Thursday, May 3, 2012

Summoning the Night (Arcadia Bell, #2)

Summoning the Night (Arcadia Bell, #2)Summoning the Night by Jenn Bennett

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Guess what, folks! It is entirely possible to write good urban fantasy without relationship drama or love triangle drama. Who knew?! Well, I did, and I guess Jenn Bennett did too because that’s what she delivered. After the sweet beginning of Cady and Lon’s relationship in Kindling the Moon, I thought they would surely start having second thoughts, realize that their age difference and Lon’s teenage son are too much to handle, or at least that one of them would be attracted to another person as well. I mean, that’s how these things go, right? Wrong! I never in my wildest dreams expected them to communicate, to be supportive and ready to commit to each other, but most of all, I didn’t think they’d end up solving paranormal mysteries together, like a family. Shows what I know.

Now that Arcadia Bell finally knows the truth about her parents, she’s free to live her life with Lon and his son Jupe, work in her tiki bar and learn about her Moonchild abilities. Or at least she should be. When Earthbound teens start disappearing and the connection is made between current kidnappings and a 30-year-old unsolved case, Cady and Lon are asked to investigate. Normally they would refuse such an assignment, but all the kidnapped teens are connected to Hellfire, a club of Earthbounds Lon belongs to, which means that Jupe might be next. With Lon’s son in danger, there’s really no way they could refuse.

As if that isn’t enough, Jupe is developing his knack earlier than most part-demons. His knack is very dangerous, especially in the hands of a fourteen-year-old boy: it turns out that he can compel people to do anything he wants just by talking to them. The parental struggles that ensue are both heartwarming and at times hilarious.

Everyone who has a soft spot for Kate Daniels’ kid Julie like I do, will fall in love with Jupiter in a second. Most of the humor in both books comes from him, but he also made me tear up once or twice. He is sweet, intelligent and very realistic.

I think I’ve already made it clear how much I love Cady and Lon together. I’d continue the series just for that, even if the rest wasn’t that good. I got a little angry with Cady in the second half when she didn’t stand up to Mr. Dare, but I understand her fear and the need to hide her identity. Again, what makes it better is that Lon knows all her secrets so she doesn’t have to worry about him abandoning her in the future.

If you’re like me and you’re always on the lookout for a good urban fantasy series, Arcadia Bell is an excellent choice. I don’t know when book three is coming out, but I know I’ll pre-order it.


  1. Oooh, I love the sound of this series! Like you I'm always on the lookout for an awesome UF series. While I don't mind the romantic drama most of the time, it can be tiresome and overly done. Looking forward to meeting these characters. Definitely going to check this series out. Thanks for the rec, Maja!

  2. Maja..i love urban fantasy and your awesome review has me seeking out book one in this series!

  3. That first paragraph makes me want to read this series 100x more than I already did! SO awesome.

  4. Great review Maja! I guess this is another series to add to the list of adult books I mustn't forget to read? I don't think I'd even heard of Arcadia Bell before. I'm glad you enjoyed this! :)

  5. Oh, that's always nice to see! Relationships have enough inherent drama! There's no need to throw in things like love-triangles to manufacture it. I feel like Stacia Kane does this really well too. Great review Maja!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, I just started Unholy Ghosts. I'm really excited about it.

  6. When I read the first paragraph of your review, I burst out laughing -- that's so true LOL! Urban fantasies tend to come hand in hand with love triangles nowadays, so it's always refreshing to come across one that puts the "kick" in "kick-butt" instead ;) I've never been that interested in adults books before, but ever since I started reading awesome reviews like yours, I literally have a separate list for some I need to get to soon! And there's just something lyrical about saying "Arcadia Bell" ten times fast haha :')

    Beautiful review, Maja! On my To-Read-In-Adulthood list it goes! ;) <3

  7. Lovely review, Maja. Being without a love triangle is certainly a plus! :)

  8. I'm really excited to check this series out! No love triangles? And they saved their drama for their mama? Fabulous! Thanks for the awesome review!

  9. Awww... What is it about little kids in UF that just melt your heart every time? I want to adopt Jupiter this instant! And I love that it sounds like he is very involved in the story. :)


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