Friday, May 18, 2012

Review of Endgame (Sirantha Jax, #6) + Giveaway!

Endgame (Sirantha Jax, #6)Endgame by Ann Aguirre

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ever since I started blogging, I've been going on and on about Ann Aguirre's books and how much I love them. The time has come for me to tell you why. Ann Aguirre understands life, she understands love, she understands war and the very basic human nature. She knows what makes people tick and how far they would go to defend what they love and that knowledge reflects in her work. Endgame is no exception. If anything, it is the best of her books so far.

In this last book of the series, Sirantha Jax makes good on her promise to Loras and travels to La’heng, accompanied by Vel, to try to free the La’hengrin from the Nicuans. The cure for the shinai-bond is finally functional, if not entirely safe, and Loras’s people have a chance to stand up and fight, something they haven’t had in a very long time.
When peaceful measures fail to convince Nicuan nobles to make the cure available to the La’hengrin, Loras, Jax, Vel and a few other very competent friends are left with no choice but to form the La’heng Liberation Army and start a war to free Loras’s people from slavery.

A war is never glamorous, no matter how just the cause. It always means hard choices and sacrifice for everyone involved. It means being hungry, filthy and cold. It means blurring the line between right and wrong, committing atrocities in the name of freedom and losing yourself while fighting for what you believe in. That is the side of war Aguirre decided to show us, and I can’t thank her enough for it. It is the side we rarely get to see.

Jax doesn’t get to be a hero in Endgame. She doesn’t get to rush in, make a wild and stupid decision that somehow ends up working despite the odds, and save the day. Not because she isn’t capable of pulling it off, she is, she’s done it before, but because we all become insignificant and small in the face of war, including Sirantha Jax.

It is hard to believe that something that started as a sci-fi romance series, a sub-genre that’s rarely taken seriously, ended up being so full of valuable lessons. Seeing the world through Jax’s eyes, enjoying her unique worldview, learning about the way she prioritizes and deals with the consequences taught me a thing or two about myself. And yet, Jax never took the intensely philosophical and lecturing tone. If anything, her chopped up grammar and matter-of-fact way make her a very unlikely source for Big Truths of Life. She just told her story like it is and you’re free to take away whatever you want from it.

This is not a love story.
It is my life, and as such, there is love, loss, war, death, and sacrifice. It’s about things that needed to be done and the choices made. I regret nothing.

Eleven is the number of books by Ann Aguirre I’ve read and loved so far. She is the only author in the world I can say that about. The fact that she’ll keep writing makes it easier for me to say goodbye to Jax. No one will ever replace her, but I know that so many other fantastic heroines sleep in Aguirre’s mind, waiting to be awoken and introduced to the world. Jax deserves her rest.

Goodbye, Jax. Mary bless and keep you.

Because I’m feeling especially emotional today, I’m giving one of you a chance to win a copy of Grimspace, or any other book in the Sirantha Jax series. The giveaway is international, anywhere The Book Depository ships. Just fill the Rafflecopter below and keep your fingers crossed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Just recently heard about Ms. Aguirre on Twitter. I now have Grimspace on my TBR list on Goodreads. I'm looking forward to a new, exciting author to read.

  2. Loved the review - I so need to pick this one up!

  3. I have never read her before and would love to be introduced to a great new series

  4. The sequel to Enclave, the name of which I'm totally blanking on right now. SO SOON. OUTPOST. That's what it's called. haha. Thank you, brain.

  5. Well, this is the first time I hear of this serie!! Looks awesome! ;)

    I so know what you're feeling - I hate and love when a serie ends. I'm sad because it really feels like you've lost a friend. And I feel happy because nontheless, there is almost always a happy ending :) :)

  6. This is a fantastic review Maja, you're reviews are making me feel guilty for not picking up one of Aguirre's books yet, Jax sounds bloody fantastic! Can't wait to meet her soon! And thanks for the giveaway my love! :)

    1. Forgot to answer the question, I have Grimspace at home, so I'm dying to read that or start the Sirantha Jax series! :)

  7. i would like book 3 of the serie because i've read the first one and i have the second on my shelves

    thanks you a lot for this international giveaway

    all the best

  8. I love Ann!!! I love Grimspace too. Great review and qoute. I really need to read the rest of these! And her other stuff. Thanks again. I didn't enter the giveaway ;)

  9. Thank you for your review. I don't want to give up Jax either. Your comments make me feel better about reading it.

  10. I love this review. I would love #6 -- Endgame. :)

    1. Endgame won't be out until September, but we can always preorder.

  11. thanks for the review and the giveaway, I would love to try the first one Grimspace, I keep hearing amazing things about this series.

  12. It's great that you have an author you absolutely adore, Maja. You and your amazing power of persuasion might be one the strongest reason I bought Enclave! x) I'm hoping to get blown away by her books, just like you! :)

    Another fabulous review from you! <3 Hopefully I can find time to read Enclave. :)

  13. I want to start the Sirantha Jax series, Maja! So Grimspace is my pick.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway my dear! :)

  14. Beautiful review Maja. I sort of skimmed the parts with the plot though, because I'm still only on book four. I must keep going! I love it when series end well.

  15. MAJA!! I love love LOVE reading about how much you love Ann Aguirre, and I love this review especially because you don't just say, "She's awesome, go read this!" Instead, you mention how she knows how to put emotions and life lessons in a book all next to some brutal war scenes to create LE livre extraordinaire! I'm not even kidding when I say I just took a break writing this comment because I had to put a hold on the first book of the series. Just so you know I'll be joining your AA fangirling soon :')

    Absolutely breathtaking review, Maja! I can't wait to get to this sixth best-of-the-best book!! :) <3

  16. Ooh, I can't wait to read this book. Sounds awesome! I may have just found a new favorite series to read. Yay!

  17. I take all your book recs seriously, Maja, so I'd start with Grimspace as it's the first book in the series.

    I love how much you love Ann's books, I've never read anything by her but I promise I will ;)

  18. I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for the release of Endgame! Your review makes me more excited than ever.

    1. (And I forgot to mention that the book I'd love to receive would be Endgame.)

    2. Sure, Christina, we can preorder Endgame for you if you win, although you'll have to wait until September to get your prize. :)

  19. I am waiting for ENDGAME as well - a very nice review!

  20. Grimspace/ i soo need 2 read this series

  21. I just started the first one and I'm loving it already. Also her YA dystopian Enclave looks very good ^^

  22. Enclave. It looks fantastic. I love giveaways. They introduce me to authors I've not read. Although I have bad luck I always feel like a winner when I find a new favourite author.

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  23. I haven't started this series so I would pick the fist book :)

  24. Awww, I'm sorry you're so sad! I love your reviews of her books!!! I had to skim a little, though, b/c I don't want to ruin anything. I'm going to pick up Grimspace off my shelf very soon :) I'd go for the second book in the series or leave it up to you if I should have the first one in Razorland or Corine Solomon :)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
    -Kristin @myparahangover

  25. ok, Ann Aguirre's books have been on my tbr, your review just pushed them up a little higher on the list. Thanks!

  26. I love your love of Ann Aguirre's books and this is a perfect ode to the Sirantha Jax stories. I honestly think about that guest post/interview she did for you where she talked about her upcoming story ideas and books and I get so excited. You're right that it is so rare to find an author who can write a lot of books and you love every one of them. I have very few I feel the same about.

  27. Great review, Maja. So far, I've only read the first book in the series. I plan to read the second one and hopefully the next books over the summer when I will have more free time.

  28. I've read Enclave by Ms. Ann Aguirre and I loved it. I'm really looking forward to reading more of her books. Hopefully I can start Sirantha Jax series soon. :)


  29. Probably Sirantha Jax #2 since I've recently read and enjoyed the first one.


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