hope you enjoy all your reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Pushing the Limits is soooo good! And I am so jealous of Wake! I think the cover is beautiful! Happy reading!

    Here's my haul over at my blog Take Me Away…

  7. OH man. Dying of jealousy for Rebel Heart...and is that a new Catherine Fisher? *flails*

  8. Pushing the Limits is absolutely AMAZING, I'm reading it now and LOVING it! I look forward to your review :) Wake by Amanda Hocking looks really good too - I love the cover and I hope you enjoy the Ally Carter book!

    Fab haul, Maja <3

  9. Looks like a great selection this week! I haven't read any of the Heist Society books, but I've read some other stuff of Ally Carter's, and enjoyed it, so I might have to give these a go in the future!

  10. Fantastic haul this week!(: I loved Uncommon Criminals, so I'm sure you'll enjoy that one! I can't wait to see what you think of Pushing the Limits and Teeth - I love Hannah Moskowitz so I can't wait to hear how her new novel is! Happy Reading! :D

    Ivy Book Bindings

  11. Yay for Rebel Heart! I finished it recently and thought is was pretty good but not as brilliant as Blood Red Road. I hope you like it! I also can't wait to see what you make of Pushing the Limits. Enjoy your new haul of books! :)

  12. Ooooh, great books! I really want to read Uncommon Criminals, Ally Carter is awesome. Tempest looks a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Happy reading :)

    PS. I'm a new follower, your blog is great xD
    My Showcase Sunday:

  13. I snagged Teeth too - really excited to read more from Hannah. :)
    Oooh and you snagged Dust Lands. I can't wait for that one! I'm interested to see what you think of Even White Trash Zombie Gets the Blues...
    Have a great week!!

  14. I have Pushing the Limits too and I've heard great things about it. I'll be interested to see what you think of Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues. Enjoy your awesome haul :)

    My Stack

  15. In a Fix is on NetGalley?! Well crap. I was doing SUCH a good job of not requesting NG titles. I went cold turkey for a whole week. OUT THE WINDOW.

    Do you know is Blood Red Road/Dust Lands just going to be a duology? If so, I need to get on that already.

  16. You got some awesome books this week!!!! I hope you like Pushing the Limits. I don't read a lot of contempt myself but I really, really liked it. And I just saw a review for Even Zombies so I'm thinking about adding that series to my TBR. Hope you get to read it soon, as in on the beach!!! Enjoy your holiday!!!

  17. What a lovely collection that you have here! I really enjoyed Uncommon Criminals, I hope you'll like it.

    My latest post: Showcase Sunday

  18. My turn to be jealous Maja! Rebel Heart?!! I want! I loved Pushing the Limits, I hope you do too.

    Glad to hear things are quieting down for you and you'll get some quality reading in soon. :)

  19. Wow, Maja! So many amazing books! You may want to give extra tip to your mailman because he has to carry many heavy books to your house LOL! x) I can't wait to hear what you think of Pushing the Limits! I'm reading it right now and it's full of good drama. :D Rebel Heart looks absolutely fabulous! Tempest looks amazing too! :)

    Happy reading, Maja! I hope you can read them soon! :)

  20. Okay, I almost didn't recognize Pushing the Limits because of the cover. It's very different from the US version. Hmm

    Can't wait to see what you think of Uncommon Criminals. Hope you have fun on the beach!

  21. UNCOMMON CRIMINALS!! Such a fun book and I can't wait for the next book in that series. I hope you enjoy. :)

  22. Majaaaaaaa, I'm reading Rebel Heart right now and can't wait to hear what you think! I'm cracking up at "Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues." Great title. I preordered Pushing the Limits, but your cover is way cooler.


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