Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Outpost by Ann Aguirre (2)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

For my second WoW post, I've chosen a sequel I've been dreaming about ever since I finished reading book one. Now that it has a cover, I can finally share my enthusiasm with you:

Expected publication: September 4th 2012.
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Hardcover, 336 pages

Deuce’s whole world has changed. Now living topside in a community called Salvation, she has a whole new set of problems. Down below, she was considered an adult, and she contributed to the whole. Now, topside, the people of Salvation think she’s a brat in need of training. She hates school, and she doesn’t fit in with the other girls. They’ve spent their lives learning to cook and sew–suitable woman’s work. Deuce only knows how to fight. To make matters worse, Fade keeps her at a distance, and the band of four has broken into fragments.
Stalker presses for a closer relationship, but Deuce sees him as a training partner, and she’s busy trying to find her place in Salvation. She refuses to accept that she’s wrong for being who she is, but tensions rise as she struggles against the status quo. Her feelings for Fade haven’t changed, but he seems not to want her around anymore. Confused and lonely, she starts looking for a way out. 
Once she’s free from school for the year, Deuce pursues a chance to serve in the summer patrols–those responsible for making sure the growers and planters can work the fields without danger of Freak attack. It should have been routine, little fighting, but things have been changing on surface, just as they did below ground. The Freaks are smarter. They’re watching. Waiting. Planning. The monsters don’t intend to let Salvation survive, and it will take a girl like Deuce to turn the tide

Enclave made it to all my lists of favorite 2011 releases. Usually when I love the first book so much, I'm a little scared to read the sequel because my expectations get sky high and I often end up disappointed. I have no such fear with Ann Aguirre. After reading exactly 10 of her novels and loving every single one of them, I trust her completely. There aren't many authors whose books I pre-order without hesitation, but I pre-ordered Outpost months ago, before it even had a cover. 

Oh, and just a quick note: we have moved to a custom domain (, but it takes a while for Google to complete the transfer so the old address isn't redirecting just yet. If you're having trouble commenting or if you can't see GFC, just go to our new address and everything will work fine. 


  1. Hey, I've been wanting to read Enclave for a while now, but hadn't found the time... Your pep talk about it and the author has made me push it up my TBR list ;)

    I'm an old GFC and new Networked Blogs follower :)

    Stop by my WoW and follow back?

  2. I've heard amazing things about Enclave! I haven't read anything by this author but glad to hear she is excellent! Thanks so much for visiting My WOW!

  3. I can't wait until this book is released! Enclave was amazing..

    My WoW,

  4. I still have yet to read any of her books. Hopefully, I remedy that soon!


  5. Wow, you've read 10 and I haven't read a single book by her! I love that because you're a fan of hers, you have total faith in her ability to deliver you an excellent sequel. I'll have to try Enclave ;)

  6. I haven't read the first book yet but I've heard some really great things about it !
    I definitely need to check it out ! :)

    My WoW

  7. I am so excited for this release as well! I cannot wait!

    Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW and Giveaway
    Renae @ Rolling with the Moments

  8. I remember how much you love this author's works, Maja. It must be awesome to have an author you can trust completely! <3 I still haven't read any of her books yet, so thanks for reminding me again! Hopefully I'll love it just as much as you did! :)

  9. OOoh just saw this a few blogs back! I have the first book on my TBR mountain finally! It sounded interesting and I got it at RT for free, so why not!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. I haven´t read the first book.
    thans for sharing.
    My WOW

  11. Ok ok I totally need to read Enclave like, yesterday! I actually planned to read it last weekend but then working on the blog design with PJ took most of my time. I definitely will though before this one comes out!

  12. I have been dreaming of this one, too! Enclave was brilliant and I can't wait to read about their new journey! Great pick!

  13. So excited for this one. I loved Enclave so much. OUTPOST!

  14. 10 of her novels? So it's safe to call you a fANNatic? hehhe

    I was directed to the dot com just fine. Yay!

  15. I love the cover to this! It looks totally creepy! Because I know how much you love Ann Aguirre I got Grimspace from the library yesterday! I hope I love it too! :)

  16. You know you love Ann Aguire when... ;) Haha, even though Enclave and I battled it out for a bit, I'm still SO excited to read this book!! Especially after being slightly brainwashed by all of your Ann Aguirre love this past month -- I'm only human, and I'm contagious to excitement! x) Plus, the cover is just as creepy-cool as the first one! :D

    Amazing pick for your WOW this week, Maja! <3

  17. Yes! I'm excited for this too! I loved Enclave and can't wait to see where Ann Aguirre takes things in this book. Great WoW choice! :)

  18. Gee, you're waiting on Aguirre... who would've thought :D I think this cover is super duper creepy and slightly better than Enclaves. Yep, I still have to get to Enclave (and Grimspace... and...)

    Nope, you can't throw anything at me THAT far!!! btw- buying your domain to move to WordPress soon, maybe???
    -Kristin @myparahangover

  19. Enclave was great, and that cover is fantastic. A nice set up from the first. And Enclave was also one of my favorites from 2011 and Grimspace, the only other novel of hers that I read was good! I like that you have such confidence in her writing (Not that I don't! I've lived what I've read so far;)

    Congrates on the move!!


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