Saturday, February 16, 2013

Review: Blood Prophecy (Drake Chronicles, #6)

Blood Prophecy (Drake Chronicles, #6)Author: Alyxandra Harvey
Series: Drake Chronicles, #6
Release Date: January 8th 2013
Publisher: Walker Children's
Paperback, 496 pages
Buy: Amazon
         The Book Depository

I went into this knowing I’d have a hard time saying goodbye to the Drakes (and Hamiltons), but fairly optimistic about the whole thing anyway. After all, this series is a favorite of mine, a guilty pleasure, if you will, since it’s not exactly what one might call a quality read, but it’s cute and fun nevertheless. Not even in my wildest dreams had I considered that I might end up struggling through it, forcing myself not to put it down, or after that battle was lost, bribing myself to pick it up again. But that pretty much describes my state of mind through the first 30% of Blood Prophecy. It was tedious, unnecessarily complicated and boring.

However, right around the 30% mark, it was as if someone flipped a switch and I got to reunite with all the characters as I remembered them. Things got better fast, and they stayed that way until the very end. It still wasn’t a quality read but I didn’t care much, just like I didn’t care with the first five books.

Heroes didn’t get a say in this one, the burden of storytelling fell entirely to our heroines. Most of the chapters were told from Lucy’s and Solange’s points of view, but there were some from Hunter’s, Isabeau’s and Christabel’s as well. Since the Drakes & Co. were being attacked from all sides, each of them had quite a story to tell.
”Anyone else think evil should take a vacation so we can catch a nap?”

Most of the plot was centered around Solange, of course. It’s been so long since I actually enjoyed reading about her that it took a while for me to remember the real Solange – fierce, loyal and maybe a bit shy. When it became clear why I didn’t like her in any of the last four books, I had to conclude that Alyxandra Harvey is a bit brilliant, even when she’s writing fluff. I always write my reviews spoiler-free so I can’t really go into detail, but I look forward to discussing Solange with other Drake Chronicles fans after they finish the book.

The Drake Chronicles are, in fact, fluff, but that doesn’t mean I liked them any less. Quite the contrary, in fact. Having a feel-good series I can always go back to is strangely comforting. And if I could choose a best friend from any of the characters I’ve been reading about in the last few years, I would choose Lucy Hamilton in a heartbeat. Well, unless we’re talking friends with benefits, in which case my choice would probably be more dark and brooding. But I digress…

There will be more e-novellas featuring the Drakes and there’s been some talk about a spin-off, but that’s still unconfirmed. Either way, knowing this isn’t the last we’ll see of Lucy, Nicholas, Hunter, Quinn and others makes saying goodbye somewhat easier.


  1. Oohh I've never tried this series before, though I've read pretty good reviews for it so far :) I'm happy the pacing picked up after a while! I love guilty pleasure books so I have to check this out some time! Awesome review, Maja<3

  2. Great review, Maja! I sort of feel the same way about this series. I've had mixed thoughts occasionally with a couple of the books, but I can't deny that it's been somewhat fun reading them. I need to catch up soon though! It's a shame the beginning was a struggle, but I'm glad you got back into it eventually.

  3. I have this novel but haven't read the others in the series -- should I read the others first? I'm curious about Solange. She sounds like an intriguing character (even if she was rather unlikeable in some of the other books). Plus, I love Bracken's writing.

  4. I've been curious about this series I heard a lot about Alyxandra Harvey and been wanting to try out her books. I often feel like this time in a series--book 6-7 or so it can get a little tedious. luckily this turned around in this one at the start but some of them take at good 60% to get going I find. Especially the last Sookie books I read--which weren't the most recent ones bc I kind of gave up completely on that series.

    But anyways this sounds like something I'd really like--they sound great for a change of pace, being lighter and fluffy-- I'll have to keep an eye out for the first book I even think it might be on the sales table at my bookstore by now! ;)

  5. This isn't a series I have read. I am glad you are looking forward to more of these characters.

  6. That's unfortunate that this was a little disappointing, Maja. Solange is not my favorite so I'm not sure how I feel about her POV. Lucy of course is the clear winner in this series, so at least we have her to balance things out. I have 2 books to catch up on before I pick this one up which shouldn't be too hard because they're pretty fast reads. Great review. :)

  7. I'm glad to hear this picked up for you Maja. I've only given the last few books three stars and tbh I'll only be reading this to see how the series ends. But if I struggle too much, I know I'll give up. I seriously doubt that I will pick up any novellas or spin offs, I kind of just want to be done with this series now. But I agree about Lucy, she was probably the shining light in this series so I'm glad to hear we get her POV again in this. I haven't been able to stand Solange in the last few books so it's good that she'll be going back to her old self. Great review Maja :D

  8. I haven't read this series and it's a little disappointing that the beginning was so slow, but I'm thrilled that it wound up being satisfying by the end. Great review, Maja! I'll have to check this out, I think..

  9. I haven't read this series. In fact, I haven't even heard of it. But I'm all for guilty pleasure reads!

  10. I tried to read the first book in this series a couple years ago because Harvey is a Canadian author but I just couldn't get into it and gave up.

    Is it just me or do the cover models kind of resemble the ones on Jennifer Armentrout's Lux series?

  11. I haven't read this series yet, but I do love guilty pleasure reads. I've heard a lot of people who love Vampire Academy also like this series, and that's one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I think it's time I gave this one a try! I'm glad the last book turned around for you and that you were able to enjoy it overall. Wonderful review! :-)


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