Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feed (Newsflesh, #1)

Feed (Newsflesh Trilogy #1)Feed by Mira Grant

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A quick note: This review was first posted on GoodReads more than a year ago. I'm reposting it now in anticipation of Blackout, the final book in the Newsflesh Trilogy. I'd probably write it differently today, and it would probably be better, but I think my first, very emotional reaction carries at least some weight. This is still my favorite book in the entire world, and I've read some pretty amazing books. I hope those of you who haven't already will consider reading it soon. 

This book broke my heart. Twice. Today I have a headache and puffy bags under my eyes. But it was worth it.

Kellis-Amberlee is a fact of existence. You live, you die, and then you come back to life, get up, and shamble around trying to eat your former friends and loved ones. That's the way it is for everyone.

Two of my favorite books this year both have zombies in them. One is The Reapers Are the Angels. The other is Feed. But they are really very different books, because The Reapers Are the Angels is completely character based. Temple is the only constant – you live and you die with her. Reading the first half of Feed felt very much like watching a documentary. This is a book about politics, about the clash of generations, about a world that is terrified. It’s about standing up for your beliefs, choosing your priorities and knowing who to trust. It’s about friendship, convictions and brotherly love.

It is the year 2039. and the world after the Rising is a very different place. Adopted siblings Georgia and Shaun Mason and their friend Georgette "Buffy" Meissonier are journalists. The three of them run their own news blog. They are the first bloggers ever to be allowed full access to a presidential candidate and they intend to make the most of it. They have George to lead and be as objective as possible, they have Shaun using his people skills to open the doors for them, and, thanks to Buffy and her technology, they have eyes and ears everywhere – which can be both good and very dangerous. Their ratings are suddenly going up and their credibility is as strong as ever (which is all George really cares about). But politics is a dirty business and before they know it, they find themselves in a world of trouble.
If I would have to choose a single word to describe each of them, Georgia would be truth, Shaun would be adventure, and Buffy would be emotion. All three of them are weird in their own way, but they are also amazing persons.

It is with great joy that I report that the youth of America aren’t actually riddled with ennui and apathy; that the truth hasn’t been fully forsaken for the merely entertaining; that there’s a place in this world for reporting the facts as accurately and concisely as possible and allowing people to draw their own conclusions. I’ve never been more proud of finding a place where I can belong.

There is no romance in Feed. Georgia and Shaun don’t date. In fact, George doesn’t even touch people other than her brother. But there’s heart in every sentence and there are emotions too big for words. Seanan McGuire did extensive research for this book - it involved doctors, epidemiologists, technicians and people who were willing to try some of the stunts she described. That’s just one of the things that make this book amazing.

Feed is a Hugo Award nominee and the winner of 2010 Goodreads Choice Award for Science Fiction. 

The second book, Deadline, was released on May 31st 2011. The third book, Blackout is expected on May 22nd 2012.


  1. I'm about 10% in and I'm really enjoying it. It's different, which is a great thing.

    1. I just wish they did a better job with the audio. It's good, but not as good as the second book, Deadline, for which they changed both narrators. I guess they could afford it once the money started trickling in.
      In any case, I hope you don't get discouraged by all the politics later on. It is definitely worth it.

  2. I love Feed. I love Mira Grant. And I love everything Newsflesh. This book made me eat everything I could get my hands on just to stop squealing and made me cry bucket of tears. This is an incredible series and I thank Mira Grant for taking the zombies into the next level. Never liked them before but after reading Feed, I'm surely hooked. I surely can't wait for Black Out, I have it on pre-order on TBD! :D

  3. Zombies? 5 stars? COUNT ME IN!!! Lol.

  4. Because Bonnie has hers from Orbit US and I have to ask Orbit UK (they're not nearly as nice) since Orbit US doesn't ship overseas. And that's it.

  5. Your enthusiasm for this book is as infectious as a zombie bite. You, missy, are the reason why I read this book and I am so glad! :D

    I'm already giddy at the thought of your review for Blackout!

  6. I don't know why it has taken me so long to pick up this series as it sounds wonderful. I know lots of people are fans of this and I can't wait to read it myself. Wonderful review Maja! I didn't realise this was your favourite book in the entire world but that's more reason for me to get a move on a read this soon. ;)

  7. I love this review Maja - I'm so glad you didn't update it. It's so cool to see all of your original enthusiasm come through. I am so excited to start Blackout but I'm scared out of my gourd too. What will she do to us now?!! I'm not sure I'll be able to survive it.

    1. We really shouldn't be asking ourselves what she'll do. What we should be asking ourselves is what's the worst that can happen. Because that woman just refuses to take it easy on our poor hearts.

  8. Wow, I think this has escaped my notice but you've definitely convinced me to read it and I completely understand how you were feeling at the time as today I am puffy-eyed and broken hearted after finishing Code Name Verity.

    I'm going to wait so I can read this series once the third book is out.

  9. Oh my wow, Maja, I can already feel my heart thumping out of my chest just by reading your review! Until literally this year, I didn't like zombies AT ALL so I really need to add some epic zombie books to my favourites list too! And I love how there's a girl (nick)named Buffy in this book too -- I don't know why, but it makes me smile. Plus, she's a blogger! Journalist, okay, but it still makes me love her more! x)

    Beautiful review, Maja! <3 As a general rule (of a hopeless romantic), I don't usually read books without romance in them but I'm more than willing to make an exception for this book just because of how much you loved it! :')

  10. Aaaannnddd now I want to read Feed again. Even though I just read it a couple months ago. Such an amazing book! This is a wonderful review, Maja!

  11. Maja, I've heard wonderful things about this series but haven't read a review (at least not one I remember). I love zombie books and the fact that this is your favorite book is a high recommendation! Plus, the last book will be out soon, no waiting, yay! I'm wondering why this had you crying, though. Also, the no romance thing....little disappointed there. I have to read this as soon as I get a few galleys out of the way. Great review as usual, lovely! :)

  12. Maja, I'm so glad you reposted this review because I missed it the first time around. And it's your favorite book of all time?? Consider it added to my TBR!


  13. I don't do zombies. Seriously, I find them icky and creepy but your review had me reconsidering. I tried an adult zombie that stuck to gore, a bleak atmosphere, and a running thought of "please let me finish this book without throwing up". Because I find the non-zombie parts compelling and your 5 star rating, I'm willing to give this one a chance.

  14. Wow, your favorite book! I'll have to check it out. New follower here--happy blogging!

  15. Maja, I HAVEN'T read Feed yet, but I swear up and down to you that I will. When it first came out, I was feeling very anti-zombie, and I still refuse to read the bulk of zombie books, but every once in a while one catches my eye and I must read it. This is one of those, and now that the series will be completing, I'm there! I love that there's no romance, but it's still packs an emotional whollop. I'll try to read it when I don't have to get up and work the next day. :P

  16. Oh my god, you gave this book 5 stars? I had no idea that you liked it so much!

    Bahaha, just kidding, Maja. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why you even talk to me since I have yet to read the second book.

  17. "But there’s heart in every sentence and there are emotions too big for words."

    It's hard to imagine being able to convey a message better than that, but if anyone could do it, it would be you.

    Zombies aren't typically my thing, but if I'm gonna give them a go, then I'd probably start with The Reapers Are the Angels since it's character based. But I do have Feed already sitting on my shelves. Just need to make time for it.


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