Friday, May 11, 2012

Blackout (Newsflesh, #3)

Blackout (Newsflesh Trilogy, #3)Blackout by Mira Grant

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Worry not, my dears, this review is spoiler-free.

There are three things in this world I truly believe in. That the truth will set us free; that lies are the prisons we build for ourselves; and that Shaun loves me. Everything else is just details.
- Georgia Mason

There's not much I can say about the Newsflesh trilogy that I haven't said a million times before, nothing spoiler-free at least, and I refuse to spoil even the smallest detail for any of you. As a result, this will be more of an emotional outburst than an actual review, so feel free to abandon ship if you’re not a fan of my all-too-frequent displays of sentimentality. I apologize in advance.

How do you bring down a massive government conspiracy? You don’t. You do what the crew of After the End Times did: you run for your life, save a few people, bury more than a few, tell the truth, and make sure to get it all on camera. Oh, and you pay attention when the villain starts explaining his actions because there might be more to it than he’s ready to admit. And when you stop to think about it and realize that it’s not worth it at all, you keep doing it because there’s nothing else you can do, and you hope for the best.

” I didn’t dream of funerals this time. Instead, I dreamed of me and Shaun, walking hand in hand through the empty hall where the Republican National Convention was held, and nothing was trying to kill us. Nothing was trying to kill us at all.”

As the story progressed and the science in it became more and more wild, I kept expecting to reach the point where I’d stop believing it, where it would be too much, but I never did. Therein lies the talent of Seanan McGuire – she is able to make the craziest things sound entirely convincing. It helps that her sense of pacing is nothing short of extraordinary, not to mention her ability to emotionally manipulate her readers. It’s not easy to keep people engaged and utterly fascinated through more than 500 pages, and yet Seanan McGuire accomplished it no less than three times.

I could (and should) say that the Newsflesh trilogy ends with Blackout, but it doesn’t for me, not really. After 1800 pages, so much laughter, countless tears and a few frustrated screams, I know I’ll be back to reread it often. In fact, I’d already reread both Feed and Deadline more than once. Why would Blackout deserve any less? In any case, I’ve gained more from this experience than just a book I can label as my all-time favorite. I’ve bonded with people over it, and today I have the privilege of calling some of them my friends. We are a diverse group, but we started with this one thing we had in common, and in time, we developed some more. Therefore, it seems vastly unfair to call this just another trilogy. For me, it was much more than that. It was a chapter of my life and a truly life-changing experience.

Aside from the already released Countdown, Mira Grant will write two more novellas in the Newslesh universe, San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats, and How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea. Seanan McGuire will also launch another duology with Orbit: Parasitology and Symbiogenesis, as Mira Grant. The story will have nothing to do with the Masons, but I’m sure it will be amazing. I guess we still have something to look forward to after all.

We know that we were in the right
(The coming dawn, the ending night).
So here is when we stop the lies.
The time is come. We have to Rise.

-From Dandelion Mine, the blog of Magdalene Grace Garcia, August 7, 2041.


  1. Wow it's great to know this book had such an impact on you! I don't think I've ever come across a trilogy where I've loved all three books, but I'm so glad you've come across something so amazing that you can read time and time again! I will get to the second book asap I promise! Fab review Maja! :)

  2. An author who makes the craziest things sound convincing? Yes, please! Your review has certainly convinced me to add this to the TBR! Awesome review, Maja! <3

  3. :-O Are you a woman or a bionic reading machine? ;) Someday, SOMEDAY I will get to just sit down and read this book. Why does my family insist on visiting and spending time with me? It's just so rude. You're absolutely right though - whenever I get the time to sit down with this, I'm immediately sucked in. She really knows how to pace things. I can't wait to see what this shocking revelation is that you never saw coming. Great review Maja!

    1. Thank you, Catie! There was more than one, actually, surprise after surprise after surprise and I didn't see most of them coming. I AM a bionic reading machine, DUH. It's what I do. After all, I finished 5 Downside books in as many days. Sleep is overrated anyway.

  4. I can't wait for you to read this, and happy MOther's Day to you too, darling!

  5. I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH. I just got this book yesterday and will be reading SOON. AHHHHHHHH! Love it. It's like Mira Grant went in my brain and made books just for me. And you too apparently. :)

  6. I feel the need to run and hide every time I mention I haven't yet read these books. ;) I hope I can experience all the amazing soon and I'm sure you'll be ready to cheer me on when I do. Brilliant review/emotional outburst, Maja! The way you describe your feelings towards this trilogy is something I'm sure any reader can relate to with their favourite book/series. And it makes me want to pick this up even more!

  7. Oh, Maja, I NEVER worry about spoilers with your reviews, even when I haven't read the previous ones yet -- you always put the right amount of information to get me intrigued without spilling those juicy secrets! :) This book sounds completely different from everything I'm used to reading, so completely different that I haven't even HEARD of it until now, but the way you said it was life-changing and more than a book to you... BEAUTIFULLY worded, Maja! I don't think I could ever be more intrigued by this book than I am right at this moment!

    What a gorgeous review, Maja! Mira Grant is officially an author high up on my must-read radar! :) <3

    1. Thank you, beautiful! I'm so worried that you won't like it, it is extremely light on the romance.

  8. Zombies and a 5/5 rating? How haven't I heard of this series before?? And that's awesome that you like all three of the books, usually they seem to lessen after the first book unfortunately. I will definitely have to check this series out, thanks for sharing!

    P.S. I'm a new follower here, nice to meet you! :) *waves*

  9. Awesomesauce! I still need to read Deadline...but this really needs to happen soon. Feed was so great, and I can't wait to see how it all ends! Love the review, Maja!

  10. Oh, my favorite series comes to an end. I'm so happy and so sad about it ;))
    Can't wait to read it too, it looks like it's gonna be as amazing as the previews books in the series :D

  11. All-too-frequent displays of sentimentality? I love every word you write, Maja, and even before I start reading this, I know that I'm going to love your review! This series sounds amazing and I just got Feed this week, so I'm hoping to start it soon! So glad that you love this book so much! I was worried when you mentioned that you keep reading disappointing books, so I'm happy that you've read something amazing lately! x)

    1. Woohoo! I'm so glad you got yourself a copy of Feed! I will be keeping an eye out for your updates and review. OH, who am I kidding? I will totally stalk you until you read it. :)


    Sorry about the capital letters but JEEZ, this series just needs them, doesn't it?

    Brilliant review, Maja. I know that if a flesh eating undead zombie is about to eat me, my last thought will probably (read: definitely) be "I bet if this was a book, Maja would read it".

    You are the zombie queen and I love this review. :)

    1. You're one of those people I was lucky enough to get to know better through these books, so that's another thing that makes it more important to me than it would have been otherwise.

  13. I can really tell that you love this book, and the entire series, Maja and I love that you were able to bond and make friends thanks to this series :) I am definitely adding these books to my to-read list

  14. I read this the other day and you, Michelle's and Bonnie's review got me to finally jump in. I haven't gotten very far yet in book one but so far I like it. I love how intelligent the narration is.

  15. I probably need to read this series. I'll admit it: the length kind of scares me. Plus the fact that most zombie apocalipse tend to be very similar in one way or another... But then I read your review. I know you don't rave about books as easily as that, and if this story is truly so unique for you, then I know it has to be worth the time investment to read it. And I will.

    Thanks for the great review, Maja!

    PS. I know I'm not around as much as I should... I'm sorry! Life's gotten so hectic that sometimes I just want to crawl under a rock and hide until the sun explodes. I'm hoping to fix it, though! :)

  16. There is nothing better than bonding with strangers over a book/series you love! Makes me wish I was part of the original bandwagon. LOL


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